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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Time to GET MINE ive been runnin hot.. HIGH FIVE

    Hello guys, I have broken out of my rut with over $1200 in winnings in the past 72 hours some for stakers some for me.
    I have hit 7 final tables with 2 wins and 1 2nd and 1 3rd place finish.

    Because of this I am selling shares for the high Five tourneys coming up next week on BCP. I will buying myself in on my dime but if any of you guys are interested in shares this will be my official thread.

    The Cut will be tentatively 60 percent backer cut but It could change either way as Id rather do 50/50 with the way I've been playing and since I'm paying my dime. I will work this out with the backers as they come.

    the games are from November 20th-24th coming up in a few weeks.

    Here is the schedule;

    November 20th 7:00 PM bcp time High Five #1 $75 + 7 ($82) 20k guaranteed

    November 21 7:00 PM BCP time High Five # 2 $60 + 6 ($66) 25k guaranteed

    November 22 7:00 PM BCP time High Five # 3 $100 + 9 ($109) 25k guaranteed

    November 23 7:00 PM BCP time High Five # 4 $150 + 9 ($159) 20k guaranteed BOUNTY $50 dollar a head which is sick. its a 6 max as well my favorite!!

    November 24 5:00 PM BCP time High Five MAIN EVENT $200 + 15 ($215) 150 k guaranteed!

    November 24 10:00 PM BCP time High Five "Last Chance" $40 + 4 ($44) 10k guaranteed

    in total buyins we have $675.. my current banrkoll is $250 so I can afford to buyin to a few of the events today, I already have a few people interested so as more shares are sold i will register for more events.

    Each share is going to be $25 bucks and there will be 27 shares. and each share would be worth approx 2.25 percent of the total profit from all 6 tournaments

    There is room for change here I am willing to see what you guys want to do with this!!!

    good luck to us
    Last edited by dpadgett1; 10-17-2013 at 03:13 PM.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    May 2013
    good luck to u man. hope u keep the hot streak going bro

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

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