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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Lock stake for cookies... 1.50 SNG GRIND

    this is my rail thread, will post bust hands and current br updates after each tourney.

    my lock screen name is pokerangel21 email [email protected]

    $10 to run i think 6 of them if my maths correct, or 7.

    GL us..

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    tourney ID # 14622251 3rd place profit $1.10 Current BR 11.10

    tourney ID # 14622182 1st place profit $5.15 Current BR 16.25

    tourney ID # 14622333 2nd place Profit= $2.45 Current BR 18.70

    3 games, 3 cashes. not bad
    Last edited by dpadgett1; 05-16-2013 at 07:38 PM.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    was 4/5 had JJ lose allin to A5.. was 5/5 with under 500 chips.. FYI

    all 3 games i made loose calls to end them, and they were all right, makes me feel good about it. 87 suited even money vs a6 suited. i couldve grinded harder though i suppose.. any thoughts?

    Hand#3328DF1E7D000061 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622333 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 25/125/250 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 16:24:59
    Dealer: Seat 3
    Seat 2: pokerangel21 (3,238 in chips)
    Seat 3: josecs (10,262 in chips)
    pokerangel21: posts ante of 25
    josecs: posts ante of 25
    josecs: posts small blind 125
    pokerangel21: posts big blind 250
    Dealt to pokerangel21 [8s,7s]
    josecs: is all in 10,112
    pokerangel21: is all in 2,963
    josecs: returns uncalled bet 7,024
    pokerangel21: shows [8s 7s]
    josecs: shows [Ac 6c]
    *** FLOP *** [Kh,Kc,Ah]
    pokerangel21 chats: gg
    *** TURN *** [6d]
    pokerangel21 chats: nh
    *** RIVER *** [3d]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    josecs wins 6,476 with Two Pairs Aces and Kings
    pokerangel21 finished 2 out of 9 players.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    this game here was dirty i had AJ lose to A8.. and then 6's lose to A 7... was 4/4.. held on for 3rd.. dont mind 10 9 suited vs q5 suited guy was playin like a fool.. just lost the pot

    Hand#3328DF1E2B000072 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622251 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 40/200/400 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 16:22:04
    Dealer: Seat 7
    Seat 4: phil767 (4,970 in chips)
    Seat 7: Razzmut (6,656 in chips)
    Seat 8: pokerangel21 (1,874 in chips)
    phil767: posts ante of 40
    Razzmut: posts ante of 40
    pokerangel21: posts ante of 40
    pokerangel21: posts small blind 200
    phil767: posts big blind 400
    Dealt to pokerangel21 [9c,Tc]
    Razzmut: folds
    pokerangel21: is all in 1,634
    phil767: calls 1,434
    phil767: shows [5c Qc]
    pokerangel21: shows [9c Tc]
    *** FLOP *** [5s,4s,3h]
    *** TURN *** [5h]
    *** RIVER *** [Jd]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    phil767 wins 3,788 with Three of a Kind Fives
    pokerangel21 finished 3 out of 9 players.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    again we were dead even in chips, so you might say why call with k9 off here.. only reason was this guy just busted the other 3 players in a span of 5 hands, one of which showing J 8 offsuit.. i knew his range was anything.. i didnt mind seeing a2.. 58/42 his favor but i was able to hit the win.. any other thoughts? probably finish the tourneys stronger i would say, but heads up is a beast, hand ranges change.. what do u all think about my 3 hands

    Hand#3328DF1DE6000058 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622182 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 30/150/300 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 16:24:26
    Dealer: Seat 10
    Seat 9: pokerangel21 (6,750 in chips)
    Seat 10: PLUCKYDUCKY (6,750 in chips)
    pokerangel21: posts ante of 30
    PLUCKYDUCKY: posts ante of 30
    PLUCKYDUCKY: posts small blind 150
    pokerangel21: posts big blind 300
    Dealt to pokerangel21 [9c,Ks]
    PLUCKYDUCKY: is all in 6,570
    pokerangel21: is all in 6,420
    pokerangel21: shows [9c Ks]
    PLUCKYDUCKY: shows [2h As]
    *** FLOP *** [Qs,9d,7d]
    *** TURN *** [Tc]
    *** RIVER *** [8c]
    pokerangel21 chats: GG
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    pokerangel21 wins 13,500 with Pair of Nines

    pokerangel21 finished 1 out of 9 players.
    Player left the table

  6. #6
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    running 3 more then going to dinner.. ill be back in a few hours.. will send funds back to staker til im back.

    tourney ID # 14622973 6th.. 3 outer obv

    tourney ID # 14622921 4th.. was 1/4 lost with top set of course

    tourney ID # 14623156 5th

    -4.80 in session
    current bankroll 13.90.. still up 4 but pretty angry about that last run.. played the same way 3 games at a time, not same results, but if u notice, im never out early.. always in it late, and cant help fade the bad beats
    Last edited by dpadgett1; 05-16-2013 at 09:05 PM.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    well the lucky donks hit me lost all 3 on bullshit of course

    Hand#3329DF20C9000056 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622921 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 25/125/250 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 17:54:43
    Dealer: Seat 2
    Seat 1: jarofhearts (2,957 in chips)
    Seat 2: pokerangel21 (4,931 in chips)
    Seat 5: Razzmut (3,099 in chips)
    Seat 7: Crayon0958 (2,513 in chips)
    jarofhearts: posts ante of 25
    pokerangel21: posts ante of 25
    Razzmut: posts ante of 25
    Crayon0958: posts ante of 25
    Razzmut: posts small blind 125
    Crayon0958: posts big blind 250
    Dealt to pokerangel21 [Tc,Th]
    jarofhearts: folds
    pokerangel21: raises to 734
    Razzmut: calls 609
    Crayon0958: folds
    *** FLOP *** [2c,8c,Ts]
    Razzmut: bets 1,250
    pokerangel21: calls 1,250
    *** TURN *** [9c]
    pokerangel21 chats: gg donk
    Razzmut: bets 500
    pokerangel21: raises to 1,000
    Razzmut: is all in 590
    pokerangel21: calls 90
    pokerangel21: shows [Tc Th]
    Razzmut: shows [Jc Qc]
    *** RIVER *** [Jh]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Razzmut wins 6,498 with Flush Queen high

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Hand#3329DF20FD000031 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622973 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 15/75/150 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 17:41:08
    Dealer: Seat 1
    Seat 1: pokerangel21 (853 in chips)
    Seat 2: jarofhearts (1,455 in chips)
    Seat 5: Flgolfdude (2,661 in chips)
    Seat 7: Hei$enberg (2,947 in chips)
    Seat 9: billluckyyou (2,943 in chips)
    Seat 10: ChaosPilot (2,641 in chips)
    pokerangel21: posts ante of 15
    jarofhearts: posts ante of 15
    Flgolfdude: posts ante of 15
    Hei$enberg: posts ante of 15
    billluckyyou: posts ante of 15
    ChaosPilot: posts ante of 15
    jarofhearts: posts small blind 75
    Flgolfdude: posts big blind 150
    Dealt to pokerangel21 [6h,As]
    Hei$enberg: folds
    billluckyyou: folds
    ChaosPilot: folds
    pokerangel21: is all in 838
    jarofhearts: folds
    Flgolfdude: calls 688
    pokerangel21: shows [6h As]
    Flgolfdude: shows [Ad 3d]
    *** FLOP *** [4s,8d,9h]
    pokerangel21 chats: 6 me
    *** TURN *** [Ac]
    *** RIVER *** [3h]
    pokerangel21 chats: wow
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Flgolfdude wins 1,841 with Two Pairs Aces and Threes
    pokerangel21 chats: fk that
    pokerangel21 finished 6 out of 9 players.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    59 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622921 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 25/125/250 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 17:56:10
    Dealer: Seat 1
    Seat 1: jarofhearts (2,982 in chips)
    Seat 2: pokerangel21 (2,007 in chips)
    Seat 5: Razzmut (6,448 in chips)
    Seat 7: Crayon0958 (2,063 in chips)
    jarofhearts: posts ante of 25
    pokerangel21: posts ante of 25
    Razzmut: posts ante of 25
    Crayon0958: posts ante of 25
    pokerangel21: posts small blind 125
    Razzmut: posts big blind 250
    Dealt to pokerangel21 [Tc,Kh]
    Crayon0958: folds
    jarofhearts: folds
    pokerangel21: is all in 1,857
    Razzmut: calls 1,732
    pokerangel21: shows [Tc Kh]
    Razzmut: shows [Ah 7c]
    *** FLOP *** [4s,8c,5h]
    *** TURN *** [6d]
    *** RIVER *** [2c]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Razzmut wins 4,064 with Straight Eight high
    Player left the table

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    current br 13.90

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