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Thread: Nabster

  1. #11
    Elite PokerOwned Member JohnnyDeepStacks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Nothing, just keep playing through. It will turn around.

    JDS boobytrap spelled backwards is partyboob
    PooffyFooffy omg I need to play there more, were u in da game?
    JDS @PooffyFooffy no Pooffy its just a fun fact

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God DuckU408's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    For a fee of $5 bcp bucks i will come to your house and smashed your computer for you.

    This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Game started at: 2013/11/13 20:5:55
    Game ID: 219746091 50/100 $1 Holdem, Table 4 (Hold'em)
    Seat 1 is the button
    Seat 1: lintonjim (1050).
    Seat 2: HMI OrIgIn (2662).
    Seat 3: Sandman_g00d (3524).
    Seat 4: SenorRawPower (2000).
    Seat 5: nab76 (8539).
    Seat 6: TheRealLaxBux (1520).
    Seat 7: MIKE GT (3830).
    Seat 8: ..::Fairy::.. (4730).
    Player HMI OrIgIn has small blind (50)
    Player Sandman_g00d has big blind (100)
    Player HMI OrIgIn received a card.
    Player HMI OrIgIn received a card.
    Player Sandman_g00d received a card.
    Player Sandman_g00d received a card.
    Player SenorRawPower received a card.
    Player SenorRawPower received a card.
    Player nab76 received card: [Ah]
    Player nab76 received card: [Kh]
    Player TheRealLaxBux received a card.
    Player TheRealLaxBux received a card.
    Player MIKE GT received a card.
    Player MIKE GT received a card.
    Player ..::Fairy::.. received a card.
    Player ..::Fairy::.. received a card.
    Player lintonjim received a card.
    Player lintonjim received a card.
    Player SenorRawPower folds
    Player nab76 raises (500)
    Player TheRealLaxBux folds
    Player MIKE GT folds
    Player ..::Fairy::.. calls (500)
    Player lintonjim folds
    Player HMI OrIgIn folds
    Player Sandman_g00d folds
    *** FLOP ***: [9s 10s 10d]
    Player nab76 bets (600)
    Player ..::Fairy::.. calls (600)
    *** TURN ***: [9s 10s 10d] [3d]
    Player nab76 bets (600)
    Player ..::Fairy::.. allin (3630)
    Player nab76 calls (3030)
    *** RIVER ***: [9s 10s 10d 3d] [Qc]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 9610. Rake 0
    Board: [9s 10s 10d 3d Qc]
    Player lintonjim does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player HMI OrIgIn does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
    Player Sandman_g00d does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
    Player SenorRawPower does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player nab76 shows: One pair of 10s [Ah Kh]. Bets: 4730. Collects: 0. Loses: 4730.
    Player TheRealLaxBux does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player MIKE GT does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player ..::Fairy::.. shows: Two pairs. Qs and 10s [Qd As]. Bets: 4730. Collects: 9610. Wins: 4880.
    Game ended at: 2013/11/13 20:6:51

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