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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    9.90 stake from private backer

    Will run a 3.30 on demand tourny and 2 3.30 9 mans. 50/50 +sb. If up 3 games will discuss more games..

    I accept terms and conditions..famfirst211

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Pot: 1250
    *Player tedy120 mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 625. Collects: 1250. Wins: 625.
    Player famfirst211 does not show cards.Bets: 625. Collects: 0. Loses: 625.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/9 20:26:52

    Game started at: 2014/1/9 20:26:54
    Game ID: 240965616 500/1000 $3 Holdem Turbo - On Demand, Table 6 (Hold'em)
    Seat 5 is the button
    Seat 5: tedy120 (16331).
    Seat 6: famfirst211 (37669).
    Player famfirst211 ante (125)
    Player tedy120 ante (125)
    Player tedy120 has small blind (500)
    Player famfirst211 has big blind (1000)
    Player famfirst211 received card: [3d]
    Player famfirst211 received card: [10h]
    Player tedy120 received a card.
    Player tedy120 received a card.
    Player tedy120 calls (500)
    Player famfirst211 checks
    *** FLOP ***: [5c 4s 2d]
    Player famfirst211 checks
    Player tedy120 checks
    *** TURN ***: [5c 4s 2d] [Ah]
    Player famfirst211 checks
    Player tedy120 bets (1125)
    Player famfirst211 raises (6750)
    Player tedy120 calls (5625)
    *** RIVER ***: [5c 4s 2d Ah] [Jh]
    Player famfirst211 allin (29794)
    Player tedy120 allin (8456)
    Uncalled bet (21338) returned to famfirst211
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 32662
    Board: [5c 4s 2d Ah Jh]
    Player tedy120 shows: One pair of Ks [Kh Kd]. Bets: 16331. Collects: 0. Loses: 16331.
    *Player famfirst211 shows: Straight to 5 [3d 10h]. Bets: 16331. Collects: 32662. Wins: 16331.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/9 20:27:28

    Bankroll: 42.24
    profit/loss: 35.64

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    TID: 1456554, 3.30 9 man SNG

    Game started at: 2014/1/9 21:32:21
    Game ID: 240990669 75/150 $3 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 8 is the button
    Seat 1: heliosheath (4025).
    Seat 3: The Big Oh (2942).
    Seat 4: famfirst211 (555).
    Seat 5: tile man (2792).
    Seat 6: TravelQueen7 (945).
    Seat 8: 420STL420 (2241).
    Player heliosheath has small blind (75)
    Player The Big Oh has big blind (150)
    Player heliosheath received a card.
    Player heliosheath received a card.
    Player The Big Oh received a card.
    Player The Big Oh received a card.
    Player famfirst211 received card: [Kc]
    Player famfirst211 received card: [Js]
    Player tile man received a card.
    Player tile man received a card.
    Player TravelQueen7 received a card.
    Player TravelQueen7 received a card.
    Player 420STL420 received a card.
    Player 420STL420 received a card.
    Player famfirst211 allin (555)
    Player tile man folds
    Player TravelQueen7 folds
    Player 420STL420 folds
    Player heliosheath folds
    Player The Big Oh calls (405)
    *** FLOP ***: [6d Jh 6c]
    *** TURN ***: [6d Jh 6c] [5d]
    *** RIVER ***: [6d Jh 6c 5d] [4h]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 1185
    Board: [6d Jh 6c 5d 4h]
    Player heliosheath does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
    *Player The Big Oh shows: Three Of Kind of 6s [6s 8d]. Bets: 555. Collects: 1185. Wins: 630.
    Player famfirst211 shows: Two pairs. Js and 6s [Kc Js]. Bets: 555. Collects: 0. Loses: 555.
    Player tile man does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player TravelQueen7 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player 420STL420 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/9 21:32:56

    BankRoll: 38.94
    Profit/loss -3.30
    Last edited by famfirst21; 01-09-2014 at 09:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    i dont understand clearly not the only one since I am the only one to add anything to this post haha

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    3.22 DON last two variance is a bitch when u win something in a strange way lol

    Game started at: 2014/1/9 22:6:26
    Game ID: 241004234 50/100 $3 Double or Nothing - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 6 is the button
    Seat 2: romantiac (2660).
    Seat 4: famfirst211 (1392).
    Seat 5: The Wrath (4352).
    Seat 6: Msbhvntwin (596).
    Player romantiac has small blind (50)
    Player famfirst211 has big blind (100)
    Player romantiac received a card.
    Player romantiac received a card.
    Player famfirst211 received card: [10c]
    Player famfirst211 received card: [As]
    Player The Wrath received a card.
    Player The Wrath received a card.
    Player Msbhvntwin received a card.
    Player Msbhvntwin received a card.
    Player The Wrath folds
    Player Msbhvntwin allin (596)
    Player romantiac folds
    Player famfirst211 calls (496)
    *** FLOP ***: [7c 4c 3s]
    *** TURN ***: [7c 4c 3s] [Kh]
    *** RIVER ***: [7c 4c 3s Kh] [5d]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 1242
    Board: [7c 4c 3s Kh 5d]
    Player romantiac does not show cards.Bets: 50. Collects: 0. Loses: 50.
    Player famfirst211 shows: High card A [10c As]. Bets: 596. Collects: 0. Loses: 596.
    Player The Wrath does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player Msbhvntwin shows: Straight to 7 [6c 6d]. Bets: 596. Collects: 1242. Wins: 646.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/9 22:6:44

    Game started at: 2014/1/9 22:6:47
    Game ID: 241004365 50/100 $3 Double or Nothing - 6 Players, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Seat 2: romantiac (2610).
    Seat 4: famfirst211 (796).
    Seat 5: The Wrath (4352).
    Seat 6: Msbhvntwin (1242).
    Player famfirst211 has small blind (50)
    Player The Wrath has big blind (100)
    Player famfirst211 received card: [9h]
    Player famfirst211 received card: [Qh]
    Player The Wrath received a card.
    Player The Wrath received a card.
    Player Msbhvntwin received a card.
    Player Msbhvntwin received a card.
    Player romantiac received a card.
    Player romantiac received a card.
    Player Msbhvntwin folds
    Player romantiac folds
    Player famfirst211 allin (746)
    Player The Wrath calls (696)
    *** FLOP ***: [2s Kd 5s]
    *** TURN ***: [2s Kd 5s] [3c]
    *** RIVER ***: [2s Kd 5s 3c] [2c]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 1592
    Board: [2s Kd 5s 3c 2c]
    Player romantiac does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player famfirst211 shows: One pair of 2s [9h Qh]. Bets: 796. Collects: 0. Loses: 796.
    *Player The Wrath shows: Two pairs. Ks and 2s [As Kh]. Bets: 796. Collects: 1592. Wins: 796.
    Player Msbhvntwin does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/9 22:7:7

    BR: 35.72
    profit/loss: -3.22

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    sending original SB of 9.90 back and gonna be running on Pure Profit from here on out. 50/50 from here on out playing anything 3.30 and Under unless i have 10X buyin for any other specific tournament

    BR: 25.82
    Last edited by famfirst21; 01-09-2014 at 10:35 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    TID: $2 KO 1456158

    first couple hands in and a real nice double up

    Game started at: 2014/1/9 23:23:28
    Game ID: 241032647 15/30 $2 Holdem KO, Table 2 (Hold'em)
    Seat 4 is the button
    Seat 1: pokeracering (3730).
    Seat 2: kiddaa (2330).
    Seat 3: famfirst211 (3045).
    Seat 4: EmoQQQ (3165).
    Seat 5: RossJob (3000).
    Seat 6: allindonkey1986 (2730).
    Seat 9: Misty005 (3000).
    Player RossJob has small blind (15)
    Player allindonkey1986 has big blind (30)
    Player RossJob received a card.
    Player RossJob received a card.
    Player allindonkey1986 received a card.
    Player allindonkey1986 received a card.
    Player Misty005 received a card.
    Player Misty005 received a card.
    Player pokeracering received a card.
    Player pokeracering received a card.
    Player kiddaa received a card.
    Player kiddaa received a card.
    Player famfirst211 received card: [10d]
    Player famfirst211 received card: [10s]
    Player EmoQQQ received a card.
    Player EmoQQQ received a card.
    Player Misty005 calls (30)
    Player pokeracering raises (90)
    Player kiddaa folds
    Player famfirst211 raises (150)
    Player EmoQQQ folds
    Player RossJob folds
    Player allindonkey1986 folds
    Player Misty005 calls (120)
    Player pokeracering calls (60)
    *** FLOP ***: [Qc Qh Qs]
    Player Misty005 checks
    Player pokeracering bets (330)
    Player famfirst211 allin (2895)
    Player Misty005 folds
    Player pokeracering calls (2565)
    *** TURN ***: [Qc Qh Qs] [2d]
    *** RIVER ***: [Qc Qh Qs 2d] [6h]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 6285
    Board: [Qc Qh Qs 2d 6h]
    Player pokeracering shows: Full House (Q/8) [8h 8d]. Bets: 3045. Collects: 0. Loses: 3045.
    Player kiddaa does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player famfirst211 shows: Full House (Q/10) [10d 10s]. Bets: 3045. Collects: 6285. Wins: 3240.
    Player EmoQQQ does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player RossJob does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
    Player allindonkey1986 does not show cards.Bets: 30. Collects: 0. Loses: 30.
    Player Misty005 does not show cards.Bets: 150. Collects: 0. Loses: 150.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/9 23:24:45

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    TID: 1457206 $25 GTD .55 cent buyin X2

    final hand only gave it two shots

    Game started at: 2014/1/10 0:4:50
    Game ID: 241047037 20/40 $25 GTD - On Demand, Table 3 (Hold'em)
    Seat 1 is the button
    Seat 1: redbirds314 (1435).
    Seat 2: mcHomo (4070).
    Seat 3: BIGB13 (5325).
    Seat 5: gropdog (1500).
    Seat 6: MY LENA (1500).
    Seat 7: Pokemallgood (615).
    Seat 8: Herrro (1500).
    Seat 9: famfirst211 (3575).
    Player mcHomo has small blind (20)
    Player BIGB13 has big blind (40)
    Player mcHomo received a card.
    Player mcHomo received a card.
    Player BIGB13 received a card.
    Player BIGB13 received a card.
    Player gropdog received a card.
    Player gropdog received a card.
    Player MY LENA received a card.
    Player MY LENA received a card.
    Player Pokemallgood received a card.
    Player Pokemallgood received a card.
    Player Herrro received a card.
    Player Herrro received a card.
    Player famfirst211 received card: [7s]
    Player famfirst211 received card: [7c]
    Player redbirds314 received a card.
    Player redbirds314 received a card.
    Player gropdog calls (40)
    Player MY LENA calls (40)
    Player Pokemallgood folds
    Player Herrro raises (120)
    Player famfirst211 calls (120)
    Player redbirds314 calls (120)
    Player mcHomo folds
    Player BIGB13 allin (5285)
    Player gropdog folds
    Player MY LENA folds
    Player Herrro folds
    Player famfirst211 allin (3455)
    Player redbirds314 folds
    Uncalled bet (1750) returned to BIGB13
    *** FLOP ***: [5c 4s 6d]
    *** TURN ***: [5c 4s 6d] [Jd]
    *** RIVER ***: [5c 4s 6d Jd] [9h]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 7490
    Board: [5c 4s 6d Jd 9h]
    Player redbirds314 does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
    Player mcHomo does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
    *Player BIGB13 shows: One pair of 8s [8s 8c]. Bets: 3575. Collects: 7490. Wins: 3915.
    Player gropdog does not show cards.Bets: 40. Collects: 0. Loses: 40.
    Player MY LENA does not show cards.Bets: 40. Collects: 0. Loses: 40.
    Player Pokemallgood does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player Herrro does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
    Player famfirst211 shows: One pair of 7s [7s 7c]. Bets: 3575. Collects: 0. Loses: 3575.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/10 0:5:49

    Profit/Loss: -1.10

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    best winning hand ever and i thought i lost i even cussed and everything lol

    Game started at: 2014/1/10 0:29:28
    Game ID: 241055064 75/150 $2 Holdem KO, Table 5 (Hold'em)
    Seat 5 is the button
    Seat 2: Spenserino (4318).
    Seat 3: SkoolyRat (2520).
    Seat 4: rockbass68 (2855).
    Seat 5: fshman78 (10910).
    Seat 6: NDBISON (1425).
    Seat 7: xXSNYPERXx (11665).
    Seat 8: famfirst211 (7805).
    Seat 9: EmoQQQ (2065).
    Player NDBISON ante (15)
    Player xXSNYPERXx ante (15)
    Player famfirst211 ante (15)
    Player EmoQQQ ante (15)
    Player Spenserino ante (15)
    Player SkoolyRat ante (15)
    Player rockbass68 ante (15)
    Player fshman78 ante (15)
    Player NDBISON has small blind (75)
    Player xXSNYPERXx has big blind (150)
    Player NDBISON received a card.
    Player NDBISON received a card.
    Player xXSNYPERXx received a card.
    Player xXSNYPERXx received a card.
    Player famfirst211 received card: [8d]
    Player famfirst211 received card: [8h]
    Player EmoQQQ received a card.
    Player EmoQQQ received a card.
    Player Spenserino received a card.
    Player Spenserino received a card.
    Player SkoolyRat received a card.
    Player SkoolyRat received a card.
    Player rockbass68 received a card.
    Player rockbass68 received a card.
    Player fshman78 received a card.
    Player fshman78 received a card.
    Player famfirst211 raises (300)
    Player EmoQQQ folds
    Player Spenserino folds
    Player SkoolyRat folds
    Player rockbass68 folds
    Player fshman78 calls (300)
    Player NDBISON folds
    Player xXSNYPERXx calls (150)
    *** FLOP ***: [Ac 8c 7h]
    Player xXSNYPERXx checks
    Player famfirst211 bets (200)
    Player fshman78 raises (600)
    Player xXSNYPERXx folds
    Player famfirst211 raises (2400)
    Player fshman78 allin (9995)
    Player famfirst211 allin (4890)
    Uncalled bet (3105) returned to fshman78
    *** TURN ***: [Ac 8c 7h] [2d]
    *** RIVER ***: [Ac 8c 7h 2d] [7s]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 16075
    Board: [Ac 8c 7h 2d 7s]
    Player Spenserino does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
    Player SkoolyRat does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
    Player rockbass68 does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
    Player fshman78 shows: Full House (7/A) [7c As]. Bets: 7805. Collects: 0. Loses: 7805.
    Player NDBISON does not show cards.Bets: 90. Collects: 0. Loses: 90.
    Player xXSNYPERXx does not show cards.Bets: 315. Collects: 0. Loses: 315.
    *Player famfirst211 shows: Full House (8/7) [8d 8h]. Bets: 7805. Collects: 16075. Wins: 8270.
    Player EmoQQQ does not show cards.Bets: 15. Collects: 0. Loses: 15.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/10 0:30:28

  10. #10
    Danghis Khan dk12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Lol nh
    "Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you will get the results" -Oscar Wilde



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