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Results 61 to 70 of 73
  1. #61
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3259D47CF1000067 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $3.50 T13925617 -- CASH -- $3.5 + $0.35 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 30/150/300 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/07 - 22:42:57
    Dealer: Seat 2
    Seat 2: twistedspine (8,872 in chips)
    Seat 9: Ilsidur1 (4,628 in chips)
    twistedspine: posts ante of 30
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 30
    twistedspine: posts small blind 150
    Ilsidur1: posts big blind 300
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [Td,Qd]
    twistedspine: is all in 8,692
    Ilsidur1: is all in 4,298
    twistedspine: returns uncalled bet 4,244
    twistedspine: shows [7d Ah]
    Ilsidur1: shows [Td Qd]
    *** FLOP *** [Ad,Ks,Kh]
    *** TURN *** [8d]
    *** RIVER *** [Th]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    twistedspine wins 9,256 with Two Pairs Aces and Kings
    Ilsidur1 finished 2 out of 9 players.

    Player left the table

  2. #62
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3259D47EE1000049 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T13926113 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/07 - 22:49:13
    Dealer: Seat 10
    Seat 1: chichabella (3,221 in chips)
    Seat 3: Ilsidur1 (1,025 in chips)
    Seat 10: gift2you (9,254 in chips)
    chichabella: posts ante of 20
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 20
    gift2you: posts ante of 20
    chichabella: posts small blind 100
    Ilsidur1: posts big blind 200
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [4c,Ad]
    gift2you: folds
    chichabella: is all in 3,101
    Ilsidur1: is all in 805
    chichabella: returns uncalled bet 2,196
    chichabella: shows [Ts Kd]
    Ilsidur1: shows [4c Ad]
    *** FLOP *** [Th,3h,2s]
    *** TURN *** [7h]
    *** RIVER *** [9h]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    chichabella wins 2,070 with Pair of Tens
    Ilsidur1 finished 3 out of 9 players.

    Dealer: Seat 1
    Player left the table

  3. #63
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3259D47E34000074 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $3.50 T13925940 -- CASH -- $3.5 + $0.35 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 40/200/400 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/07 - 23:06:57
    Dealer: Seat 5
    Seat 2: mstjb1988 (2,456 in chips)
    Seat 3: BagsandRags (8,828 in chips)
    Seat 5: Ilsidur1 (2,216 in chips)
    mstjb1988: posts ante of 40
    BagsandRags: posts ante of 40
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 40
    mstjb1988: posts small blind 200
    BagsandRags: posts big blind 400
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [9s,Td]
    Ilsidur1: is all in 2,176
    mstjb1988: is all in 2,216
    BagsandRags: folds
    mstjb1988: returns uncalled bet 240
    mstjb1988: shows [8h 8s]
    Ilsidur1: shows [9s Td]
    *** FLOP *** [4s,7c,4c]
    *** TURN *** [3d]
    *** RIVER *** [2c]
    mstjb1988 chats: gg
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    mstjb1988 wins 4,872 with Two Pairs Eights and Fours
    Ilsidur1 finished 3 out of 9 players.

    Dealer: Seat 3
    Player left the table

  4. #64
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3259D47EEC000072 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $3.50 T13926124 -- CASH -- $3.5 + $0.35 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 40/200/400 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/07 - 23:32:20
    Dealer: Seat 7
    Seat 5: Ilsidur1 (4,650 in chips)
    Seat 7: Frogdawg (8,850 in chips)
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 40
    Frogdawg: posts ante of 40
    Frogdawg: posts small blind 200
    Ilsidur1: posts big blind 400
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [Ks,Kh]
    Frogdawg: calls 200
    Ilsidur1: raises to 987
    Frogdawg: is all in 8,410
    Ilsidur1: is all in 3,623
    Frogdawg: returns uncalled bet 4,200
    Ilsidur1: shows [Ks Kh]
    Frogdawg: shows [5c 5h]
    *** FLOP *** [5d,4h,Td]
    *** TURN *** [Qc]
    *** RIVER *** [3c]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Frogdawg wins 9,300 with Three of a Kind Fives
    Ilsidur1 finished 2 out of 9 players.

    Player left the table

  5. #65
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Hey you think u could post that just 50 more times, i didn't catch any of that! Get A Life Dude. JustSayn.............................
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  6. #66
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3259D4801C000064 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $3.50 T13926428 -- CASH -- $3.5 + $0.35 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 30/150/300 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/08 - 00:06:51
    Dealer: Seat 9
    Seat 4: Ilsidur1 (1,540 in chips)
    Seat 9: twistedspine (11,960 in chips)
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 30
    twistedspine: posts ante of 30
    twistedspine: posts small blind 150
    Ilsidur1: posts big blind 300
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [9s,Js]
    twistedspine: is all in 11,780
    Ilsidur1: is all in 1,210
    twistedspine: returns uncalled bet 10,420
    Ilsidur1: shows [9s Js]
    twistedspine: shows [Ah 3d]
    *** FLOP *** [5c,2s,2d]
    *** TURN *** [5h]
    *** RIVER *** [Qh]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    twistedspine wins 3,080 with Two Pairs Fives and deuces with Ace kicker
    Ilsidur1 finished 2 out of 9 players.

    Player left the table

  7. #67
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    ok so you r illisdir, know this say s private so if you want delete

  8. #68
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3259D481A0000032 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T13926816 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 15/75/150 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/08 - 00:56:04
    Dealer: Seat 8
    Seat 4: <ALEX888$> (1,274 in chips)
    Seat 8: Shark_12 (7,665 in chips)
    Seat 9: PomPiAA2 (3,031 in chips)
    Seat 10: Ilsidur1 (1,530 in chips)
    <ALEX888$>: posts ante of 15
    Shark_12: posts ante of 15
    PomPiAA2: posts ante of 15
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 15
    PomPiAA2: posts small blind 75
    Ilsidur1: posts big blind 150
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [6s,As]
    <ALEX888$>: folds
    Shark_12: raises to 300
    PomPiAA2: folds
    Ilsidur1: calls 150
    *** FLOP *** [8h,7d,4c]
    Ilsidur1: is all in 1,215
    Shark_12: calls 1,215
    Shark_12: shows [Tc Td]
    Ilsidur1: shows [6s As]
    *** TURN *** [2s]
    *** RIVER *** [3s]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Shark_12 wins 3,165 with Pair of Tens
    Ilsidur1 finished 4 out of 9 players.

    Dealer: Seat 9
    Player left the table

  9. #69
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    nice try sounds like you almost had this.

  10. #70
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3259D481B5000060 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $3.50 T13926837 -- CASH -- $3.5 + $0.35 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 40/200/400 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/08 - 01:23:48
    Dealer: Seat 1
    Seat 1: Steinamania (11,390 in chips)
    Seat 10: Ilsidur1 (2,110 in chips)
    Steinamania: posts ante of 40
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 40
    Steinamania: posts small blind 200
    Ilsidur1: posts big blind 400
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [Ah,7c]
    Steinamania: raises to 800
    Ilsidur1: is all in 1,670
    Steinamania: calls 1,270
    Steinamania: shows [8h As]
    Ilsidur1: shows [Ah 7c]
    *** FLOP *** [6h,3d,9c]
    *** TURN *** [Kc]
    *** RIVER *** [Qs]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Steinamania wins 4,220 with High card Ace with King, Queen, Nine, Eight kickers
    Ilsidur1 finished 2 out of 9 players.

    Player left the table

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