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Results 141 to 150 of 158
  1. #141
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    game # 126 tourney ID # 14726400 place 8th profit -$5

    game # 127 tourney ID # 14726274 place 9th profit -$5

    game # 128 tourney ID # 14726255 place 7th profit -$5

    game # 129 tourney ID # 14726222 place 4th profit $.75

    game # 130 Tourney ID # 14726164 place 2nd profit $6.50

    game 131 tourney ID # 14726132 place 7th profit -$5

    game # 132 tourney ID # 14726056 place 10th profit -$5

    game #133 tourney iD # 14725950 place 7th profit -$5

    game # 134 tourney ID # 14725883 place 10th profit -$5

    game # 135 tourney ID # 14725798 place 2nd profit $6.50

    current br 30.95 current m/u 68.20

    transferred the 30.95 back to cookies

  2. #142
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    ok 31.80 transferred from cookz to run another set or two right now and then more tonight

    current br 31.80 current m/u 68.20

  3. #143
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    gl man go get em, is this that SNG run you were talking about the other night in chat? hope it goes well for ya!

  4. #144
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    yes it is thank you man

  5. #145
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    10s to 7s allin pre, 10s to j 10 and AJ river A allin pre, BB K9 suited SB shipped 8 bbs with j 3 off and rivers straight after i flop k 10 4.. ran 7s into AA on an 882 board.. tough read, and a8 dimes allin 3 way low stack vs 55 and some other junk.. flop 5.. turn 8 too i wouldve won without the set of 5's.. tough move for him with 5's with 2 allins in front.. .but not as bad as some

    game # 136 tourney ID # 14730927 place 9th profit -$5

    game # 137 tourney ID # 14730888 place 7th profit -$5

    game # 138 tourney ID # 14731026 place 8th profit -$5

    game # 139 tourney ID # 14731097 place 7th profit -$5

    game # 140 tourney ID # 14731267 place 9th profit -$5

    game # 141 tourney ID # 14731154 place 4th profit 75 cents was chip lead 1/6 then AK lose to 86 offsuit allin pre and AJ lose to QQ to follow

    current br 7.65 current m/u 92.45

  6. #146
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    transferred 7.65 back to staker per his request

    closing stake til further notice.

  7. #147
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dpadgett1 View Post
    10s to 7s allin pre, 10s to j 10 and AJ river A allin pre, BB K9 suited SB shipped 8 bbs with j 3 off and rivers straight after i flop k 10 4.. ran 7s into AA on an 882 board.. tough read, and a8 dimes allin 3 way low stack vs 55 and some other junk.. flop 5.. turn 8 too i wouldve won without the set of 5's.. tough move for him with 5's with 2 allins in front.. .but not as bad as some

    game # 136 tourney ID # 14730927 place 9th profit -$5

    game # 137 tourney ID # 14730888 place 7th profit -$5

    game # 138 tourney ID # 14731026 place 8th profit -$5

    game # 139 tourney ID # 14731097 place 7th profit -$5

    game # 140 tourney ID # 14731267 place 9th profit -$5

    game # 141 tourney ID # 14731154 place 4th profit 75 cents was chip lead 1/6 then AK lose to 86 offsuit allin pre and AJ lose to QQ to follow

    current br 7.65 current m/u 92.45
    Confirmed M/U at $92.45 lock. You can buy out at 50% and we can try again when you have done so. TY for the run, and hope we can run again soon.

  8. #148
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SendCookies View Post
    Confirmed M/U at $92.45 lock. You can buy out at 50% and we can try again when you have done so. TY for the run, and hope we can run again soon.

    thanks for the opportunity, 42 shipped on Juicy to clear up m/u.. be willing to startup again possibly this weekend or next monday.

  9. #149
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dpadgett1 View Post
    thanks for the opportunity, 42 shipped on Juicy to clear up m/u.. be willing to startup again possibly this weekend or next monday.

    $42 received for M/U buyout. TY and Great win.

    M/U now at $0 confirmed. GL man.

  10. #150
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

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