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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Cash Stakes on Carbon Poker

    OK here's the deal. I'm offering 10 $1.10 stakes on Carbon Poker for 300 points each. The 300 points is a good faith payment. It is 280 pts less than a $1 redemption and will go toward any payment for the stakes. If you lose, hey you've gotten a great chance for 280 pts less. If you win, you get 300 points toward your portion of stake you owe me. The stake is for 50% of all wins over the intial $1. Rules for the stake.

    General Rules
    1. The stake is for playing .11 cents Bumblebee Room SnG's only.
    2. You must only play SnG in that range and for me only during the stake period.
    3. You must post your sharkscope for SnG's prior to starting the stake, and then after finishing the stake. This will be the best way to keep everyone honest.
    4. You must be able to pay me back in one of these three ways
    a. Cash Transfer via Cabon Poker
    b. Points via PokerOwned Points. My payback trade rate will be 300 points for each $1 owed to me
    c. Paypal Transfer for $2 or more only.
    5. You can apply for stakes once a week from the last time I staked you. If you make money, I'd assume you'd want to run on your own, but, if you want to be staked again, you can be right away. If you lose 2 weeks in a row, you will not be staked for 2 weeks from time of 1st funding. If you lose the next 2 stakes you are out of my staking chain for at least one month.

    Stake Play Rules
    1. If you triple up the roll you must stop and ask me via this thread on whether you can continue or not. You must stop and ship back funds if asked to stop
    2. If you go broke you owe me nothing but the 300 pts you already paid for the stake.
    3. If you are under .11 cents remaining in your roll you must post up what you have left and added it to any future stakes you recieve from me.
    4. The Stakes are good for 3 days from time of funding. So, you must stop after 3 days and ask what to do next.
    5. If you burn me. You will be blacklisted from any future stakes w/ me. As this is only Step 1 in my staking business here on PO'd. This will be your loss.

    What to do for Stakes
    1. Post in this thread for stake. Post with your Carbon Name and your Sharkscope SnG Stats. If you do not have stats because you are new. Post 'New Player' No Stats Yet.
    2. Wait for my confirmation in this thread as to your acceptance.
    3. Click on one of my $1 Carbon Stakes in the Market Place. I will fund ASAP. If I'm near a computer should be within a couple minutes as I will have the thread subscribed to my Droid Phone.
    4. Start you play and add tourney numbers and running bankroll in your first thread by editing the thread.
    5. When you have finished the 'stake' add a screenshot of the final sharkscope after finishing. Wait for my confirmation. Ship funds if you owe me. If you went broke, GL next time.

    This is step one. For any who complete step 1 of my stake funding at 25% or better ROI, you will be eligible for Step 2 Funding of $6.60.

    If you have any questions Please PM me before replying to this thread. I want to keep this thread for Staking replies only. Thanks, and GL -Cookies

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God RVCrusher's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Think thats a great idea

    Im already running a private stake at the moment, otherwise i would apply

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RVCrusher View Post
    Think thats a great idea

    Im already running a private stake at the moment, otherwise i would apply
    You seem to be the only one on here to think so. LOL, I don't know if it is just the lack of ppl on here, or if they just don't trust me, but, I get no traction in this marketplace. LOL

  4. #4
    Sergeant Major kohorton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    do you still stake non US players on full tilt? i haven't played poker since fbi shut down sites, so i dont know what is going on

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Think thats a great idea

    Im already running a private stake at the moment, otherwise i would apply

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