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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Hey Everybody,
    Its TheCol here. I just got scammed out of 12k in points from a guy name JohnLLB.
    He was looking for points and wanted to trade me Carbon for points.
    I told him I do 400 points per $1. He said he wants $30 worth so I told him I would give him 12k in points for the $30.
    JohnLLB set it up in the market and I was chatting with him while we were going to make the deal.
    I told him I have the points in escroll and he needs to send me the $30 Carbon and I would release the points.
    He said that he never traded with me before and said that he has been scammed before. So I told him while talking in private chat that I would release the points to him as being trustworthy. He goes ok. So I release the points and I sit and wait for the transfer to show up on Carbon. I wait like 3 min and then I ask him in chat if he sent the $30 to my account.
    He logs out of chat and I cant get in touch with him. So im getting pissed and start sending Zab 2 PM's concerning this situation and try to explain what happened.
    During that time the same guy that took my 12k points (JohnLLB) was working a deal with UGOTMERGED for $15 for 10k in points. UGOTMERGED didnt know that I just got scammed.
    So I got in the main chat and told everyone that I got scammed out of 12k in points on a bad Market deal.
    So this guy(JohnLLB) ends up selling the points he scammed from me to UGOTMERGED for $15 paypal.
    I talked with UGOTMERGED and he said he had no idea that I just got scammed my this guy(JohnLLB).
    UGOTMERGED offered me back the points but I, said no. I didnt want anyone to lose there money for the points.
    Winnachip and Sharking also witnessed all this happening at once.
    Zab I guess you can look into banning this guy. Im pretty sure I wont get any points back. But to all that do deals in the market place. Make sure you put what ever your trading in escroll and never release till you have a good trade.
    Zab this is as close as I remember what happen at around 11:40pm Central.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    So sad to see a nice guy like theCol get scammed like this. If it is thru paypal maybe Ugotmerged can have it canceled. And if so you could get your points back. If not, I hope zab is able to refund you. Sorry man

  3. #3
    Survey Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    yea no matter what the guy says if youre points are in escrow youre fine. DO NOT RELEASE til he sends EVER

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thats just so sad. Who even does that kind of stuff for 15$?! Guy needs to get a job instead of scammin people...

  5. #5
    Survey Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharking View Post
    So sad to see a nice guy like theCol get scammed like this. If it is thru paypal maybe Ugotmerged can have it canceled. And if so you could get your points back. If not, I hope zab is able to refund you. Sorry man
    i doubt zab will refund him. market deals are at users risk. if he had not realesed til he got money hed have been fine

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    damn, that sux, sorry to hear TheCol. Didnt realize u could buy crack w/paypal tho.

  7. #7
    Seasoned Veteran winachip's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    i friggin knew something waz up.. i tried sooooo hard but he waz already outta chat .. thiz drove me absolutely bananaz.. sharking .. lol u know .. hehehe

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    soooory to hear u got scammed col sadly, that was tooo tr usting of u , here at PO,,, to send first, especially with someone u didnt really know well... that sucks tho and that name JohnLLB,!!, sounds like such a joke made up name, too. prolly some one with another acct too,,, well anyways,,, hope u get this resolved somehow too.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    im so sorry to hear abt this sir $ 30 is not small amounts its like mine lifetime earnings on PO took me 1 yrs time. i am upset for this loss for u it happend to me also i got scammed and was on chat and pm to this guy who just took the points and after that cant even find him in PO he must hav register new id lesson to be learnt dont trade big with someone u dont trust (hav not traded with before) if its small amount like less than $ 5 its ok to trade with new unknown player but at ur own risk and better to trade in parts not big amount at one time.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Sep 2012
    Bad enough that we have people who cheat in this game and the other corrupt

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