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  1. #11
    New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    regulators are scared of money laundering so tight contols and reporting requirements.

    Not surprising considering the rip off and laundering in the past.

    Administrators will also want to increase their tax take so costs will be HIGH

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Veteran awoll714's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    regulation is needed more and more everyday. we thought full tilt was bad now everyone is banking on that stuff. and who plays poker police do we know 100% that specific sites are clean and honest. my concern here is bovada. last week i lost 5,000.00.
    everytime i was all in vs 12% or less i literaly lost every stack i lost to 1 outters over and over. thought i was having bad luck took a break.
    came back to having people constantly shoving stacks into my floped straights flushs fullhouses to lose to magic runner runner or just bad river.honestly i could believe bad luck but when you lose to runner runner 4 major hands in a row time to question some shit. like this move happen to me i have a8 button 1 player in front of me sng we both have around 1500 chips he bets 200 into me on a a44 flop i clearly know he has nothing i put him all in he insta calls with j3 turn river J J im elimated instantly. i have the records to many hands like this. not sure if people are cheating or its just a mess. from here on out i will never touch bovada again i counted 98 hands in 3 days where all my chips were in and lost to 12% or less many times i lost to runner runner which i believe carry 1% or around there. not trying to e negative just wanna help.

  3. #13
    New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Ojala lo legalicen

  4. #14
    New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Yo creo que en el algun momento se les va a dar

  5. #15
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    good thing

    i think thats the only way to keep industry under control, otherwise who knows what could some companies or persons do to abuse pokersites for their own welth

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