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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God s810car's Avatar
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    Dec 2013

    s810car vs lilg - update thread

    I am just posting this as a notice atm, I do not wish to see lilg blocked from site functions as of yet (not an official off site trade dispute yet)

    Lilg is now default on a loan from last week, he was to pay $15 back BCP from a $13 loan by wednesday 2/13, which he failed to do. Interest is now to be accrued at 0.50 a day, until paid in full.

    If anyone sees him on site, put him to work to make it before interest rapes him raw

    Also lilg please post in here updates for me and mods to see, thanks
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  2. #2
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Lilg is always late on loans, but he repays them back. I would/have loaned Lilg more than this b4. You shouldn't worry too much.
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  3. #3
    Danghis Khan dk12's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Its lilg.... Lol... Ull get ur monies~
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  4. #4
    Elite PokerOwned Member WECpoker's Avatar
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    Yeah, either you notice that there are another 20 threads like this and don't loan him (or read his background check) or just expect him to be late as he seems to be 100% as I have seen these threads and chat blow-ups previously. I guess that is why he hasn't been in chat. Apparently if he doesn't pay you it will be a first...

    My suggestion, delete thread and wait on payment. But, it could be a while
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  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2013
    is taking a loan when u have no intention on paying back on time unless you win, scamming? What were the details here? did he say that if he lost he would deposit and pay you back? I like lilg and am sure he will pay you, but come on this has just happened to many times. come on g get on top of these loans and pay back when you say u will bro.
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  6. #6
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    welp I guess we will see the return of the man they call Raymo...........

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  7. #7
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2014
    off with his head! didnt you ever hear that church sermon by captain whatshisname, do unto others and all that crap - so yea where was I - stay out of my booze!
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  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God s810car's Avatar
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    Well like i said, not too worried yet, no need for the torch and pitchforks yet lol, i know his history enough to where if i was THAT worried, i def wouldn't have loaned it,. If i don't hear anything by Monday, yea we'll see.. If anyone hears from him orsees him at the tables, hit him up please, thanks
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  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God s810car's Avatar
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    lilg has now paid up and to terms, please close this thead.

    I also want to state, he heard rumors that I accused him of scamming. That is NOT the case, and I have stated this was ONLY for proper notice so everything is done properly. If I believed he was scamming I would have started a dispute and handled a LOT diff (ask famfirst....oh wait you cant hes banned now ). I would appreciate it if when there is an issue it is NOT miscommunicated, thats a good way to scare someone off to not pay, so dont draw conclusions, esp when I SPECIFICALLY say, this is NOT in dispute
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  10. #10
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    I can vouch the s810 never accused G of scamming - frustration yes, but he was never insulting or accusatory.

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