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  1. #1
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Carbon 6.0 as reposted on 2+2


    The performance issues were found to be caused by a very specific bug. When this happened, it was looping a process continuously, which would then cause all games on that particular server to suffer performance issues until the server eventually shut down. This is why some games were playing through perfectly while others were not, as some servers were operating normally while others were being affected.


    1. errors while playing and client shutsdown.Running windows xp
    2. Lobby > Account > Player Avatar - Takes 5+Minutes to load
    3. starting balance in the HH doesnt update - Stays on your initial buy in for that table
    4. Hand History brings up a directory? Will default to last hand played
    5. Inability to see tables Im currently at with ease (the old blue button denoting a currently occupied table).
    6. The little clock that would show up next to a SnG once you registered as well as when you were on the waitlist for a cash table.
    7. Removing the 'My Games' widget makes it very tough for players to have any idea what they are signed up for.
    8. Tournament coupon area revamping
    9. Cash game defaults are not consistent, will make the defaults more consistent
    10. Tournament filter is having issues. Unselecting satellites does not remove all the satellites. Similarly, removing full ring does not remove the FR tournaments. Haven't tried this with SNGs. Unselecting the "VIP Points Entry" option will sometimes remove tournaments that can be bought into with cash
    11. Blind issue in short handed games that go to heads up. Fix is being developed now
    12. Dealer button issue. Inconsistent placement will be resolved to ensure it is always placed just to the players left.
    13. Stopping popups coming in over the game table.
    14. Some of the drop down menu items at the top do not work in Win XP 64, when I run in Win XP compatibility mode they work ( Player to player transfers is one of them)
    15. Main lobby does not display amount of time for late registration. The drop down triangle shows "Start Time" the same as "Registration End". When a tournament is in late registration, the drop down that appears after clicking the triangle is incorrect -- the "Late Registration Ends In" box is completely blank.
    16. can only open Player to Player Transfer, Player to Player Transfer History or Real Money Ledger once. Once I open one of those options, close the popup, and attempt to reopen any of them, it won't load.


    1. Main lobby does not show when late reg will end.
    2. Any consideration to being able to expand the client horizontally?
    3. Game statistics tab does not show VIP points earned. The old info tab did. This is very useful info for promotions that require such tracking.
    4. Player notes require a click and a dropdown menu to activate where as a double click used to bring them up. This new implementation requires more time and concentration and is bad news for multi-tablers playing hundreds of hands an hour.
    5. Tables not showing the players seated simply by clicking it. There could be an option perhaps to auto-expand any highlighted table.
    6. Two options that were removed from the old software are the register button in the lobby and the info tab in sng's. Both of these features are huge for sng grinders.
    7. Auto Post Blinds button: If I am sitting at a 10 max limit table by myself, a guy joins to play me, there is no auto post on the tables. I have to click post bb or sb every hand we played heads up.
    8. Highlighting Tables You are seated at in lobby: When you sit at a table it does not highlight it or color code it in the lobby. So if you open 15 tables and sit down right now and then look at the lobby I cannot see what tables I am actually sitting at.
    9. Hide Empty Tables (in lobby) feature is gone.
    10. Bringing back mini mode, very popular.
    11. there is no reason AT ALL why I would not want my time bank to be activated by DEFAULT. Having to click away the 'red X' is annoying and a waste of unnecessary time.
    12. Info tab removed from MTTs. Please add it back. I'd like the info tab to include, Your Stack, Average Stack, Number of People Remaining, Total Registered, Blind Level, Next Blind Level and Time Until Blind Increase.
    13. 'Info' tab in SNG and tournies on the table (showed what position in chips you were, how many players left)
    14. Having to right click and then click again to access notes is difficult. There needs to be a one click/double click option available.
    15. Client cannot be made wider. You can only increase/decrease size vertically
    16. Being able to view players at table in lobby
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    Saw this earlier this afternoon... There working hard there is no doubt about that... They might not be the smartest crayons in the box but there working around the clock to fix everything.

    Personally Ive had no problems today and everything is running smoothly with little lag. Hope that keeps up and they can slowly fix the other minor issues and bugs.

    The software looks great and just with they would have handled the release a lot better but thats not Carbons fault it was Merge's decision and those 2+2 reps have just been taking a beating the last 36 hours.

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member RWPFhero's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Thanks for the info. I think they will have it very smooth very soon!

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    nice post zab!!!! number 10,,, i really miss too. altho hard to imagine th ey will br ing back stuff, but i hope they will also I MISS nuber 13 too.and NUMber 5 esp importand,, wehn u were llooking for a good cash table.. so i hope they willlook at some of tthese things too and fix some of them also.. soooon

  5. #5
    PokerOwned God
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mpettit2 View Post
    Saw this earlier this afternoon... There working hard there is no doubt about that... They might not be the smartest crayons in the box but there working around the clock to fix everything.

    Personally Ive had no problems today and everything is running smoothly with little lag. Hope that keeps up and they can slowly fix the other minor issues and bugs.

    The software looks great and just with they would have handled the release a lot better but thats not Carbons fault it was Merge's decision and those 2+2 reps have just been taking a beating the last 36 hours.
    just yersterday you were threating to pull off your money off the site, what sayin

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    i would like to have mini mode back. I also liked having the little tabs down there, where you can switch from chat to your stats to tourney info. Also am not liking the hand history, don't have time to open it, find the game than find the hand. it is a hassle. otherwise, i like the improvements other places. Hopefully they fix a few things, but i think they are going in the right direction

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Apr 2012
    How do you mute the dealer chat in the new version, I can't find the setting anywhere.

  8. #8
    New Member
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    Oct 2011
    I don't like the new Carbon.

    Why make this change?
    Last edited by ssuglia; 06-21-2012 at 05:31 PM.

  9. #9
    Elite PokerOwned Member RWPFhero's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    They should fix the time clock. If you sit out, it starts counting down.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
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    tourney lobby lags

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