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Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    I have Pay Pal. Looking for BCP ACR

    Ive never ripped anyone off, and all my trades are made quick. I have 27$ pay pal right now and am looking for ACR or BCP. Thanks for looking

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro suited88's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    GL! ive had the same issue and NObody will sell funds through paypal... y? i have NO clue. its RECIEVING money! and u can put it on a card or whatev. i dont get it, if u have a paypal acct, whats the big deal? id be doing it if i was selling funds to a site. shrug

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran CTAnon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I'm in the same boat. I have $40 paypal and looking for pretty much any deal that someone will transfer funds for any amount up to, and including $40. Fuck, I'd even do $1 at a time at this point to get money on a site.

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