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  1. #11
    Survey Master
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    Jan 2012
    yea im not talking shit myself. just givin my opinion. if im wrong on the odds someone pls tell me

  2. #12
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    wow, honesty from a staker is refreshing. i wish all ppl called out bad plays honestly. gj tommy

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Agree with a lot that has been said here. Joe is a great player, let me start with that. I also agree with everyone who is saying he plays better with a stack. I dont agree with the AQ play. This is an example of where your raise size prices you in for the shove. If you raise 500-650 it is a much easier fold once u get shoved on. Also the JQ shove utg is rough. These seem to be the same two points ive been trying to point out to you about your leaks. Position and inflating your own pot odds. I know you don't agree with either points.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Joe is a good player, I'd def stake him if I had the bankroll. I am not trying to be harsh at all. Just hoping to contribute something to poker theory here.

  5. #15
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Mar 2012
    well then there will be better and really just patience

  6. #16
    PokerOwned God
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    Feb 2011
    Okay, I'm going to break down the 3 hands you posted here. You get AQ in mid position, and 2 guys limp early in the pot. I think the play here is to raise 4-4.5 bb's to 480 or 540, or honestly just flat and see a flop. The raise to 750 does 2 things you don't want. It puts you in a tougher decision to fold to the all in for 3,100, and it is pretty much going to force you to make a significant c bet on the flop if someone flats. The only really good thing it can do is take down the blinds and win you 420 chips, so the negatives are much worse than how good the positive are in this hand.

    In the second hand, you get K 10 and you're utg + 2. It looks like you had about 7 big blinds at the time. In certain spots I do fold this hand and wait for better, but it worked out to where you won the hand anyways. If this was a 12 or 15 minute blind game I definetly would of folded. In a 5 or probably even 10 I would of made the same play you did.

    In the 3rd hand, you get QJ under the gun with 13 big blinds and just shove it. This is honestly a horrible play. I don't even shove this on the button, I min. raise it. QJ under the gun is this spot is just a fold in my opinion. You made it sound like the call here was really horrible but it wasn't as bad as you think. I wouldn't call but alot of people would.


  7. #17
    PokerOwned God
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by tommy62278 View Post
    yea im not talking shit myself. just givin my opinion. if im wrong on the odds someone pls tell me
    He didn't even have 2 to 1. He had like 1.8 to 1 to call.


  8. #18
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by tommy62278 View Post
    hmm i staked you and watched you for a reason. you got game but only when youve built a stack. 1st hand AQ you got all your chips in with was a bad call. you did not have odds as you say. you have 750 in pot. 420 chips called otherwise. then the all ins shove add 750 so 1920 in pot n 3k more to call which means 5k in pot. cost you 3k to call. 1.5/1 at best which is not good odds. very easy fold. then you rebuild and shove 2500 with qj UTG wth!!!!! watching your play i went to 2 cash tables and tilted off 5$ so in total this whole idea cost me almost 9$ OUCH. not a GG sir
    12 BBs UTG bout to go thru the blinds, in a turbo i really dont see much more option here. Blinds were about to go up also so that leaves me w/8 or so after i go thru the blinds unless i pick up a monster to reship in one of em. And w/all the limping at that table its going to be hard to find an unopened pot to ship in.

    Quote Originally Posted by tommy62278 View Post
    you can win 8k for 3k i see your odds kinda but thats still 2.3/1 not too great
    When i was being coached/staked was always taught that al lu need is 2:1 to make this call n it was pretty close to that. Like i said, i can probly lay it down but w/4 limpers in the hand i gotta 6x at the minimum.

    Im not saying ur wrong or anything, just giving u my reasonings behind the plays. Thanx for the input.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSchmo View Post
    12 BBs UTG bout to go thru the blinds, in a turbo i really dont see much more option here. Blinds were about to go up also so that leaves me w/8 or so after i go thru the blinds unless i pick up a monster to reship in one of em. And w/all the limping at that table its going to be hard to find an unopened pot to ship in.

    When i was being coached/staked was always taught that al lu need is 2:1 to make this call n it was pretty close to that. Like i said, i can probly lay it down but w/4 limpers in the hand i gotta 6x at the minimum.

    Im not saying ur wrong or anything, just giving u my reasonings behind the plays. Thanx for the input.
    There was 2 limpers in the hand, and I completely 100% disagree with having to raise 6x at the minimum, or even the maximum.


  10. #20
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy62278 View Post
    hmm i staked you and watched you for a reason. you got game but only when youve built a stack. 1st hand AQ you got all your chips in with was a bad call. you did not have odds as you say. you have 750 in pot. 420 chips called otherwise. then the all ins shove add 750 so 1920 in pot n 3k more to call which means 5k in pot. cost you 3k to call. 1.5/1 at best which is not good odds. very easy fold. then you rebuild and shove 2500 with qj UTG wth!!!!! watching your play i went to 2 cash tables and tilted off 5$ so in total this whole idea cost me almost 9$ OUCH. not a GG sir
    Quote Originally Posted by RcktWrangler View Post
    There was 2 limpers in the hand, and I completely 100% disagree with having to raise 6x at the minimum, or even the maximum.
    Yeah, 2 limpers, not sure where i got 4, just rememberin wrong i guess. but still , thatsa 5x(i potted cuz ppl dont like to fold).
    N it was 13BBs, but pretty much 10 effective seeing as if i fold blinds go up to 250, then im in the blinds n down to 8.5 or so. Still dont think i can fold QJ UTG.

    Thanx for takin a look n addin some insight, i do appreciate it.

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