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  1. #1
    I whine like a 5 year old girl
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    tarheel the scammer had to say this

    read fr

    tarheels: nah
    tarheels: im still on 5 accounts
    he also said he scammed NSS on purpose

    tarheels: why would i be just banned tarheels
    Dealer: RockSteady, you have 10 seconds to act
    Dealer: RockSteady has timed out
    tarheels: all it takes is diff ips lol
    tarheels: ur a fag
    Dealer: BloodOfKings wins Pot (40)
    Dealer: Starting Hand #29973072-10
    RockSteady: lmfao
    RockSteady: and you a scammer
    tarheels: yup
    RockSteady: low life bitch
    tarheels: lil g the shrimp?

    RockSteady: yea someone said u scammed them and other say ui didnt pay yo loanshark
    HenriLeChat: "I didn't scam anyone else"
    Dealer: tarheels wins Pot (20)
    tarheels: i was banned how am i going to pay a loanshark lol
    Dealer: Starting Hand #29973060-9
    tarheels: i had 0 defaults ever
    RockSteady: figure it out bish

    tarheels: i didnt scam anyone else lol and i shoulda scammed nss for the 300 he scammed
    RockSteady: lol
    Dealer: HenriLeChat, you have 10 seconds to act
    RockSteady: guess cant blame u for doing him lol
    RockSteady: jsut the other tho man
    tarheels: i dindt scam anhyone else lol

    RockSteady: why u run???
    tarheels: nss aka jet
    Dealer: HenriLeChat, you have 10 seconds to act
    RockSteady: u scammeed others too man
    tarheels: nah
    tarheels: just him lol

    tarheels: yup
    Dealer: RockSteady, you have 10 seconds to act
    tarheels: scammed a scammer* no harm in that
    RockSteady: u such a low life
    RockSteady: who a scammer???

    read from bottom to top i had to copy and paste it like that lol
    <TONelson> F'real I am glad you are still a MOD here man. You give a shit. That matters

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Hes a scammer and blamed me for no reason, i was scammed several times before and they put the blame on me.

    Im glad that little b`tch is gone

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Another fine example of a piece of crap.
    Pretty sad most ppl earn a living and live paycheck to paycheck, ppl like this, LCD and Dpad scam for a living and live happy meal to happy meal.

    They will all remain in their parents basements until they get kicked out.
    Last edited by Poof; 08-26-2014 at 12:19 PM.

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