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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Master mathkid's Avatar
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    Jan 2013

    LCDaBoss vs Mathkid ongoing dispute/discussion

    Let me clear up more for anyone observing these threads.

    Close to a week ago, I get a random pop up message from LCDaBoss asking me to buy part of the 50k Beast stake. I don't know if LCD knows buy I cash on the BEAST frequently under the name of icemanslimey and last month didn't do to well but still had 8k pts and had $125 wired into my account from the winning poker network. I am a rookie to staking and don't go around begging or sending random pop up chat messages to people I don't know. I pay my own way kid!

    Second, and more important LCD's streak is incorrect. It is not 200 seals chips it is actually 300 that I am down. Bitcoins are currently $118.30/ea and 300 seals coins = $35.49 that I am down to LCDaBoss

    So this guy starts telling me how he is grinder champ and sends me his sharkscope and other stats. I felt good about it so I said I would give him a chance. He tells me we will split 70/30 and 60/40 if he places in the top 3. He also says he will send me screen shots of the tourney results. I say deal. Well, the next day I have to track him down to inquire about his play. He says some dumb shit about his KK running into AA and blagh blagh. No screen shot, no winnings.

    So at this point I feel kind of stupid, but he gives me the spill again and I front him another 200 with the agreement of..... not 70/30 and 60/40 for top 3 but get this.... 60/40 50/50 top 3 so look at my generous ass being down 100 seals pts and lowering not raising the payback. (how phucking cool is that)

    So, the 100 is gone now we have new deal on the 200 seals chips and this is what happens. the next day I have to track LCD down again and he has not emaiiled and/or sent screen shots like he promised. I get the bad news again and now my emotions are bothered.

    To this point I am out 300 seals chips with a flimsy promise of paying me back in pts or cash or maybe in seals chips.

    I'm sorry but I call bs also, I will not let this go like LCD probally wants me too. I will make new posts every week.

    If and when LCD makes this right I will make a new post stating that he did and that this is water under the bridge.

    Until then though LCD I am not the bad guy ... you are! Do what you said LCD which is make it right.

    ps... also, when u talk about serious backers u do not know me. I have sent $35.70 worth of poker chips to you. What is to say I would not have send you 3 or 400 dollars worth of chips or more. I feel that you actually have a chance to save your biz relationship with me by simply making this right and we could even possibly do biz again one day. The simple fact is that I am a rookie and you should not use your pokerowned knowledge to skate over on nubiees.

    When I set out to get rich;
    I failed miserably.
    When I set out to help people;
    They made me rich!
    When I set out to get rich;
    I failed miserably.
    When I set out to help people;
    They made me rich!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    mathkid and your 200 swc points ....

    Back to playing poker I go ... make all the threads you want.

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Feb 2012
    LC I would not pay this guy back if I were you. You don't owe him anything and him going around calling you a scammer when it was his fault is wrong.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Apr 2012
    Credsfan, if he doesn't pay him back, then it can look like a scam to some people. LC is taking the right course in this, pay him back, and be done with it. He's already stated he won't take another stake from this person.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mathkid View Post
    Let me clear up more for anyone observing these threads.

    Close to a week ago, I get a random pop up message from LCDaBoss asking me to buy part of the 50k Beast stake. I don't know if LCD knows buy I cash on the BEAST frequently under the name of icemanslimey and last month didn't do to well but still had 8k pts and had $125 wired into my account from the winning poker network. I am a rookie to staking and don't go around begging or sending random pop up chat messages to people I don't know. I pay my own way kid!

    Second, and more important LCD's streak is incorrect. It is not 200 seals chips it is actually 300 that I am down. Bitcoins are currently $118.30/ea and 300 seals coins = $35.49 that I am down to LCDaBoss

    So this guy starts telling me how he is grinder champ and sends me his sharkscope and other stats. I felt good about it so I said I would give him a chance. He tells me we will split 70/30 and 60/40 if he places in the top 3. He also says he will send me screen shots of the tourney results. I say deal. Well, the next day I have to track him down to inquire about his play. He says some dumb shit about his KK running into AA and blagh blagh. No screen shot, no winnings.

    So at this point I feel kind of stupid, but he gives me the spill again and I front him another 200 with the agreement of..... not 70/30 and 60/40 for top 3 but get this.... 60/40 50/50 top 3 so look at my generous ass being down 100 seals pts and lowering not raising the payback...
    ^this is when I stopped feeling sorry for you.

    What do you mean by "make it right"? You gave your review. His feedback after busting was bad. But surely you're not expecting your money back and if so, you have no business "staking" anyone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Below is a convo between me and mathkid, So for anyone else im going to let you guys know what he wants everyone to know, if you stake me I WILL NOT pay you back out of pocket, in mathkid eyes this makes me a scam artist, or im a scam artist because he didnt understand the term M/U, or whatever. So DO NOT STAKE me if knowing this causes a problem. There you go mathkid I did all the bashing for you. o yeah, Im a small that NEED backing, if that is a problem also do not do business with me, I want to help you out because I felt bad about you not knowing the terms, but F that, I am in M/u with mathkid and Im not sure if im going to pay that out of pocket, if that also causes a problem, DO NOT STAKE me!

    Key thing is mathkid thinks im a scam artist so if what he offers you proves this to be true, DO NOT STAKE ME OR DO ANY TRADES WITH ME. I will not be hurt by what mathkid thinks or anyone who feels im in the wrong with him, I have built relationships with members here and have run stakes worth way more than $30 dollars and the people backing me have no worries if I will send them their money, so thats all that matters.

    mathkid: ill back you way more than i have but i just want you to make things right. if you were in my shoes you would feel the way i do too LC
    Me: I wouldnt feel the same because i know how make up in staking works, please read thread i will get those back to you asap but im done talking aqbout it in any forum
    mathkid: im done talking about it too again maybe i misunderstood but tell me when i can expect the seals chips back in my account the amount is 200 not 300 and i will post a great forum post when u make it right making u look golden.
    mathkid: I feel like to got shitted on lc
    Me: no need for the forum post because niether one of us looks bad just looks like a big miscommunication
    Me: I dont have the chips atm, but im staked there all the time by others and get points etc. from other ways, so when I can accumulate 200 I will ship it to you asap
    mathkid: i agree and i meant what i said. dont put cookies or anyone above me. u don't know me and i don't know u lcd and i would have loaned your ass wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more money then what i did
    Me: im not putting anyone above you but i have played hundreds of dollars worth of these guys, and when i loose with them i dont have to pay them back because thats just not how staking goes
    Me: the backers is suppose to be taking a risk too, thats whybackers get the higher cut
    Me: i wasnt looking for a loan was looking for a stake, big difference
    mathkid: well 200 seals chips is not much. Have some class LCD and get that to me or pts whatever u can do buy you said a coulple days a couple days ago what can u send me right now??
    Me: i dont have anything if i had it dude ill send, everybody is not running around to blow, if i had money to blow like that i would play on my own dime and not winother people money
    Me: i use all my extra cash on bills etc. poker is how i take care of my family so basically on my next cash or win i will get it back to you
    Me: i dont have any funds on anything that has person to person transfer right nowmathkid: u can p2p on seals or send me pts equivalent here pts = like 10k pts im just hearing more excuses from u lcd im just gonna post threads all over this site every 3 or 4 days until u make it right I think u r full of shit
    Me: i said i dont have anything where i can person to person
    Me: thats not an excuse thats the truth my points are sitting at 200 and i havo NO swc chips period
    mathkid: lose the excuses I am just going to bash u until u make it right
    mathkid: your name will be tainted for what u have done to me

    mathkid: fine but I think u r a scam artist
    mathkid: I will raise awareness to as many6 as i can
    Me: im a scam artist? dude i run stakes all day here for others
    mathkid: your a small fry that needs backing shut your skinny mouth
    Me: i dont need backing i just rather not risk my own money because i spend my own money
    mathkid: nope u need backing
    mathkid: and now have no money
    mathkid: dude don't im me
    Me: and ok i need backers that hurt my feelings how? the biggest of poker names still get backed lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Magyk View Post
    Credsfan, if he doesn't pay him back, then it can look like a scam to some people. LC is taking the right course in this, pay him back, and be done with it. He's already stated he won't take another stake from this person.
    Due to the types of message im getting from this guy over and over I no longer care what anyone thinks now.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Veteran decssiz's Avatar
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    Does this really require another thread? Mathkid if you agreed to a stake LC with MU he owes you absolutely nothing unless he wins another stake giving by you. I would stand behind LC 100% if he was to just drop this and pay you nothing at this point.
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  9. #9
    PokerOwned God
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    just curious since i am bored atm, but was this a stake and lc lost the stake right or did he not play the stake, 2 different scenarios, if he played and lost then why do he owe this guy..

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    I think we need a third thread.

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