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  1. #31
    Elite PokerOwned Member P0K3R4F00D's Avatar
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    Oct 2012

    Ivey ivey ivey

    Hmm. interesting!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    I poker face off and now she faceless.
    I poker so much I deserve a bracelet!

  2. #32
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2013
    It should be clear that there are 2 different issues. Ivey won i believe it was 11 mil in a UK casino a while back, at the end of the night he asked them to wire him his winnings. The casino only sent him his original 1 mil buy in and said that they were investigating. It wasn't until much later, after looking though hours of security footage, that they accused him on edge sorting. I feel that it is worth mentioning that the person he was playing with is banned from several casinos world wide. here is a link to a story about the first incident. Phil Ivey: Gambler won ?7.8m by 'reading' the back of cards | Mail Online

    I guess the real question is if edge sorting is cheating. I mean it is information that any player can use, so he certainly does not have an unfair advantage over other players, outside of the skill of being able to pick up on the imperfections on the cards. He isn't marking the cards himself. In my opinion all he is doing is taking advantage of all the information possible, same as a card counter and card counting isn't considered cheating. The goal of a player VS house game is obviously to beat the house, why should a player not be able to use all the legally gained information at his disposal? What if while playing black jack the dealer makes a mistake and accidentally flips his bottom card somehow, is the hand dead? if not, and a player hits his 19 because the dealer has 20, is it cheating if he spikes the 2 and wins? It is the same premise, the house made a mistake and used cards that gave the player an advantage.

  3. #33
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2014
    I dont know why poker playing pros play casino games ..seems to be a waste of your grinding skills to just go bet it on blackjack e.t.c..

  4. #34
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by easyweight View Post
    I dont know why poker playing pros play casino games ..seems to be a waste of your grinding skills to just go bet it on blackjack e.t.c..
    Probably for variety. And if you can win 11 million in one night doing it, that's far better than you can generally win a poker!
    I'm not slurring my words. I'm talking in cursive. I believe the ladies find it to be quite elegant.

  5. #35
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2014
    True but you can lose out the Same way too

  6. #36
    PokerOwned God
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    Oct 2011
    on the news this morning about the bogota casino he is in trouble

  7. #37
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jul 2013
    Ivey is the man long live King Ivey!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    he will win this case

  9. #39
    Seasoned Veteran
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    I like that ur amused happens hahaha
    April 19, National Poker Day

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