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Thread: JW Got Scammed

  1. #61
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    tbh i see that just resulting in josh getting a ban imo or at least having his market privilages removed until he can learn how to trade properly with trusted members
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  2. #62
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Jjosh did you send? howdid cookies get the $10 anywyas?

    if dpad sent it then he was owed soitdontmatter./

  3. #63
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    May 2011
    josh I would now focus on asking dpad why the transfer has not happened and why he still has your money!

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  4. #64
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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  5. #65
    PokerOwned God
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    Jun 2011
    This thread is longer than my penis wow now that's saying something

  6. #66
    PokerOwned Master joshwayne420's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SendCookies View Post
    Get the whole scene:

    [3:22:30 PM] Send Cookies: still not here.
    [3:23:35 PM] doubledd725: what u talkin bout
    [3:23:37 PM] doubledd725: im lost
    [3:25:13 PM] Send Cookies: I'm not here.
    [3:25:20 PM] Send Cookies: so, stop talking to nobody.
    [3:25:23 PM] doubledd725: i just sent u $10 bcp can you do me 9.50 acr?
    [3:25:48 PM] doubledd725: im givin it to dude for 7 fitty
    [3:25:52 PM] doubledd725: this magic 14 cat on PO
    [3:25:58 PM] doubledd725: (cash)
    [3:26:32 PM] Send Cookies: don't send me shit unless it's payment.
    [3:26:40 PM] Send Cookies: Not trading.
    [3:26:45 PM] doubledd725: its a trade from another member
    [3:27:11 PM] doubledd725: once u receive send me ur rate on ACR should be .9 right?
    [3:27:13 PM] doubledd725: 9 for 10
    [3:28:14 PM] Send Cookies: I'm not sending you acr.
    [3:28:23 PM] Send Cookies: I'm keeping the bcp as loan payment tho.
    [3:28:24 PM] Send Cookies: TY.
    [3:28:39 PM] doubledd725: darkside95221 on acr.. do the right thing
    [3:28:45 PM] Send Cookies: no
    [3:28:50 PM] Send Cookies: i told you no b4.
    [3:28:58 PM] Send Cookies: stop trying to force my hand.
    [3:29:06 PM] Send Cookies: I am not trading PERIOD
    [3:29:18 PM] doubledd725: why not?
    [3:29:24 PM] doubledd725: u always do biz with me
    [3:29:27 PM] Send Cookies: cuz i told you i was not.
    [3:30:00 PM] doubledd725: lol ok i told them the scenario (worry)
    [3:30:04 PM] Send Cookies: so don't send the bcp unless you want to pay off part of your loan.
    [3:31:30 PM] Send Cookies: ok now you're off my skype too.
    [3:31:36 PM] doubledd725: lmao
    [3:31:43 PM] Send Cookies: i'll post the whole msg too.
    Well Cookies I got the whole "scene"...being that he sent you my $10 before you told him "dont send me shit unless its payment" lets me know that you received my $$$ as it was alrdy out of his accnt b4 you ever told him not to send it. Once you received [3:28:14 PM] Send Cookies: I'm not sending you acr.
    [3:28:23 PM] Send Cookies: I'm keeping the bcp as loan payment tho.
    [3:28:24 PM] Send Cookies: TY.
    [3:28:39 PM] doubledd725: darkside95221 on acr.. do the right thing

    This shows me that he sent prior to confirming w/u that you were good for it because he assumed you had the funds as do most considering you're never empty, & him alrdy knowing your policy & how u require others to send 1st. I think its funny that you would try and deny as the IM's show exactly in what order things transpired. Being that you have issues w/me only makes it more obvious that you got it & are keeping it for your own personal disputes that you may or may not have w/dpad. Whatever it may be, it's not my fucking problem. I think you may have mistaken me for a fool.
    Last edited by joshwayne420; 11-15-2013 at 10:52 PM.
    04/03/2014 03:20 <lilg97> i used to money lauder on ftp

  7. #67
    PokerOwned Master joshwayne420's Avatar
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    I want my money & if you think you have successfully deferred the attn & blame off yourslf & back to dpad you are sadly mistaken.
    04/03/2014 03:20 <lilg97> i used to money lauder on ftp

  8. #68
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    OK for the last Time. 1. I don't have the money. Never hit my account 2. If I do receive the money I've already told ya it'll be taken as Dpad debt to me. 3. I am done with this for good. I won't talk/argue about this anymore. Dpad owes you, you settle it w/ him. DONE!!!

  9. #69
    TON is Gone.
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Josh = Dpad.

    Alt alt alt.

    You heard it here first.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    get ya bread game up, and this wont happen... beeeeeep

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