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  1. #51
    TON is Gone.
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by moneym4ker View Post
    That was not a joke, I'm serious. It's really impressive the way you talk about him, you want to take decisions by him.

    It's curious the way you want to solve things punishing a whole nation... Saying that portugueses are cheaters.... Use Google translate and read this thread Pokerstars Eh Foda!!! | PokerStars | F?rum PT ... 2 canadians were cheating at PokerStars and they were literally stealing portuguese players. The PS support banned the 2 canadians boys... Imagine if they had banned all canadian players? Who would imagine that canadians would do that? Just the people who speak english...Hard to believe, but they stole the guy...

    See how ignorant and arrogant you are. My nick at pokerstars is andrelgcp, check my history and see all the PokerOwned freerolls I have played and compare the data, see if I played on a freeroll that I didn't have payed for the password. Ask Zab to do this, i think you don't have enough privilege to do it.

    There is a topic that a lot of people was discussing about this, a lot of suggestions were made including mine.

    And you have guessed right because I only play at PokerStars.
    You really are fishing aren't you?

    I'm not making decisions for ZAB nor have I suggested what ZAB should do. I have told you what ZAB has said he is GOING to do. Why is this so har for you to grasp. Don't blame any language barrier for it either as you seem reasonbly well versed in English.

    Regarding Cheating: Poker Stars Policy is very clear in this regard in that they claim they NEVER publish the results of their internal investigations. This not withstanding, the fact of the matter is that Poker Stars Security team and budget is exponentialy larger then ZABS. Also, it is much easier for them to ban individuals on thier own software by IP when said individuals are caught cheating. If there was some practical way for ZAB to identify specific people who leak the password, obtain their IP address and get Poker Stars to agree to ban those people ONLY from PO freerolls don't you think he would do it?

    Concerning your suggestions elsewhere..... I'm sure if they are plausible ZAB will look at them, but ask yourself this, do you really think ZAB hasn't tried many MANY different ways to solve this problem? Do you think he wants or even LIKES to ban entire countries? Your entire position on this lacks an form of deductive reasoning or logic whatsoever. It's almost as if you have placed you have placed yourself in a vacuum and are arguing why it was a smart thing to do as your air runs out. The more you argue, the more light headed you get

    By the way... I DID read that thread. You made a comment CONFIRMING the problem, but even there you did not offer ANYTHING constructive in terms of solving it.What you DID suggest was something which ZAB had already dismissed as an option NUMEROUS times. IN FACT NO SOLUTION has been posted there yet. At least present eveidence that supports your own position and not mine lol

    I asked you one a simple question in my last post. "I have to wonder.... just how many times you have actually paid for the Poker Stars password anyway?". In English we call this throwing you a softball, an easy question just to check how you respond. As I expected you might, you responded in a very aggresive manner, throwing yet another insult where one was not required. I just wanted to figure out how often you HAVE played there because up untill recently I had played there with regularity. My goal was to try and assess just how well you understand the complexity of this issue. You claim that you have played there numerous times. If this is the case then I am sure you are well aware that the Romanians were banned. Why were you not arguing on their behalf when this happen recently? Are you arguing on principle, as I am, or just petty self interest? I believe that Russia was at one time banned as well. Are they still?

    Really, this is getting tiresome. You have yet to present ONE VALID way to solve the problem. All you have done is restate how little you understand it.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  2. #52
    PokerOwned Demi-God AryAlton's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    It wont do any good to ban the whole country, LOL
    A bad attitude is just like a car with a flat tire, "You aren't going anywhere unless you change it."

  3. #53
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    lol u guys r nuts cant we all get along

  4. #54
    TON is Gone.
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Meh... I really don't give a damn anymore.

    FACT the entire country of Romania was banned. BAM no more Romanians sneaking in with a leaked password.

    Soon Portugal will be banned, and possibly Brazil. I don't really care if anyone believes it Will happen, thinks it Will make a difference, or thinks there "has to be a better way" but doesn't offer one that works.

    The people who leak the PW are Assholes, and the ones who use the leaked passwords are thieves stealing from everyone on this site who earns their points legit. If you are from one of these countries, you have other options. Exercise them and stop your bitchin.

    I'm out.
    Last edited by TONelson; 02-25-2013 at 10:50 PM.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  5. #55
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jul 2012
    ya i knew that the password was being leaked,been playing in the first one of the day the last few weeks and see 10or 20 opted in,but when the tourny starts there are 50-75 entered.

  6. #56
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jul 2012
    yep here we go again 20 sum opted in for the touny and 74 are in,gl to those who earn their way in

  7. #57
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    thats crazy all them extra players get in.. it would be too perfect for everyone to get their individual passwords

  8. #58
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    the thing is full of brazilians and portuguesees -.-

  9. #59
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Nov 2012
    "the thing is full of brazilians and portuguesees -.-"
    Yes + 70+ player o.O
    This is stupid..

  10. #60
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    they solved the issue?

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