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  1. #1
    I whine like a 5 year old girl
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Cool this shit crack me defuq up

    ok dude at a .10.20 table max at table is 20 chips
    ok dude loses a 40 chips pot playing AAQj in plo8
    dude calls other guy a lucky donk anc i say there was no luck needed because u overplayed a bad hand pre flop in plo8
    he continues to go off on me the go to swc chat says im a scammer i scammed him for 50 chips
    ok now dude said how i scammed him was i offered to give him 50 chips he lost even tho 20 is the max buyin
    he lsot to another person how dumb does that sound i offered to give him 50 chips back he lsot to another mofo?
    like who defuq does that now all of a sudden he noticed how dumb he sounded i guess cahnges his story up to he loaned me 50 chips which never happened i sent every one o chat ther screen shot of my most recent p2ps on swcs like forreal this gotta be some of the dumbest shit ive ever seen who in they right midn offers to give another person chips bakc anyhow or chips they lsot to another person like i understand if i knew dude was close to him and he lsot chips to me mabye but that isnt the case dude lost 20 chips to some other guy at table gets mad and goes off on everyone at the table
    then calls me scammer but the concept of the sotry is how did u lose 50 chips when max at table is 20?
    who would offer to give chips abck that the guy lsot to another person?
    why did u change your story 5 times in uder 5 mintues go from me offering to give him chips back to he loaned me lmfao defuq????
    shit is hilarious in ym opionion cus everyone here knows i used to get thousands and thousand of points/.dollar worth of loan a month and always paid em back defuq i look liek scamming for this make believe 50 chips?? lmfao
    <TONelson> F'real I am glad you are still a MOD here man. You give a shit. That matters

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    is funnny, g bish, lol but why u even care bout this nutcase anways? unless he trying to make u lloook bad in SWC main chat tho? thats bad then... i was looking for something to play now on SWC, i think i will try to go and sit at that hi lo table, see how it goesss lol

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