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  1. #11
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    A saying I heard in recovery," It doesn't matter how the cart got in the ditch, but how do we get it out of the ditch "? You guys placing blame , are doing the same thing our government does and is why nothing gets done.

  2. #12
    Elite PokerOwned Member GottImHimmel's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Wagon well put. We all know many of people are to blame here but now the only thing that matters is working to get the hell outta it.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GottImHimmel View Post
    Again- I get it, he inherited part of it, but where's the American Spirit that once would stand on PRINCIPLE and take responsibility, work your damned hardest, and try to fix the problem.
    He HAS 1 adviser or "Czar" that had run a business in the private sector. The others like Amelia Dunn quote Mao Tse Dung, former communist premier of China in our nation's colleges.
    Not to mention the people like George Soros who is quoted as saying he himself was " God-Like " who broke the bank of England by massively shorting it, now saying that the world's problem is the United States.
    You give out that his adviser ran a business. This should mean obama is a great step up from the previous president. Bush just a guy with a lot of money using his power to help out his rich buddies. Look at bush to think he was actually president is mind boggling. Obviously obama is going to try to fix this problem with the debt. But by doing this he will have to implement alot of things like higher taxes and cut spending, Everyone will be on his case about highgering taxes but if he doesnt they will be onto him about the debt. Damned if you do and damned if you dont

  4. #14
    Elite PokerOwned Member GottImHimmel's Avatar
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    Prawney. Again with the Bush thing, Bush was a Republican Progressive just like Obama is a Democratic Progressive. Raising taxes is one of the single worst things we could do. Again, we need to cut taxes, simplify the tax code, lower regulations and this huge bureaucracy needs to go. The over-powerful unions ran the steel mills right out of business, I mean, just look at Detroit. So again, we need to grow the Private Sector, that's where wealth is generated, NOT the public sector. The new deal DID NOT end the great depression, the worst year of the great depression was in 1939, long after the NRA was implemented. The second world war got us out of the Great Depression. So here we go, the battle of Keynesian economics vs. Supply Side Economics, One saying to throw massive amounts of liquidity into the system in hopes of stimulating it, and the other lowering taxes to grow the private sector. The track record is clear, after we got Jimmy Carter out Ronald Reagan created an economic boom. The Soviet Union Collapsed, the Weimar Republic ( known for it's hyper-inflationary downturn ) was over taken by Hitler, and Zimbabwe is now one of the worst places in the world.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Lowering taxes to increase the priave sector will in the short term anyways raise the national debt. And your arguement earlier was that obama's budget is raising the debt. Your just throwing out arguments that contradict previous things you say. You want the Debt to lower without having to endure any of the negative effects of what goes along with this process. Damned if you do. Damned if you dont!

  6. #16
    Elite PokerOwned Member GottImHimmel's Avatar
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    I just maintain my first argument. We need to endure a tough time in order to get out of this. Rather do it now than collapse on the weight later.

  7. #17
    Elite PokerOwned Member maxima191's Avatar
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    Blame Congress and the 4-5 past US Presidents
    "Take My Bankroll-Plz!"

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Pro Flyby123's Avatar
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    Does it really change that much anyway ??? We will see some interest rates go up but for the average American not going to make that big of a difference

  9. #19
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Obama did have something to do with all of this. even 911 he was in the middle of that one.
    his dad is from iran or how every you spell it. just another nigger / sand nigger
    carbonpoker" twittiebirds

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Demi-God AryAlton's Avatar
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    All of our Presidents keep telling us that they are trying to fix the debt. BULLSHIT all these politicians are keep the money for themselves. Why do you think the country is in debt so far. Because they keep taking the money for their own cause. Thats another reason why we have all this cool technology we have too. we have it to keep us in frontof the laptop, Ipad, Computer, and sitting on the couch watching the big screen TV and we are clueless about whats going on in our country. Ask someone who lives in another counrty what thier idea of an american is. Most likely they are going to say "a fat and lazy sitting on the couch watching tv or playing online, clueless and lost in technology"

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