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  1. #11
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    its still early in game, but sickread just got chip leader pot

  2. #12
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Well just visited Muppetville and liked it very well.... Guys are playing this plo8 mtt like they are on drugs. I just hope I accumulate enough chips before it becomes a lotto fest. I am way the CL early with 7k.... only a few people have moved from starting stacks.

  3. #13
    Experienced Member
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    May 2013
    Hello everyone, I want to warn you about sickread23 and staking/loaning chips to him. I play on Seals With Clubs website and I sold 500 chips on the site to sickread23 for $50 on April 15th. Today, May 5th he is now disputing the transaction on paypal. Although I may not have established any credibility on this forum, if you know anyone that plays on Seals With Clubs they will vouch that I am an honorable player. As you all know, when staking an individual you want to make sure you are dealing with someone 100% trustworthy and I am sad to report this individual is not. Mr. sickread23, you know what the right thing to do is, so if you clear up your scam to paypal, I will report this back on the forum, otherwise this is just the beginning. Poker is a gentleman's game, and I will not allow someone to not follow it's principles. I can provide further proof if anyone requests this information.

  4. #14
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011

  5. #15
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    I really don't know how to respond to this... I have indeed used PP 4 purchasing poker points and a few times used PP to purchase SWC and JS/BCP. My account is however locked atm. I tried to just go look now and it is locked. I know poker transactions are kinda frowned upon by PP.... idk exactly what this is about but I am looking into it. I know it looks like the crook here, and I have had 1 small incident with Potfan420, but I have bought and sold many funds and points for PP and had 0 problems. Feel free to flame me itt, but until I hear from PP what is exactly going on I ask that people reserve judgement. I am not a saint, but I did not steal from vucomedy. I could say that he is knew here and is trying to somehow smurtch my name, but I really don't know what exactly this is about as I can not even log into my PP. I have even checked for an email in my Yahoo account and found none. So atm I have nothing to say.... I "conveniently" share an account with a college buddy and I have very sparingly let him use my account. I will stop rambling, as the more I try to defend myself the more guilty I look. I really don't remember specifically doing a trade with Vucmody, but it is possible. I also have many people that I have done buisiness with on SWC like Grundle and Allen799 who is also here. I am sure I could dredge up a few more that would attest to my credibility. IDK what to say, but if I was going to create an account on SWC to scam someone with it would not be one with the same SN as PO.... I play here a lot and many of you I consider as a little more than acquaintances. ATM ?????

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jul 2011
    all it takes is anyone you have dealt with on pp to have a dispute and if you got funds from them then your account will be locked, i've seen this here before, hope it gets all straightened out, but here is more proof why it is not good to trade with pp, even with someone trustworthy, cause they could of dealt with someone who dealt with someone who scammed and you gotta deal with it.

  7. #17
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    yea PP and poker is NO GOOD

  8. #18
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by pokeyourface View Post
    yea PP and poker is NO GOOD
    Man I really wish that I had cashed tonight just so that when I paid you I would have attained a higher level of credibility here. All it takes is someone to say one bad thing about you, and even 100 good things become an afterthought. FMl.... It's even worse now that PP has locked my account.

  9. #19
    Experienced Member
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    May 2013
    Well let's just establish some basics- You are willing to agree you are sickread23 on SWC. Second, are you willing to agree that I, vucomedy sold you 500 chips on April 15th for $50? I can show my transfer to you on SWC, I have your yahoo email, and I have the dispute email that I received today. Now I'm glad you bring up Grundle, because I have been leery of doing business on paypal, but I have done numerous higher transactions for Grundle, and NEVER a problem, so if anyone knows grundle on here I'm sure he will vouch for me. My account is in fine standing with paypal, only 1 blemish... today from sickread23, who wants to make a claim saying he never received his goods. Do I need to copy and paste emails or transaction histories here Mr. sickread, or do you just want to do the right thing?

  10. #20
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by vucomedy View Post
    Well let's just establish some basics- You are willing to agree you are sickread23 on SWC. Second, are you willing to agree that I, vucomedy sold you 500 chips on April 15th for $50? I can show my transfer to you on SWC, I have your yahoo email, and I have the dispute email that I received today. Now I'm glad you bring up Grundle, because I have been leery of doing business on paypal, but I have done numerous higher transactions for Grundle, and NEVER a problem, so if anyone knows grundle on here I'm sure he will vouch for me. My account is in fine standing with paypal, only 1 blemish... today from sickread23, who wants to make a claim saying he never received his goods. Do I need to copy and paste emails or transaction histories here Mr. sickread, or do you just want to do the right thing?
    I already stated that I can not even log into PP atm. So I can not even look this up tbh. If you want to email PP through your account I understand and even encourage you as I would like to again gain access to my account. Yes my sn on SWC is sickread23... I really am not running but I have to leave for a second. I have responded to this itt with as much info as I can provide.

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