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Thread: Sad day in MI

  1. #21
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The driver that caused it has prior DUI's and was driving on a suspended license, and is being held until arraignment on 5 charges including vehicular homicide.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    They weren't wearing a seatbelt? To be thrown from the vehicle.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    very sorry to hear that thank god your daughter wasnt there too my prayers are being said for that family

  4. #24
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    They were in my thoughts ( the family and your's as well) all day yesterday and in my prayers last night. I continue to wish for a recovery for all. Speaking from my own experience, please consider getting therapy for your daughter at sometime down the line. Take care

  5. #25
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    I have a little more info on this. The Mother and Father have recovered from the head injuries/trauma, and may even be released from the hospital today. 2 of the children have fully recovered, the friend with the neck injury is showing signs of improvement, after 2 surgeries so far she has some movement of her hands and arms, and says she can feel her legs but cant move them. Hopefully thats not just phantom sensations. My daughters friend is doing ok, she is a very strong person, much like my own daughter. It will take time, lots of time, but at least it appears they are all on the road to recovery. There are several funds set up locally for them. It's been all over the news and papers here also, so the financial burden should be minimized for them. I just hope the guy responsible rots in jail. Still waiting for word on that issue, though. Thank you all for the kind words toward my own child, as well as the Williams family.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  6. #26
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    thank you for the update, it is amazing how the power of prayers work and the man above. We still continue to pray and for your daughter also.

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  7. #27
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    His funeral was today, RIP Jimmy. I dont use twitter, but today I found out his last tweet, sometime while they were driving down to Florida was, "All is good in paradise" #problemsolved.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

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