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Results 21 to 27 of 27
  1. #21
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3265D56B21000043 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T13986593 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/13 - 22:45:12
    Dealer: Seat 2
    Seat 2: Ilsidur1 (13,350 in chips)
    Seat 4: SEALTeam2 (150 in chips)
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 20
    SEALTeam2: posts ante of 20
    Ilsidur1: posts small blind 100
    SEALTeam2: posts big blind 130
    SEALTeam2: folds
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Ilsidur1: mucks
    Ilsidur1 wins 270

    Ilsidur1 finished 1 out of 9 players.
    Player left the table

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3265D56BD0000076 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T13986768 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 40/200/400 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/13 - 23:52:13
    Dealer: Seat 9
    Seat 1: Ilsidur1 (922 in chips)
    Seat 9: playdough (3,538 in chips)
    Seat 10: DonkAtronic (9,040 in chips)
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 40
    playdough: posts ante of 40
    DonkAtronic: posts ante of 40
    DonkAtronic: posts small blind 200
    Ilsidur1: posts big blind 400
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [3h,9c]
    playdough: folds
    DonkAtronic: is all in 8,800
    Ilsidur1: is all in 482
    DonkAtronic: returns uncalled bet 8,118
    Ilsidur1: shows [3h 9c]
    DonkAtronic: shows [4c Kh]
    *** FLOP *** [8s,2h,Tc]
    *** TURN *** [Ah]
    *** RIVER *** [5c]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    DonkAtronic wins 1,884 with High card Ace with King kicker
    Ilsidur1 chats: gg
    Ilsidur1 finished 3 out of 9 players.

    Dealer: Seat 10
    Player left the table

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3265D56B30000046 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $3.50 T13986608 -- CASH -- $3.5 + $0.35 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 25/125/250 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/13 - 23:37:50
    Dealer: Seat 4
    Seat 1: Ilsidur1 (1,568 in chips)
    Seat 4: Racerxpa (4,712 in chips)
    Seat 7: rocdiesel (1,445 in chips)
    Seat 9: jakeyzzzzz (3,515 in chips)
    Seat 10: AriGold14 (2,260 in chips)
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 25
    Racerxpa: posts ante of 25
    rocdiesel: posts ante of 25
    jakeyzzzzz: posts ante of 25
    AriGold14: posts ante of 25
    rocdiesel: posts small blind 125
    jakeyzzzzz: posts big blind 250
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [Kd,Td]
    AriGold14: calls 250
    Ilsidur1: calls 250
    Racerxpa: calls 250
    rocdiesel: folds
    jakeyzzzzz: checks
    *** FLOP *** [Ks,3s,3c]
    jakeyzzzzz: checks
    AriGold14: is all in 1,985
    Ilsidur1: is all in 1,293
    Racerxpa: folds
    jakeyzzzzz: folds
    AriGold14: returns uncalled bet 692
    Ilsidur1: shows [Kd Td]
    AriGold14: shows [Kh Jc]
    *** TURN *** [6c]
    *** RIVER *** [5c]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    AriGold14 wins 3,836 with Two Pairs Kings and Threes with Jack kicker
    Ilsidur1 finished 5 out of 9 players.

    Dealer: Seat 7
    Player left the table

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3265D56D13000040 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T13987091 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/14 - 00:31:34
    Dealer: Seat 5
    Seat 2: roger35 (3,475 in chips)
    Seat 3: Mackerel1 (1,155 in chips)
    Seat 5: RotoGrip (4,285 in chips)
    Seat 8: ndyst (3,620 in chips)
    Seat 10: Ilsidur1 (965 in chips)
    roger35: posts ante of 20
    Mackerel1: posts ante of 20
    RotoGrip: posts ante of 20
    ndyst: posts ante of 20
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 20
    ndyst: posts small blind 100
    Ilsidur1: posts big blind 200
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [5s,5d]
    roger35: folds
    Mackerel1: is all in 1,135
    RotoGrip: folds
    ndyst: folds
    Ilsidur1: is all in 745
    Mackerel1: returns uncalled bet 190
    Mackerel1: shows [9c 9d]
    Ilsidur1: shows [5s 5d]
    *** FLOP *** [8d,Ad,Ts]
    *** TURN *** [Ah]
    *** RIVER *** [4d]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Mackerel1 wins 2,090 with Two Pairs Aces and Nines
    Ilsidur1 finished 5 out of 9 players.

    Dealer: Seat 8
    Player left the table

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hand#3265D57A7E000070 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $3.50 T13990526 -- CASH -- $3.5 + $0.35 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 40/200/400 NL Hold'em -- 2013/03/14 - 11:30:43
    Dealer: Seat 5
    Seat 5: Ilsidur1 (10,708 in chips)
    Seat 10: falcao 12 (2,792 in chips)
    Ilsidur1: posts ante of 40
    falcao 12: posts ante of 40
    Ilsidur1: posts small blind 200
    falcao 12: posts big blind 400
    Dealt to Ilsidur1 [Ah,9s]
    Ilsidur1: is all in 10,468
    falcao 12: is all in 2,352
    Ilsidur1: returns uncalled bet 7,916
    Ilsidur1: shows [Ah 9s]
    falcao 12: shows [Kc Th]
    *** FLOP *** [6d,5s,Ts]
    *** TURN *** [Ac]
    *** RIVER *** [Jc]
    ***SHOW DOWN***
    Ilsidur1 wins 5,584 with Pair of Aces

    Ilsidur1 finished 1 out of 9 players.
    Player left the table

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Stake Ended Money Shipped!!

  7. #27
    Survey Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    recd thx

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