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  1. #21
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    well i guess we'll all no soon since las vegas annoonced they will be opening an online casino, i cant wait wooohoooo

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    May 2012
    am i a criminal for being a freeroll ho ???????

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by treeman69 View Post
    well i guess we'll all no soon since las vegas annoonced they will be opening an online casino, i cant wait wooohoooo
    Do you live in Nevada? For the time being each state that is allowing online poker, online casinos, online sports betting or horses (and each state is different) Is only intrastate, And there expecting to make it interstate later. But still it will only apply to states that deem it legal.

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I hate these rules pertaining to the American poker and gambling laws. I suggest all you Americans move up here to Canada and make a ton of money for our economy

  5. #25
    Elite PokerOwned Member IWASLION's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Even if you are breaking the law, the fact that you are even morally concerned alludes to the fact that you are most likely not a criminal. Unjust laws do not require observance. As a matter of fact almost all of our heroes are criminals in the eyes of someone at some point.

  6. #26
    Elite PokerOwned Member IWASLION's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Where can I find info on this?

    Quote Originally Posted by treeman69 View Post
    well i guess we'll all no soon since las vegas annoonced they will be opening an online casino, i cant wait wooohoooo

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SyKoChiller View Post
    The question of me being a criminal was meant as a joke really! It's insane that law enforcement could come and arrest me for playing a game online. But they technically could if they decided to. Its sort of like what is going on with states declaring marijuana legal, allowing the growers/farmers and dispensaries/clinics setup operation in plain view of everyone with licenseing and legal guidelines to follow. Then the FED pick and choose which ones they will attack. Repelling from military helos in special forces uniforms, full light body armor with full auto carbine assault rifles into a farm or garden to kill some plants. - Sounds like $ well spent LMFAO

    -- THE END IS NEAR --
    its NOT illegal to play olp its illegal for these banks to accept transactions for gaming sites no cops gonna come arrest u for it rofl

  8. #28
    PokerOwned God CUSTOMTABLES's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    fuk the doj....fuck the laws...and fuck the morons saying shit is illegal bc its not....its not illegal to oplay online!! ffs

  9. #29
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Dec 2010
    No, if these gambling sites are available to play then your not breaking the law.

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Demi-God ssuglia's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonghead View Post
    its NOT illegal to play olp its illegal for these banks to accept transactions for gaming sites no cops gonna come arrest u for it rofl
    There are actually a few states (Washington being one) where it is illegal for someone to participate in any online gambling.

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    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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