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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God
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    so check this shit out, how is this right? MUST READ

    So george1 is new here and has been a very friendly staker trying to make some money. I have won him a small chunk maybe 60 bucks profit for him. Yet today 10 hours ago we split up our earnings as CONFIRMED in thread. i got $41 and change and he got 90 back or so off my total bankroll, we had one tournament running still for him however in which i won 23.89. So I had about 11 and change of his money, and about 50 of mine, i also won another 30 on parlays. so of the 100 in my account only 1/10 was his.

    that being said I played 4 or 5 tournaments tonight, the LAST one being a 6.60 2k r/a, that i entered at 10 pm my time last minute of late reg. george is from another country, so he is not around during this time, but I obviously was playing for my own dime since we split up today and said we were gonna start fresh.

    however... after i get 3rd for $218. he comes at me saying hes permanently done staking me because I lied about not playing for him. He claims had i lost the tournament, I would have said it was with the 11 and change i owed him..

    why would that make any sense being hes given out over $500 in a few weeks here including staking me a few times now and I want to make a good staker/horse relationship.

    U guys who know me know that im always on the GRIND for stakers and we finally get one and yet i find a way to piss him off lol.

    Sorry George but even though your mad and pretty much threatened to never stake me again, I do not see any way possible that u would get a cut here unless I gave it to you as collateral for future stakes which Im not willing to do.

    I did not lie to you, if this was staked, you would have got your cut. I won over $600 for people here that bought shares. a dozen of them and they all got their payment.

    im not greedy or a liar such as you have said.

    IM sorry that you feel that way

    what do u all think?
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  2. #2
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    why didnt you just ship him the money as soon as u placed in the tourney...that way it would have showed in the transfer history that the $11 or so was shipped before you entered into the 2K game meaning that it would have proved you were playing with ya own dime

    not saying ure lying saying that you could have easily avoided this situation
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol
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  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpadgett1 View Post
    So george1 is new here and has been a very friendly staker trying to make some money. I have won him a small chunk maybe 60 bucks profit for him. Yet today 10 hours ago we split up our earnings as CONFIRMED in thread. i got $41 and change and he got 90 back or so off my total bankroll, we had one tournament running still for him however in which i won 23.89. So I had about 11 and change of his money, and about 50 of mine, i also won another 30 on parlays. so of the 100 in my account only 1/10 was his.

    that being said I played 4 or 5 tournaments tonight, the LAST one being a 6.60 2k r/a, that i entered at 10 pm my time last minute of late reg. george is from another country, so he is not around during this time, but I obviously was playing for my own dime since we split up today and said we were gonna start fresh.

    however... after i get 3rd for $218. he comes at me saying hes permanently done staking me because I lied about not playing for him. He claims had i lost the tournament, I would have said it was with the 11 and change i owed him..

    why would that make any sense being hes given out over $500 in a few weeks here including staking me a few times now and I want to make a good staker/horse relationship.

    U guys who know me know that im always on the GRIND for stakers and we finally get one and yet i find a way to piss him off lol.

    Sorry George but even though your mad and pretty much threatened to never stake me again, I do not see any way possible that u would get a cut here unless I gave it to you as collateral for future stakes which Im not willing to do.

    I did not lie to you, if this was staked, you would have got your cut. I won over $600 for people here that bought shares. a dozen of them and they all got their payment.

    im not greedy or a liar such as you have said.

    IM sorry that you feel that way

    what do u all think?
    Oh just saw this post.
    Things are easy to understand for a staker. We split some earnings and you been playing for us the tournament where you won 23$ its ok untill now.beeing staked and still having money in your account means you have to play for me (as i said and i repeat if you would lost you would said today that you played a tournament for us from that 23$ and we no big deal for you. Now that you cashed there you say you played from your own money. Ethically you are very wrong and you said on bubble that you played for us some tournaments 1 day before without even asking me(some satelites wich i hate ).
    So my conclusion is:
    1. How come you played with your own money when you told me you`ll get it sold because you have to get gas?
    2. 2 days ago you played satelites AND LOST without my permission and i WASNT MAD AT ALL.
    3. You had 23$ from OUR bankroll and you decided to play with YOUR money.

    As i said on the bubble i`m not mad. I just hate to be a donk in front of everyone. you won 200$ congratulations.If people here will say you are right then you maybe are but i know psihology better than most of the people here and i know exactly what your plan was last night. With these said , thank you for shipping me 12$ and good luck playing poker. Our staker/horse relationship ended here. i cant trust you anymore.
    AND btw, i didnt even wanted to make this public but you did it probably you been affraid that i`ll start threads here and acusations. I`m not that kind of person
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  4. #4
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    Just a question, and this is because I was told earlier in the night by dpad (we talk on bubble all the time), that you were allowing him to play tourneys $5.50 and under, no sattys. Just wanted to know if these were the terms, and if not what were the terms? If these were the terms that means this couldn't have been part of the stake and would have to be out of his own BR, with or without profit, if he lost there is no way you should let him say that came out of stake money if the tourney BI was over agreed terms, like I said just a question.

    Both of you are cool people in my book. Dont have a side on who I think is right or wrong until this question is answered, but even then I wont really care, gl to you both.

    Also was the stake to run one more certain tourney or to keep grinding the aid BI levels in the terms? (When he had won the last $20+ dollars after shipping first cut)
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  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by LCDaBoss View Post
    Just a question, and this is because I was told earlier in the night by dpad (we talk on bubble all the time), that you were allowing him to play tourneys $5.50 and under, no sattys. Just wanted to know if these were the terms, and if not what were the terms? If these were the terms that means this couldn't have been part of the stake and would have to be out of his own BR, with or without profit, if he lost there is no way you should let him say that came out of stake money if the tourney BI was over agreed terms, like I said just a question.

    Both of you are cool people in my book. Dont have a side on who I think is right or wrong until this question is answered, but even then I wont really care, gl to you both.

    Also was the stake to run one more certain tourney or to keep grinding the aid BI levels in the terms? (When he had won the last $20+ dollars after shipping first cut)
    He played whatever he wanted always . I just didnt let him play the 109$ tournament. Gave him freedom he asked me if he can play tournaments and i said yes and i said he can play over 5$ too, he played satelites with bigger BI than this one . And i know he played with money from my stake but the problem is he wont ever say i`m right because he is happy with that 200$. I told him to keep it anyway. i can lose 100$ on a hand . The problem here (if any) is the trust .
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  6. #6
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    see this staking deal seems odd, because there is so much "freedom" and because ure so laid back its gunna cause issues, imo if he went out of the terms (played in games you didnt give him permission for the satties etc) then he should at least ship u the money for the BI of those sattys and the staking agreement should have ended there

    this could of/should of been handled much better
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol
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  7. #7
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by azreal1 View Post
    see this staking deal seems odd, because there is so much "freedom" and because ure so laid back its gunna cause issues, imo if he went out of the terms (played in games you didnt give him permission for the satties etc) then he should at least ship u the money for the BI of those sattys and the staking agreement should have ended there . And actually he said he plays from my money lol but he wont admit it

    this could of/should of been handled much better
    Well i been superficial in staking terms here because i want to see actually who i can trust and who i cant. I never wanted to put pressure on my players From now on when i`ll stake someone i`ll put clear rules. who cant respect them wont be my horse
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  8. #8
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    I feel lied to by the "MUST READ" in the title

    This is kinda different than most situations because it's a longer term staking agreement than usual. Hope you two resolve it.
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  9. #9
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  10. #10
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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