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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran 666LIZ's Avatar
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    Prom Issues ~ Please Reply

    Well I'm having some issues with our son and I kinda wanted to get some input as to what you guys might do....*Before I lite into this woman's ass*

    Before I get too deep into the whole issue you should know our son had a Birthday Dec 22nd I planned with his girlfriend and several other friends to surprise him. We started planning this birthday party 3 weeks before the event. The day of the event our sons Girlfriends mother called me literally 3 hours before this party. Stating she had not heard of one word of this party. I told her that I had been planning this with her daughter for over 3 weeks and I found it a tad odd that she hadn't heard one word of this. I also informed her that I had spoke with her husband earlier that day when their daughter called me to have him again CONFIRM the party. She turned it around asking WHY I was calling her husband and not her....WHAAA I didn't fuckin call anyone...This lady continues on literally YAPPING more than ME (Unusual I know) for a hour and 45 min while I TRY and set up this party. She yapped bout how they were moving too fast, how she didn't think their daughter should have any sort of social interaction she should focus on school and have no other time to do this or that. She also proceeded to tell me how she was extremely sick, (SO I BIT MY TONGUE) she has anal cancer and this cancer and that who knows she named 20 things off to me, (I Get it Your Sick!) however I got a tad concerned when she said she had been using *Methadone* as pain medication for over 15 years...(Would explain why she Never remembered his birthday & Controlling nature) Well I get it she has a 15 yr old daughter she don't want knocked up pregnant with 3 kids before shes through college....DUHH I don't wanna be a grandma before I hit 35 either so with that said we both want for the same things for our kids. However we don't want to push them away from us either and we were ALL 16-17 Before we ALL know what happens and we ALL know we cant be blind to it. So hell I asked if her daughter was on BIRTH CONTROL, Our son has been informed for christ sake hes almost a man. She proceeded to tell me no and I told her maybe she should (Blunt but HONEST) anyways that's bout how our convo went she didn't agree with me and I didn't agree with her. So here's my issue now.................

    Our son 17 asked his girlfriend of 6 months to his high school prom. He is a Junior and she is a Sophomore. He is 17 as of December and she is 15 with a birthday coming up soon in April. So our son goes out and buys him and 4 of his friends black t-shirts and Lines each Shirt with a letter P R O M ? in hot pink letters for her and asks her at school in the middle of Everyone. She gives him a "YES" answer....Which who wouldn't yanno? However as yall have read above you know the answer truly isn't "YES".

    Her mother said he shouldn't have asked her in a way of like marriage proposal. Yet HE asked HER Father BEFORE he asked her (Southern Respect). Her mother then told them that she wasn't sure her daughter was going to be able to go. So they waited until the day she said she would have a final answer (Last Wednesday) to no avail the answer was NO. Now our son has paid $55 bucks for EACH ticket into the prom, Hes been fitted for his Tux, and NOW she can't go?????
    Are You Fuckin Kiddin Me?

    Well Now our son has said he isn't going to go to his Junior prom because SHE can't go. I'm extremely pissed and just want to call and chew this woman's head off for screwing with his life like this. She is causing so much drama that it isn't worth it in my opinion. I believe this woman will end up ruining this child's life because of her own insecurities whatever her issues are its getting really crazy now.

    And just this morning I was informed they are now NO longer to see each other or hang out. Before they could hang out just not at OUR home or THEIR home (Per HER parents request) kinda ridiculous if you ask me we don't know where our kids are if they are out running the streets and not under our wing.......

    I guess my question to everyone is: How do you fix something like this?

    Any Suggestionz


  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro kiddaa's Avatar
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    this is simple get some dirt on her....blackmail her...or jus tell her str8 up its not right to treat her daughter that way not forgetting what impact it is also having on your son....tell her to grow up and tell her husband to grow a fucking pair....he already said yes....i mean really wtf

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran 666LIZ's Avatar
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    Thats what I told Patrick I was gonna do Thursday if it wasn't resolved

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2013
    tell her the truth she has a dirrahea mouth and needs to get a life for hereself and stop the drama

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    In IL 17 is like the big age difference when it comes to the law and underage sex etc. Maybe its time for your son to get a girlfriend on his level lol

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Veteran 666LIZ's Avatar
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    Eh id agree if I thought they was having Sex....I just don't believe that's the case here. Hell they aren't able to even go out at this point. Also something you should know. I was 16 when his father and I got married....Our son has seen struggles and as a mother I believe hes learned from the lessons I also learned at a very early age. Our son has said for years he doesn't even want kids. He has a 3.7 GPA school is very important to him. So I disagree as to that you automatically assume they are having sex.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 666LIZ View Post
    Eh id agree if I thought they was having Sex....I just don't believe that's the case here. Hell they aren't able to even go out at this point. Also something you should know. I was 16 when his father and I got married....Our son has seen struggles and as a mother I believe hes learned from the lessons I also learned at a very early age. Our son has said for years he doesn't even want kids. He has a 3.7 GPA school is very important to him. So I disagree as to that you automatically assume they are having sex.

    Sorry to jump to conclusions, actually I wasn't trying, but in today's world I wouldn't count it out people grow up faster nowadays. But it looks like its coming down to the girl mother being crazy, she trying to trap her daughter into doing what she feels is right, I feel holding your kids back makes them want to do what they want to do even more, now she will most likely sneak around her mother instead of being straight up with her..

    Is your son still going to go to prom, I missed prom my high school years and wish I didn't.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Veteran 666LIZ's Avatar
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    I understand in most circumstances I would say that's the case but not here. I appreciate your input reguardless of what you decided to say. When you air your dirty laundry online you kinna get what you get LOL.

    As of this mornin as he screamed leaving I'M NOT GOING....GET OVER IT!

    So i'm really not sure I wish this wasn't the case


  9. #9
    TON is Gone.
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    There really is not a lot you can do at this point. Outside of talking to the Father and trying to negotiate a resolution thru him, you are pretty much stuck.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God Swittie's Avatar
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    the woman is clearly kinda out of orbit liz.........O_o

    In the beginning God said : "The four dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric second rank tensor equals zero", and at once there was light.

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