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Thread: sng stakes

  1. #11
    Survey Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    still looking for horses

  2. #12
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Betheretj currently owes me $50 on a lock trade, so please take that into consideration.

  3. #13
    Elite PokerOwned Member JLynn171's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I apply and owuld be willin to run whatever you see fit, but I can tell you with Sng's single table, or 2 table is where I'd be best at non turbo perferably, below is copied straiht from sharkscope on my Carbon name as it has the most games played as I am new to online poker and mainly play live not much of a history.... Most of these games are the 10 cent bumble bees, but an ITM of 31% over 1200+ games in 3 months at micro mini stakes not too terrible, Will put my best effort into playing if chosen, and can put in high volume up to atleast 20-30 games/ day or more if multi-tabling is allowed in stake. I agree to stake conditions and makeup (which I believe would be at 3.30 right now since I've ran one Mtt for you in the past.)
    Count: 1,214
    Av Profit: -$0.03
    Av Stake: $0.52
    Av ROI: -7.5%
    Profit: -$35.83
    Ability: 56
    Active Days: 77
    Av Entrants: 7.7
    Av Games / Day (when playing): 15.8
    Best 100 Streak Av Profit: $0.53
    Best 500 Streak Av Profit: $0.1
    Total Break Even Days: 0
    Total Cashes: $654
    First Game Date: 12/02/2012 09:16 PM
    ITM%: 31.8%

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