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  1. #41
    TON is Gone.
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by moneym4ker View Post
    Hey TONELSON, this is my last post for you...

    Quote Originally Posted by moneym4ker View Post
    First of all, it's possible to do this in only one post! Not so difficult that you need to make 2 posts....
    Possible? Sure, but in terms of normal forum etiquette, you generaly reply specificly to the person you are adressing unless you are adressing a group of people on one general topic. You are comparing apples and rubber monkey butts here buddy.

    Quote Originally Posted by moneym4ker View Post
    <snipped pointless drivel>
    I'm not gonna argue with you about what is a priv8 site, you have your opinion, I have mine... I respect yours but I don't agree with you.
    You are not going to argue because YOU CAN'T. I won't even come close to saying I respect your opinion here because it isn't a matter of opinion. You are wrong. Fact.

    Quote Originally Posted by moneym4ker View Post
    And finally everybody here have already noticed that you are very immature.

    OK, come on? Now you are just trolling aren't you? lol

    Quote Originally Posted by moneym4ker View Post
    Again, this is not about a child thing "this is my site, only mine, and I will never let you visit it". Wake up, Zab is running a business here, I imagine that the fact that I be a brazilian, you a canadian and Joe a bolivian means nothing for him. So he will not do child or immature things, like choose members, he will take the better decisions for the site to grow day after day.
    You are too tooo funny.... you say you won't argue with me then proceed to argue with me. The thing is, your argument does not hold any weight. First, there is no child like "this site is mine" thing going on here, I'm as much a guest here as you are. Second, it does not matter which country you are from, the rules here are the same, so at least there you are right. Third, I think you are being very evasive in trying to not answer the question I asked you directly.

    Your last line is the best of all however, as it defeats your very own argument about the site not being private.

    Quote Originally Posted by moneym4ker View Post
    But like I said I'm not gonna argue with you because Zab owns the site and he takes the decisions, NOT YOU, and talking about business I know that he will take the best business decision...


    I have never said otherwise. If he chooses to ban Brazil as a Country from the Poker Stars freerolls, there is NOTHING you can do about it. Were the site NOT PRIVATE maybe you could.

    So we come back to what I said earlier. If YOU have a better solution.. stop whining and put it forth.

    Right now BANNING BRAZIL and PORTUGAL from the Pokerstars freerolls IS GOING to HAPPEN.

    ZAB Said so.
    Last edited by TONelson; 02-25-2013 at 03:55 PM.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  2. #42
    PokerOwned Master cat2455's Avatar
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    I am confused about your post. Zab makes all the decisions here. He may ask for opinions, but he ultimately decides.

  3. #43
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Ignoring all the trash you said before....

    I have never said otherwise. If he chooses to ban Brazil as a Country from the Poker Stars freerolls, there is NOTHING you can do about it. Were the site NOT PRIVATE maybe you could.
    And at what moment I said that if he ban Brazil from PokerOwned I would do something? Read my first post in this thread, I've just said that is not to fair to ban the whole country only because of 1 or 2. And then you started with a stupid justification: "This is Zab's private site he does what he wants to".

    Honestly Nelson, if I didn't saw your PO Profile, reading all your arguments about Zab in this FORUM, I would guess that you were his girlfriend or his wife...

    But anyway I hope you can be happy if I say that you are right and I'm wrong... The sadly part is that in real life things don't work like as in the internet.

    But if this is the final decision and Brazil will be out, all I can do is to wish luck for you and say thank everybody for the good freerolls that I played with you!

  4. #44
    TON is Gone.
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    Quote Originally Posted by moneym4ker View Post
    Ignoring all the trash you said before....

    And at what moment I said that if he ban Brazil from PokerOwned I would do something? Read my first post in this thread, I've just said that is not to fair to ban the whole country only because of 1 or 2. And then you started with a stupid justification: "This is Zab's private site he does what he wants to".

    Honestly Nelson, if I didn't saw your PO Profile, reading all your arguments about Zab in this FORUM, I would guess that you were his girlfriend or his wife...

    But anyway I hope you can be happy if I say that you are right and I'm wrong... The sadly part is that in real life things don't work like as in the internet.

    But if this is the final decision and Brazil will be out, all I can do is to wish luck for you and say thank everybody for the good freerolls that I played with you!
    Is that the best you can do? Zab's girlfriend jokes? lol

    It's obviously much easier to "ignore all the trash" (also know as a reasoned and sound argument that challanges YOU on a level I guess you are not capable of measuring up to in ANY language), then to actualy try and defend your position with logic and fact. Fine by me. I asked you question after question, you answered not ONE of them. I tried to engage you in a conversation and you deflected rather then provide alternatives. Now you resort to insults and a "pity me, I won't play here anymore" attitude.

    I'll ask you again.... you don't like the solution that ZAB has provided? Whats yours then? In DETAIL, what do you suggest he do?

    Yes, real life IS difficult when someone stands in front of you and tells you you are wrong..... but only if you are unwilling to prove yourself correct as seems to be your problem. Fling the insults all you want, if you can't defend your position in an argument, your insults fall on deaf ears.

    Trust me when I say this, the 4 or 5 people on Poker Owned who choose not to participate here because they can't play on the Poker Stars freerolls won't be missed. The aggervation your countrymen cause ZAB and the outright THEFT of money FROM ZAB when they place ITM in those freerolls that they did not EARN the right to play in...... it more then outweighs ANY amount you 4 or 5 poor souls spend here. IN FACT it is BECAUSE of password leakers from Countries like Brazil, Portugal, Romania, etc etc... that a number of players on this site who would otherwise spend points to enter those freerolls CHOOSE NOT to.

    So you see? In reality it IS GOOD BUSINESS to ban those aforementioned countries from the Poker Stars freerolls. Of course, YOU are welcome to earn points and enter either the Carbon or Juicy Freerolls if you want to. My guess..... you won't.

    I have to wonder.... just how many times you have actually paid for the Poker Stars password anyway?
    Last edited by TONelson; 02-25-2013 at 06:28 PM.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  5. #45
    PokerOwned God
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    i doubt a whole country would be banned. besides, zab had to know of this before the news here. can see how many tickets were bought and how many wer not. its part of the system.

  6. #46
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    that happens alot foreign plaayers share the password it aint right

  7. #47
    TON is Gone.
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dimebags7 View Post
    i doubt a whole country would be banned. besides, zab had to know of this before the news here. can see how many tickets were bought and how many wer not. its part of the system.
    What do you mean you doubt it? It's a fact. The entire country of Romania was (an I belive still is) banned from the Poker Stars PO Freerolls. He has openly stated in response to the leak problems resulting in massive numbers of Portugeseand Brazilian players flooding the freeroll, his inten to BAN both countries from the freeroll effective March 1st. Nothing to doubt.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  8. #48
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimebags7 View Post
    i doubt a whole country would be banned. besides, zab had to know of this before the news here. can see how many tickets were bought and how many wer not. its part of the system.
    Zab bans whole countries at a time and Portugal will be gone in T -4 days.

  9. #49
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by TONelson View Post
    Is that the best you can do? Zab's girlfriend jokes? lol
    That was not a joke, I'm serious. It's really impressive the way you talk about him, you want to take decisions by him.

    Quote Originally Posted by TONelson View Post
    The aggervation your countrymen cause ZAB and the outright THEFT of money FROM ZAB when they place ITM in those freerolls that they did not EARN the right to play in...... it more then outweighs ANY amount you 4 or 5 poor souls spend here. IN FACT it is BECAUSE of password leakers from Countries like Brazil, Portugal, Romania, etc etc...
    It's curious the way you want to solve things punishing a whole nation... Saying that portugueses are cheaters.... Use Google translate and read this thread Pokerstars Eh Foda!!! | PokerStars | F?rum PT ... 2 canadians were cheating at PokerStars and they were literally stealing portuguese players. The PS support banned the 2 canadians boys... Imagine if they had banned all canadian players? Who would imagine that canadians would do that? Just the people who speak english...Hard to believe, but they stole the guy...

    Quote Originally Posted by TONelson View Post
    I have to wonder.... just how many times you have actually paid for the Poker Stars password anyway?
    See how ignorant and arrogant you are. check my history and see all the PokerOwned freerolls I have played and compare the data, see if I played on a freeroll that I didn't have paid for the password. Ask Zab to do this, i think you don't have enough privilege to do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by TONelson View Post
    I'll ask you again.... you don't like the solution that ZAB has provided? Whats yours then? In DETAIL, what do you suggest he do?
    There is a topic that a lot of people was discussing about this, a lot of suggestions were made including mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by TONelson View Post
    YOU are welcome to earn points and enter either the Carbon or Juicy Freerolls if you want to. My guess..... you won't.
    And you have guessed right because I only play at PokerStars.
    Last edited by moneym4ker; 11-25-2013 at 12:21 PM.

  10. #50
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    To make things easy... All freerolls that I paid for the password... T

    -40 02-14-2013, 12:24 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:681245500)
    -40 02-11-2013, 12:24 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:681245497)
    -40 02-08-2013, 12:23 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:681245494)
    -40 02-04-2013, 12:25 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:681245490)
    -40 02-01-2013, 12:24 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:681245487)
    -40 01-24-2013, 12:24 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:664131299)
    -40 01-18-2013, 12:22 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:664131293)
    -40 01-16-2013, 12:24 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:664131291)
    -40 01-15-2013, 12:23 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:664131290)
    -40 01-12-2013, 12:25 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:664131287)
    -40 12-23-2012, 12:26 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:649799306)
    -40 12-22-2012, 12:24 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:649799305)
    -40 11-14-2012, 12:12 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:636629118)
    -40 11-13-2012, 12:19 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:636629117)
    -40 11-11-2012, 12:19 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:636629115)
    -40 11-03-2012, 12:28 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:636629107)
    -40 10-31-2012, 12:28 PM freeroll (Tournament ID #:619736445)
    -40 10-31-2012, 09:26 AM freeroll (Tournament ID #:619736413)
    Last edited by moneym4ker; 11-25-2013 at 12:21 PM.

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