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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2013
    I'm the Boss Hu... Stake me 1 Game I'll MOVE UP from THERE. GUARNTEEEDDDD

  2. #22
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Ok, because I sadly have nothing better to do atm, I will engage you one more time. I will give you some some seriously over-inflated benefits: I will give your horse a 20% roi over 100 daily games. $2.40 times 100 = $240. 20% times $240 = $48. So you have a superstar thoroughbred horse smoking fools @ a completely absurd rate; also you have a horse putting in a serious daily grind all for .5 x $48 = $24. That is sweatshop labor, and quite frankly unrealistic @ 20% roi. If you look at all the great hyper hu sng players, they are in the 2-5% roi range. But wait there is more, you have 100 games of .10 rake to factor in. So $10 in rake brings your winnings of $48 down to $38 divided by 2 = $19 for both the backer and the horse. The reason HU hyper sng players make money, is because they gradually move up, and throughout the span of 3-5 years they put in millions of games.

  3. #23
    Survey Master
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sickread23 View Post
    Ok, because I sadly have nothing better to do atm, I will engage you one more time. I will give you some some seriously over-inflated benefits: I will give your horse a 20% roi over 100 daily games. $2.40 times 100 = $240. 20% times $240 = $48. So you have a superstar thoroughbred horse smoking fools @ a completely absurd rate; also you have a horse putting in a serious daily grind all for .5 x $48 = $24. That is sweatshop labor, and quite frankly unrealistic @ 20% roi. If you look at all the great hyper hu sng players, they are in the 2-5% roi range. But wait there is more, you have 100 games of .10 rake to factor in. So $10 in rake brings your winnings of $48 down to $38 divided by 2 = $19 for both the backer and the horse. The reason HU hyper sng players make money, is because they gradually move up, and throughout the span of 3-5 years they put in millions of games.
    youre making yourself look stupid. you obv didnt read the original post. horse moves up when he has 10x buyins for next level

  4. #24
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    OMG, no research was done one this matter before the OP obv... no worries, thats why we are here
    20% ROI will NEVER happen HYPER HU SNG

    Madjek said the top HU SnG players he looked up were ITM 55% AT MOST

    this goes back to me saying that 6% ROI in hypers is VERY GOOD. (article recently read)
    and the money is in the rakeback and 30+ tabling (article read again)

    Tommy, NOBODY on this planet is winning even 7 of 10 games regularly at the hyper level

  5. #25
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by tommy62278 View Post
    whos got skills? will start at the 2$ lv and move up when you have 10x buyins for next lv. BR starts with 12.50 and you wont move up til you hit 61.80
    Yeah I must have read incorrectly. 10 BI's ? Going from $12.50 and not moving up until horse reaches $61.80 is more than 10 BI's, it is 20. You can't count both the villains and the hero's BI as 1 cumulative BI. Additionally, your horse at 20% roi is not even moving up to the next level during the session. Don't get defensive because you are wrong. There is no1 winning 80-100 games at the hyper HU SNG's on BCP. In fact, there is no1 here that is winning 65/100 on BCP. You don't get the games.... trust me, I ran 630 in a 15 day span on Merge to put in some work on my game. I made less than $40. If I had won 8/10 games in 630 games, I would have made $378. That is so unrealistic. Look up SuperStar HU SNG grinder HokieGreg. The guy has played 16,980 HU sng's, AVG BI of $139, and made $32,395. Also, he had nearly a $21,000 uptick on his SS HU SNG graph in 20 games. That is an under 2% roi. Obviously he played some super fish high stakes during that 20 game rush of +21k. So he is really closer to a 1% roi HU sng grinder.

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    On fulltilt all I did was hu Omaha, over 13k over a course of years. I was nowhere near 20% roi, if you want that your nuts, varience itself stops that in its tracks. I was highly profitable, but mostly because of rakeback and points, ironman, I was prob only at the 4-5% roi level at any given time. Your sending someone 12.50 and throwing so many rules and requirements for a little more then a ten spot, its ridiculous. Gl finding someone to do this and meet your crazy demands.

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Sep 2013
    Very good system... thanks for your kindness

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Master
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    Sep 2012
    i play HU almost exclusively. i play HU hypers on pokerstars. i started from the $1.50s and currently at the $7s moving up when i hit 250 buyins for $15s with an ROI of 5%. staking someone is these games really isn't the best idea. the variance is brutal and the volume you have to put in to be in profit is insane. i really cant see anyone being profitable playing these on bcp. the rake is too big and the games are far too slow to fill to meet the volume requirements.

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