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  1. #61
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post

    I said it before in chat when someone was saying it was wrong that someone told carbon on him, but imo they have an age limit for a reason, Its not to be elitist and to reward people for being of age. Its simply because when you are young your just not quite emotionally ready for some things. And i wish i could go back to when i was 14 and told some of my friends who gambled on horse racing and other things what i know now and they would hopefully not be living the debt ridden life they are now.
    problem is americans age limits are fucked up
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  2. #62
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    yea. when rckt spoke of how well rounded he was. i did question how ANY kid plays all those sports, makes A's and good at poker.
    BUT IF he is good at all these things he is prob more developed in the mind than most adults.
    He certainly acts mature. I have only seen his maturity level drop a little bit for this subject.
    We dont need to get rckt ready for the world. We need to get the world ready for rckt... maybe... IF he is just ALL THAT!!!
    do n e thing you are good at. if you a good prostitute. WORK IT!
    ppl need to stop fearing "detrimental" consequences or at least what most see as so.
    death is not bad. making mistakes is not bad.
    What is bad, is not doing things your good at for whatever reason. its rckt's life.
    This is his decision. What else can he do? get a job in a office and wake up for the morning commute? (much love to MGMT)
    No rckt. THAT is unhappiness ( 9 to 5's)

  3. #63
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    personally id keep my money rather than investing in him. Hes a good player at lower stakes but everytime he tries to rise in stakes his over aggressive style is found out.

    Dalsue showed me his pic and he is defo 14, Looks even younger than lilg.

    I said it before in chat when someone was saying it was wrong that someone told carbon on him, but imo they have an age limit for a reason, Its not to be elitist and to reward people for being of age. Its simply because when you are young your just not quite emotionally ready for some things. And i wish i could go back to when i was 14 and told some of my friends who gambled on horse racing and other things what i know now and they would hopefully not be living the debt ridden life they are now.

    But im not rckts father or anything so if this is what he wants to do then so be it. The main thing that annoys me about this situation and i dunno if others feel the same, but i used to loan rckt alot and most of the time was when he was in debt, and he was in debt for alot many times, But all those times he was using the persona of someone in his 20's and would add the assurance that once he was in too much debt he would just buy pts and sort it out.

    Now i know he is only 14 and obv has no source of income, especially no source good enough to buy pts to pay off 40K+ of pts. So it kinda annoys me that he was just misleading people with his abilities to repay just to get more loans. And i kinda worry that if hes willing to do this at 14, it could really be a stepping stone to something bigger for real money once he gets older.

    Maybe i just worry to much, i dunno, but personally dont feel like this is the place for a youth.
    And you! You are straight up just JEALOUS! I been lending and backing Rckt for years and you know the best part about it is, that means he's bean kick n ya all's azz since he was 11 or 12!! lol
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  4. #64
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
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    I knew he was young but never did he act or play like he was this young, and he still doesn't, and i still put my money on him any day.
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  5. #65
    Elite PokerOwned Member joshtheking's Avatar
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    i dont care, rocket still my friend and a very good poker player so whatever!

  6. #66
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
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    Don't know what you all are ranting and raving about, if you ask me, Rckt has got a pretty bright future and you all can't stand it. Get over it, it's every where.
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  7. #67
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    I find it hard to believe he won all that money at such a young age - my concern is I am retired so have lots of time on my hands to be here - he was here all the time not so good -

  8. #68
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by NascarFanSS View Post
    That is assuming he is telling the truth .. when he has already spent 1 year lying to everyone what makes anyone think you could believe he actually does this other stuff .. the one thing I do believe he does is play I also believe that the perception of Rckt when people thought he was one age gave him much more respect than he will probably ever see at a table again. Now that I know he is 14 I have jumped at almost any chance to call his inexperienced and over played bluffs.

    Nothing personal Rckt I think you are a good kid .. I have a lot of lil brothers and sisters and 2 of my lil bros I have taught to play poker and 1 of them even frequents here once in awhile and kicks everyone's but (TheFlopperBro). I think you might want to read into what Prawney is saying because its the same kind of advice I would give my lil bro. Poker is a rough game on the mind and soul man .. it's one thing to be good at it and enjoy it and it's another thing to depend on it. I urge any of the younger members to please never allow yourselves to become dependent on gambling. You are all bright I'm sure to have even made it this far and that potential is much better spent in an avenue of life where you can give back to those around you.

    I don't think any of us here are upset that underage players are learning the game .. I believe we do need to voice our concerns in the favor of teaching the newest generations respect for the roads in which they are traveling.
    after this post sir, i give you much respect..+1...

  9. #69
    PokerOwned Master hitmeup's Avatar
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    erm... yeah didnt realise this would get such a reaction,good and bad . no worry tho rckt i still love u .. in a non jailtime way!

  10. #70
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lulabell79 View Post
    Based on Rckt's "Money Won" here alone, he is obviously doing something right!! He has won more than anyone else that has posted in this thread, and more than any other member I can recall besides, wagon596.
    He also has prob played in more tournies than most if not all here. Not to mention when we first moved to carbon and there was like 20 people in every tourney each day, Not to mention hes tied 2nd in the golden donkey award.

    Just think he plays a crazy aggressive style that is blatantly obvious. If flop is checked around he raises the turn every time with any 2 just because he thinks the pot can be won. And if he is called on the turn, 90% of the time he makes a "please dont call" crazy raise on river that is easy to pick off if ur used to playing with him, But most just give him alot of respect. Im not saying he doesnt have a clue of what hes doing because thats not true. Just he gotta learn that he doesnt have to win every pot.

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