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  1. #11
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Drywallman3 View Post
    then have zab put your points back in your account by disputing the trade
    from the sounds of it a "dispute" isnt needed he should be able to just cancel the trade

    to the sounds like you havent actually made a deal with newdaddyhere, hes posted an advert in chat and you have just made the deal in market without him giving you ANY response thus no deal has been made and this thread is abit pointless if im reading it right anyway

    its abit strange that he wouldnt reply to your pms but its highly possible he doesnt want to deal with new members
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  2. #12
    Experienced Member
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    maybe I'm not understanding how this works.
    I thought you send the money, than I release the funds. You never sent the money, so I never released the funds. If I'm not doing this right I would appreciate it if someone could explain the way it is supposed to be.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    you did it right, you escrow the points then when you receive the money you send the points. If no deal is done then you have zab refund back your points

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  4. #14
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A9ofHearts View Post
    maybe I'm not understanding how this works.
    I thought you send the money, than I release the funds. You never sent the money, so I never released the funds. If I'm not doing this right I would appreciate it if someone could explain the way it is supposed to be.
    no that bits right...the problem is that you never agreed to any deal, you just assumed that the deal was made, there is no deal if both members dont agree to it O.o you kinda missed stage 1 and went straight to stage 2
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  5. #15
    Experienced Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by azreal1 View Post
    no that bits right...the problem is that you never agreed to any deal, you just assumed that the deal was made, there is no deal if both members dont agree to it O.o you kinda missed stage 1 and went straight to stage 2
    Oh. So when I click trade in the market place he has to accept before anything happens? And if that is the case, how do I cancel a trade?

  6. #16
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A9ofHearts View Post
    Oh. So when I click trade in the market place he has to accept before anything happens? And if that is the case, how do I cancel a trade?
    no, you need to bubble chat him to let him know that you want the bcp $$$ you dont get a notification when someone places something in the market place, and posting in main chat can be easily missed
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  7. #17
    PokerOwned God Swittie's Avatar
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    giant IQs appear here from times to times .......... (roll)

    In the beginning God said : "The four dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric second rank tensor equals zero", and at once there was light.

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by A9ofHearts View Post
    maybe I'm not understanding how this works.
    I thought you send the money, than I release the funds. You never sent the money, so I never released the funds. If I'm not doing this right I would appreciate it if someone could explain the way it is supposed to be.
    Idk, but I have bcp for sale bubble me if you want some and I'll set it up in market.

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