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  1. #31
    Elite PokerOwned Member PimpGameNM's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    It sucks that it happened. But damn there are enough safeguards in play to avoid this happening

  2. #32
    PokerOwned Master rs3rooster's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BLACKSTACK View Post
    First of all do not put things in the description such as "gdmp" or "bcp". this is illegal to go outside the cashout system.

    Second thing this guy tried to make a deal with me . my bcp for his points . i said i had a few bucks $6.60 .he said he had 2500 points so i said ok how about $6.00 for 2500. after that he did not respond . i tried to bubble him a few more times and no reply. very sketchy. he never tried to negotiate he just flat out stopped talking.

  3. #33
    PokerOwned God Swittie's Avatar
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    May 2012
    use MarketPlace next time...both are safe once points are in scrow ..........

    In the beginning God said : "The four dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric second rank tensor equals zero", and at once there was light.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    So Before Everyone Goes And starts pointing fingers you need to understand this . That guy was supposed to send me 60 lock for 25 bcp well he obviously sent it as i just verified that from the screen shot but my problem is he got my whole lock account locked up . now security sais they aint gonna unlock my account because i have violated the terms . i never had any problems untill this guy sent me that lock now my whole account is locked up 300 down the drain . i was told from lock that the money sent to my account was bouncing back and forth from different accounts so this guy obviously is a multi accounter / so that sais as soon as i get a response from them i will refund his money i already asked lock to and they said no my account and all the funds a froze .

  5. #35
    PokerOwned God
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    Jun 2011
    just curious if you tell lock cc support someone scam you and you give them the acct name they will suspend that acct, is that true, wow?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    my account is already suspended because of this guy . they said he has multi accounts and them funds have been bouncing back and forth i was told from different accounts . soon as i get my account unlocked i will be more than happy to send you back your monopoly money .

  7. #37
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    huys hes a scammeri never contacted lock until after 4 hours of him not keeping his word

    here is what i could copy from our chat

    Me: anithing yet?
    KillerAces: dude
    KillerAces: guess what?
    KillerAces: my f***ing account is locked for some reason
    KillerAces: security locked me out
    Me: im sure you can get it unlocked,just contasct cs
    KillerAces: lets wait and see what they say
    KillerAces: i can have them refund your lock if you want ?
    KillerAces: unless you wanna wait see what they say ?
    Me: yeah refund this is kind of sketchy,since i did my part and now you wont do yours
    KillerAces: ???
    KillerAces: what you mean
    Me: i sent funds and its not my fault your acct is locked'
    KillerAces: i cant see the funds in KillerAces: yes i just emailed them
    KillerAces: this is crock shit
    KillerAces: i got like 250 in there
    KillerAces: had 190.00 plus the 60 you just sent
    KillerAces: omg im so f***ing heated
    Me: ok well i did send you the funds,are you sending mine over at bcp?
    KillerAces: soon as lock emails me back
    KillerAces: ill send your bcp
    KillerAces: im sorry broKillerAces: dude soon as they email me back and confirm the funds in there ill send bcp
    KillerAces: that simple
    KillerAces: i didnt actually see them in there
    Me: im not stealing from you,if i said i sent them,i did, i even sent you ther confirmation when it was pending
    KillerAces: ok dude just chill
    KillerAces: look at my trades
    KillerAces: look at my profile
    KillerAces: feedback
    KillerAces: im legit
    KillerAces: ill get you yours soon as i get the email
    Me: im new here idk your stats bud
    KillerAces: look
    KillerAces: im not gonna rip u off man
    KillerAces: im not like that
    Me: how about this
    Me: stake onedesperate for me deal?
    KillerAces: ??
    Me: thats what i was gonna do with the 25illerAces: onedesperate
    KillerAces: f*** him
    KillerAces: im not staking that dickface squat
    KillerAces: thought he had money?
    Me: then just send me the 25 and get over all of this'
    Me: we can make a thread if you want to keep this lehit
    KillerAces: i will contact the owner right now and tell him what happened if you want me too
    Me: zab?
    KillerAces: thought he had money?
    KillerAces: i will contact the owner right now and tell him what happened if you want me too
    KillerAces: yea
    KillerAces: 1 sec talking to lock support
    KillerAces: you did send the money
    KillerAces: im sorry
    Me: how can i get my trust level up here?
    Me: im not into scamming ppl
    Me: im also on CC
    KillerAces: CC?
    KillerAces: CC?
    Me: cardschat
    KillerAces: oh
    KillerAces: how much lock u got bro
    KillerAces: all together
    Me: im low just lost 100,im dont to like 200ish
    KillerAces: 200 "?
    KillerAces: would you take 100 bcp for that plus what im sending you ?
    Me: yeah
    KillerAces: im sorry customer support just told me u sent it
    KillerAces: they are working on unlocking my account
    KillerAces: my ip got backlogged they said
    Me: no i need to get my br up again
    KillerAces: with another account
    KillerAces: thats weird
    KillerAces: sell me 100 of it
    KillerAces: u still have 100
    KillerAces: thats plenty to get your pr up
    Me: give me a couple days,i do high buyin tourneys
    KillerAces: i do too
    KillerAces: i need atleast another 60 bro
    KillerAces: ill give u a good deal on bcp
    KillerAces: what you want for 60 more ?
    Me: i cant sorry im down to 190
    Me: had 400 this morning'
    KillerAces: dude
    KillerAces: atleast 50
    KillerAces: i need it to go with the 60
    KillerAces: so u gave me 110 ill give you 60 bcp
    KillerAces: ill ship your 60 bcp right now
    KillerAces: send me another 50 .00
    KillerAces: i need it for a buy in
    KillerAces: i play big tourneys
    KillerAces: BLACK5TACKS
    Me: this is so sketchy,you said you had 190 in your acct
    KillerAces: right
    KillerAces: with a 5
    Me: yeah man just the first we madw and thats it
    KillerAces: the tourney im getting into is 530 buy in bro
    KillerAces: the tourney im getting into is 530 buy in bro
    KillerAces: i need 50 more
    KillerAces: and ill leave you alone
    KillerAces: imma ship you 60 bcp now
    Me: no just send me the agreed on trade please
    KillerAces: ill give u transaction number
    KillerAces: dude
    KillerAces: i said
    KillerAces: id give u 60 bcp
    KillerAces: for 120 lock
    KillerAces: lock is not worth
    KillerAces: lock is not worth anything
    KillerAces: do you not understand that
    KillerAces: you can buy it on here for 100 points per 1.00
    KillerAces: bcp is 575 points per 1.00
    Me: ok, no more bs bud just send my transfer please
    KillerAces: after i send u your 25 you can send me my 60
    Me: no,im really not going to make deals with you in the future
    Me: its way too stressing
    KillerAces: ok then
    KillerAces: ill send your money
    KillerAces: and dont ask me for another penny
    Me: just 25.00 on whart we agred
    KillerAces: k

  8. #38
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooffyFooffy View Post
    you have the right one, killerace has been around, killeraces is new
    I was wondering if they were the same person. KillerAce has been in default in shark to me for awhile and then this new KillerAce opens an account and has been taking out loans like crazy. It seemed like he was just building up his rep to pull a big scam.

  9. #39
    Experienced Member
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    it was not bc blackstacks is a multi account or whatever your saying...blackstacks has already sent me lock funds 2 diff. times in the last 3 days and my account is just fine. so killer aces, ether your lying or what ever happen to your account (if anything realy did) its your fault!!

  10. #40
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
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    I staked him in a bcp game before this. He has $5.50 of mine for a stake. Am I SOL?

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