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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 15:52:53
    Game ID: 167948887 100/200 $3 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 1 is the button
    Seat 1: JasonTodd28 (3975).
    Seat 8: AuntVicki (9525).
    Player AuntVicki ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 has small blind (100)
    Player AuntVicki has big blind (200)
    Player AuntVicki received a card.
    Player AuntVicki received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [6c]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [8c]
    Player JasonTodd28 raises (300)
    Player AuntVicki calls (200)
    *** FLOP ***: [4s 2h 6h]
    Player AuntVicki checks
    Player JasonTodd28 bets (400)
    Player AuntVicki raises (1200)
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (3150)
    Player AuntVicki calls (2350)
    *** TURN ***: [4s 2h 6h] [Qh]
    *** RIVER ***: [4s 2h 6h Qh] [5d]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 7950. Rake 0
    Board: [4s 2h 6h Qh 5d]
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of 6s [6c 8c]. Bets: 3975. Collects: 0. Loses: 3975.
    *Player AuntVicki shows: Straight to 6 [3d 4d]. Bets: 3975. Collects: 7950. Wins: 3975.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 15:53:17

    Here ya go I found it, Bankroll as of right is at 32.81

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 17:35:23
    Game ID: 167974199 100/200 $1.50 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 1 is the button
    Seat 1: AbeLincoln (9505).
    Seat 4: conbob415 (3200).
    Seat 9: JasonTodd28 (795).
    Player conbob415 ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player AbeLincoln ante (25)
    Player conbob415 has small blind (100)
    Player JasonTodd28 has big blind (200)
    Player conbob415 received a card.
    Player conbob415 received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Ks]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [3s]
    Player AbeLincoln received a card.
    Player AbeLincoln received a card.
    Player AbeLincoln folds
    Player conbob415 raises (700)
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (570)
    Uncalled bet (30) returned to conbob415
    *** FLOP ***: [5c 10s 7d]
    *** TURN ***: [5c 10s 7d] [5h]
    *** RIVER ***: [5c 10s 7d 5h] [6d]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 1615. Rake 0
    Board: [5c 10s 7d 5h 6d]
    Player AbeLincoln does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    *Player conbob415 shows: One pair of 5s (kicker A) [9c As]. Bets: 795. Collects: 1615. Wins: 820.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of 5s [Ks 3s]. Bets: 795. Collects: 0. Loses: 795.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 17:35:53

    Balance cost 1.65 which leaves me with 31.16
    Balance after 3rd which leaves me with 33.86

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 17:26:31
    Game ID: 167971781 75/150 $1.50 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Seat 1: nonom45 (3454).
    Seat 2: happymoney99 (5629).
    Seat 3: FennecFox (1693).
    Seat 5: JasonTodd28 (1594).
    Seat 7: stu weinersmall (1130).
    Player FennecFox has small blind (75)
    Player JasonTodd28 has big blind (150)
    Player FennecFox received a card.
    Player FennecFox received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [6c]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Ad]
    Player stu weinersmall received a card.
    Player stu weinersmall received a card.
    Player nonom45 received a card.
    Player nonom45 received a card.
    Player happymoney99 received a card.
    Player happymoney99 received a card.
    Player stu weinersmall folds
    Player nonom45 folds
    Player happymoney99 folds
    Player FennecFox allin (1618)
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (1444)
    Uncalled bet (99) returned to FennecFox
    *** FLOP ***: [Qc Jd 9c]
    *** TURN ***: [Qc Jd 9c] [Qd]
    *** RIVER ***: [Qc Jd 9c Qd] [7d]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 3188. Rake 0
    Board: [Qc Jd 9c Qd 7d]
    Player nonom45 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player happymoney99 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player FennecFox shows: Two pairs. Qs and 9s [10d 9s]. Bets: 1594. Collects: 3188. Wins: 1594.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of Qs [6c Ad]. Bets: 1594. Collects: 0. Loses: 1594.
    Player stu weinersmall does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 17:27:0

    Balance cost 1.65 which leaves me with 32.21

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 1:9:22
    Game ID: 167807942 15/30 $1.50 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 6 is the button
    Seat 1: DarkFader (2997).
    Seat 2: shukatiti (1587).
    Seat 3: popsiniowa (1470).
    Seat 4: JasonTodd28 (1406).
    Seat 5: 42itous (1450).
    Seat 6: KGram21 (1590).
    Seat 8: stalin123 (1500).
    Seat 9: evetsabucs_22 (1500).
    Player stalin123 has small blind (15)
    Player evetsabucs_22 has big blind (30)
    Player stalin123 received a card.
    Player stalin123 received a card.
    Player evetsabucs_22 received a card.
    Player evetsabucs_22 received a card.
    Player DarkFader received a card.
    Player DarkFader received a card.
    Player shukatiti received a card.
    Player shukatiti received a card.
    Player popsiniowa received a card.
    Player popsiniowa received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Kh]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [As]
    Player 42itous received a card.
    Player 42itous received a card.
    Player KGram21 received a card.
    Player KGram21 received a card.
    Player DarkFader raises (90)
    Player shukatiti folds
    Player popsiniowa folds
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (1406)
    Player 42itous folds
    Player KGram21 folds
    Player stalin123 folds
    Player evetsabucs_22 folds
    Player DarkFader calls (1316)
    *** FLOP ***: [7c Qd 2d]
    *** TURN ***: [7c Qd 2d] [Qh]
    *** RIVER ***: [7c Qd 2d Qh] [3d]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 2857. Rake 0
    Board: [7c Qd 2d Qh 3d]
    *Player DarkFader shows: Two pairs. Qs and Js [Jd Js]. Bets: 1406. Collects: 2857. Wins: 1451.
    Player shukatiti does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player popsiniowa does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of Qs [Kh As]. Bets: 1406. Collects: 0. Loses: 1406.
    Player 42itous does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player KGram21 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player stalin123 does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
    Player evetsabucs_22 does not show cards.Bets: 30. Collects: 0. Loses: 30.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 1:10:3

    Balance cost 1.62 which leaves me with 30.59

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 16:55:46
    Game ID: 167963403 75/150 $3 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 4 is the button
    Seat 2: AbeLincoln (2165).
    Seat 4: shaners222 (4015).
    Seat 5: JasonTodd28 (685).
    Seat 8: lostweekend (2750).
    Seat 9: DIEGOPICO (3885).
    Player JasonTodd28 has small blind (75)
    Player lostweekend has big blind (150)
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Ac]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [8c]
    Player lostweekend received a card.
    Player lostweekend received a card.
    Player DIEGOPICO received a card.
    Player DIEGOPICO received a card.
    Player AbeLincoln received a card.
    Player AbeLincoln received a card.
    Player shaners222 received a card.
    Player shaners222 received a card.
    Player DIEGOPICO folds
    Player AbeLincoln folds
    Player shaners222 folds
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (610)
    Player lostweekend calls (535)
    *** FLOP ***: [4d 2s 6s]
    *** TURN ***: [4d 2s 6s] [Kh]
    *** RIVER ***: [4d 2s 6s Kh] [8s]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 1370. Rake 0
    Board: [4d 2s 6s Kh 8s]
    Player AbeLincoln does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player shaners222 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of 8s [Ac 8c]. Bets: 685. Collects: 0. Loses: 685.
    *Player lostweekend shows: One pair of Ks [Kc Qs]. Bets: 685. Collects: 1370. Wins: 685.
    Player DIEGOPICO does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 16:56:16

    Balance cost 3.25 which leaves me with 27.34

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 17:31:14
    Game ID: 167973058 100/200 $1.50 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 3 is the button
    Seat 1: Blort (670).
    Seat 3: Paradigmshift (2949).
    Seat 7: JasonTodd28 (585).
    Seat 8: THISisntREAL (4910).
    Seat 9: crit123 (4386).
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player THISisntREAL ante (25)
    Player crit123 ante (25)
    Player Blort ante (25)
    Player Paradigmshift ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 has small blind (100)
    Player THISisntREAL has big blind (200)
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Ah]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [6d]
    Player THISisntREAL received a card.
    Player THISisntREAL received a card.
    Player crit123 received a card.
    Player crit123 received a card.
    Player Blort received a card.
    Player Blort received a card.
    Player Paradigmshift received a card.
    Player Paradigmshift received a card.
    Player crit123 calls (200)
    Player Blort folds
    Player Paradigmshift folds
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (460)
    Player THISisntREAL calls (360)
    Player crit123 calls (360)
    *** FLOP ***: [7d Qc 10h]
    Player THISisntREAL checks
    Player crit123 checks
    *** TURN ***: [7d Qc 10h] [7h]
    Player THISisntREAL bets (200)
    Player crit123 calls (200)
    *** RIVER ***: [7d Qc 10h 7h] [3s]
    Player THISisntREAL bets (200)
    Player crit123 calls (200)
    Player crit123 mucks cards
    Player JasonTodd28 mucks cards
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 2605. Rake 0
    Board: [7d Qc 10h 7h 3s]
    Player Blort does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    Player Paradigmshift does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    Player JasonTodd28 mucks (does not show: [Ah 6d]). Bets: 585. Collects: 0. Loses: 585.
    *Player THISisntREAL shows: Two pairs. Js and 7s [Js Jh]. Bets: 985. Collects: 2605. Wins: 1620.
    Player crit123 mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 985. Collects: 0. Loses: 985.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 17:32:1

    Balance cost 1.62 which leaves me with 25.72

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 17:22:50
    Game ID: 167970763 100/200 $1.50 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 6 is the button
    Seat 2: JasonTodd28 (1968).
    Seat 6: fshman78 (5451).
    Seat 8: willy1949 (6081).
    Player willy1949 ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player fshman78 ante (25)
    Player willy1949 has small blind (100)
    Player JasonTodd28 has big blind (200)
    Player willy1949 received a card.
    Player willy1949 received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Ad]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [8c]
    Player fshman78 received a card.
    Player fshman78 received a card.
    Player fshman78 raises (600)
    Player willy1949 folds
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (1743)
    Player fshman78 calls (1343)
    *** FLOP ***: [4d 2h 6h]
    *** TURN ***: [4d 2h 6h] [Qh]
    *** RIVER ***: [4d 2h 6h Qh] [3c]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 4061. Rake 0
    Board: [4d 2h 6h Qh 3c]
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: High card A [Ad 8c]. Bets: 1968. Collects: 0. Loses: 1968.
    *Player fshman78 shows: High card A (kicker K) [Ks As]. Bets: 1968. Collects: 4061. Wins: 2093.
    Player willy1949 does not show cards.Bets: 125. Collects: 0. Loses: 125.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 17:23:13

    Balance cost 1.65 which leaves me with 24.07
    Balance after 3rd leaves me with 26.77

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I got a 3.25 to show but its not showing my bust hand for some reason, its not showing a few hands like that last one, like gotta update or some shit lol!! I got the tour but no bust hand, none the less, Ive miss added, so kill me haha!!

    Game started at: 2013/6/1 17:22:8
    Game ID: 167970580 100/200 $3 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 5 is the button
    Seat 1: shaners222 (2300).
    Seat 2: HALEDAMAGE11 (3385).
    Seat 4: Andresp (1690).
    Seat 5: XX MUCKY XX (2325).
    Seat 6: JasonTodd28 (2200).
    Seat 8: shukatiti (1600).
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player shukatiti ante (25)
    Player shaners222 ante (25)
    Player HALEDAMAGE11 ante (25)
    Player Andresp ante (25)
    Player XX MUCKY XX ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 has small blind (100)
    Player shukatiti has big blind (200)
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Ac]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Qh]
    Player shukatiti received a card.
    Player shukatiti received a card.
    Player shaners222 received a card.
    Player shaners222 received a card.
    Player HALEDAMAGE11 received a card.
    Player HALEDAMAGE11 received a card.
    Player Andresp received a card.
    Player Andresp received a card.
    Player XX MUCKY XX received a card.
    Player XX MUCKY XX received a card.
    Player shaners222 folds
    Player HALEDAMAGE11 folds
    Player Andresp folds
    Player XX MUCKY XX folds
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (2075)
    Player shukatiti folds
    Uncalled bet (1975) returned to JasonTodd28
    Player JasonTodd28 mucks cards
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 550. Rake 0
    Player shaners222 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    Player HALEDAMAGE11 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    Player Andresp does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    Player XX MUCKY XX does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    *Player JasonTodd28 mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 225. Collects: 550. Wins: 325.
    Player shukatiti does not show cards.Bets: 225. Collects: 0. Loses: 225.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 17:22:30

    Anyways this is the tour but have no bust hand unless it updates and ill put it up!! Leaves me with 23.52, thats what im saying miss added somewhere but my bankroll is at right now 25.14 sorry ill try n find the mess up!! just playing 6 and 7 sit n go's at a time!!

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 18:28:8
    Game ID: 167989059 75/150 $3 Hyper Turbo 6-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 1 is the button
    Seat 1: Bulldozerbear (1410).
    Seat 4: buskey3333 (770).
    Seat 6: JasonTodd28 (820).
    Player buskey3333 has small blind (75)
    Player JasonTodd28 has big blind (150)
    Player buskey3333 received a card.
    Player buskey3333 received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [7h]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [As]
    Player Bulldozerbear received a card.
    Player Bulldozerbear received a card.
    Player Bulldozerbear folds
    Player buskey3333 allin (695)
    Player JasonTodd28 calls (620)
    *** FLOP ***: [6c Jh Js]
    *** TURN ***: [6c Jh Js] [9h]
    *** RIVER ***: [6c Jh Js 9h] [10h]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 1540. Rake 0
    Board: [6c Jh Js 9h 10h]
    Player Bulldozerbear does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player buskey3333 shows: Two pairs. Js and 10s [10s Ks]. Bets: 770. Collects: 1540. Wins: 770.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of Js [7h As]. Bets: 770. Collects: 0. Loses: 770.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/1 18:28:26

    Balance cost 3.20 which leaves me with 21.94

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/1 18:39:6
    Game ID: 167992105 15/30 $5 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 5 is the button
    Seat 1: Mom36344 (2350).
    Seat 2: DoctorBones (1595).
    Seat 3: dabearfan (3175).
    Seat 4: studmoney72 (1240).
    Seat 5: Bumchunk (1260).
    Seat 6: Nutzkracka (1215).
    Seat 8: JasonTodd28 (1330).
    Seat 9: Mark1962will (1335).
    Player Nutzkracka has small blind (15)
    Player JasonTodd28 has big blind (30)
    Player Nutzkracka received a card.
    Player Nutzkracka received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [3s]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Js]
    Player Mark1962will received a card.
    Player Mark1962will received a card.
    Player Mom36344 received a card.
    Player Mom36344 received a card.
    Player DoctorBones received a card.
    Player DoctorBones received a card.
    Player dabearfan received a card.
    Player dabearfan received a card.
    Player studmoney72 received a card.
    Player studmoney72 received a card.
    Player Bumchunk received a card.
    Player Bumchunk received a card.
    Player Mark1962will folds
    Player Mom36344 folds
    Player DoctorBones folds
    Player dabearfan calls (30)
    Player studmoney72 folds
    Player Bumchunk folds
    Player Nutzkracka calls (15)
    Player JasonTodd28 checks
    *** FLOP ***: [10s 10d 8s]
    Player Nutzkracka checks
    Player JasonTodd28 checks
    Player dabearfan checks
    *** TURN ***: [10s 10d 8s] [4s]
    Player Nutzkracka bets (45)
    Player JasonTodd28 calls (45)
    Player dabearfan calls (45)
    *** RIVER ***: [10s 10d 8s 4s] [3h]
    Player Nutzkracka bets (113)
    Player JasonTodd28 raises (385)
    Player dabearfan folds
    Player Nutzkracka allin (1027)
    Player JasonTodd28 calls (755)
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 2505. Rake 0
    Board: [10s 10d 8s 4s 3h]
    Player Mom36344 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player DoctorBones does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player dabearfan does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
    Player studmoney72 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player Bumchunk does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player Nutzkracka shows: Full House (10/4) [10h 4d]. Bets: 1215. Collects: 2505. Wins: 1290.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: Flush, J high [3s Js]. Bets: 1215. Collects: 0. Loses: 1215.

    Balance cost 5.50 which leaves me with 16.44
    Last edited by Jaytodd28; 06-01-2013 at 10:37 PM.

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