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Thread: PO Point Loans

  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    PO Point Loans

    As of recent I have a lot of points. Probably a lot less than some, but a lot more than I have ever had at one time. As is the case, I have considered loaning points in loan shark.

    There were three (4k) loan requests last night. All requiring seven days for repayment. All with all or almost entirely good feedback and placed by longstanding members who's names I recognize. I put in an offer for all three for 500 pnts interests.

    Here's my logic, 2% per day with a min of 5% and a max of 12.5%. I make no variations for members with better history simply because they are the only ones I would even consider loaning to.

    Like I said, I have never had excess points to spare before and therefore have never used this feature. So, I am wondering how reasonable or unreasonable this sounds. I would also appreciate hearing your standpoint. ie, have loaned, borrowed, or not. A lot, a little, ect. Any insight is appreciated.

  2. #2
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankWhite View Post
    As of recent I have a lot of points. Probably a lot less than some, but a lot more than I have ever had at one time. As is the case, I have considered loaning points in loan shark.

    There were three (4k) loan requests last night. All requiring seven days for repayment. All with all or almost entirely good feedback and placed by longstanding members who's names I recognize. I put in an offer for all three for 500 pnts interests.

    Here's my logic, 2% per day with a min of 5% and a max of 12.5%. I make no variations for members with better history simply because they are the only ones I would even consider loaning to.

    Like I said, I have never had excess points to spare before and therefore have never used this feature. So, I am wondering how reasonable or unreasonable this sounds. I would also appreciate hearing your standpoint. ie, have loaned, borrowed, or not. A lot, a little, ect. Any insight is appreciated.
    I would ask TONelson and rghy2 as they seem to do the most high-volume transactions here for loans.

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  3. #3
    PokerOwned God DuckU408's Avatar
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    i need A loan, ok i'll loan you, set it up. 7 days later and loan when in default. Guy who loan when to chat and cry and biatch and moan about it. then guy make a thread and biatch and moan and cry like usual like a little bitch. WHo is this guy?

    This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    mistake here
    Last edited by timall99; 03-17-2014 at 05:56 PM.

  5. #5
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    I say this a lot here, but it really helps to read the original post.

    Best Poets of All time<br/>

  6. #6
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankWhite View Post
    As of recent I have a lot of points. Probably a lot less than some, but a lot more than I have ever had at one time. As is the case, I have considered loaning points in loan shark.

    There were three (4k) loan requests last night. All requiring seven days for repayment. All with all or almost entirely good feedback and placed by longstanding members who's names I recognize. I put in an offer for all three for 500 pnts interests.

    Here's my logic, 2% per day with a min of 5% and a max of 12.5%. I make no variations for members with better history simply because they are the only ones I would even consider loaning to.

    Like I said, I have never had excess points to spare before and therefore have never used this feature. So, I am wondering how reasonable or unreasonable this sounds. I would also appreciate hearing your standpoint. ie, have loaned, borrowed, or not. A lot, a little, ect. Any insight is appreciated.
    Yes Riv, I agree. Thank you for your imput earlier. It seems that it may be all the constructive feedback I will get from this thread.

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