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  1. #21
    Elite PokerOwned Member shellabella's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyDeepStacks View Post
    To be honest, I have read this ridiculously long thread way to many times and still can not determine what type of narcotics are being used here. You people have way to much free time.
    This is a good example of how everyone has their own opinion. No one has to answer to this thread, and obviously a few believe some input is better than none..aside from the six letter answers. I think this is good to create some discussion between members who care and hopefully can respond in an adultlike fashion. Again, my 2 cents...

  2. #22
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Here's my two bits worth (for you young folks that's a quarter). I agree allowing the same people to be abusive in chat is setting this forum back. I'm not sure why Zab continues to let people do this. To me in should be like the judicial system, 3 strikes and you're out. Ban someone from chat 3 times and then give them a month long ban. If they come back and get banned from chat again, then it's a lifetime ban.

    I'm not sure why there isn't more done to stop this, altho there seems to be more policing the chat the last few days. Zab runs this as a business to make money. That's fine, but would any money making firm keep one customer who might be keeping 50 new customers from investing their time and money (points) into that business. It's not a way to run a firm for sure. Don't know if this makes any since, I just woke up. Later Y'all

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