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  1. #1
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    Apr 2011

    Obama Address to Nation

    Is ne1 gonna watch it? It's about how oil is basically useless on the scale 'grandios.'

    In my Risk game we made, rare materials buys contract cards where they can upseat the rival army and oil buys provinces however the army stays invalid. All other materials go into IC (international currency) that buys troops/food.
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro eichroll's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by eqgh5uea View Post
    Is ne1 gonna watch it? It's about how oil is basically useless on the scale 'grandios.'

    In my Risk game we made, rare materials buys contract cards where they can upseat the rival army and oil buys provinces however the army stays invalid. All other materials go into IC (international currency) that buys troops/food.
    wtf r u talking about? yes I watched it and it was the biggest bunch of bs I have ever seen.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Aug 2012
    no more bs than normal. I did not walk out more than 5 times. Dem
    mabey 8 on repulbicans. So better than most years

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Pro eichroll's Avatar
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    Nothing that was said is in his control. Its all up to congress. big shocker pass the blame... and march 31st is the deadline for his failed healthcare plans budget. so if 40% of the nation isn't signed up yet the program is going to be pushed under the rug

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I didn't watch it but let me guess what he health care plan is a train wreck..i took good plans away from ppl who were already covered and happy with there plan and made them sign up for mine at a higher cost to cover all the lazy bums that now get it for free..even though I am tell you idiots that im for the little guy im really sticking it to the little guy who was just making it by but now has to come out of his pocket over 5k a year in deductibles and is also paying more a month for my plan then the plan they did have..i also said no one can be turned away from coverage for previous problems they might have had but you idiots didn't see the loop hole I put in there that even though an insurance cant turn you away they are aloud to not cover certain medicines one might need to cure that previous problem so really they are able to turn you down...I gave the banks and there rich ceo's enough money to bail out there company from there own company created much money that instead of giving it to the banks I could of gave every adult over the age of 18 in the USA one million dollars to do what ever they pleased with and still wouldn't even of came close to what I gave the banks..ive blown this deficit to out of this world numbers but who cares!..its all the rich republicans fault...ive made it the easiest its every been to not work and not even go and look for a job and still be taken care of by YOUR tax demarcates make it seem like we are for the poor and the minority's but really your just to stupid to see that we purposely keep you on government assistance, that way we can always count of your vote because your so used to us taking care of you, you wouldn't know what to do on your own...

    let me guess..i hit it on the head??...WHAT??..what do you mean??...he said just the opposite??...hmm..i wonder why he would lie like that??...

    yes I vote republican as im sure you can tell but really they are full of shit also...$$ must be taken out of politics if you want a true gov for the ppl by the many politicians doing what ever they biggest donor wants him/her to do and not whats right for the ppl of this country...if it was up to me everyone who was running for some seat in office is not aloud to take any donations...everyone gets free air time..equal amounts for each person running .. only the politicians are aloud to promote commercials or radio time from anyone else...just tired of congress/senate being bought by Hollywood or big oil/big bank or anyone ..this gov is absolutely not what our founding fathers had in mind and im sure they are rolling over in there graves seeing what it has become....its almost time to throw the whole thing away and start the history of man, no gov has lasted..they all at some point come to an end and something new and inproved (besides when a gov is over thrown) is put in its place and im starting to think maybe its time for our gov to start over

    funny how I got into this long rant about the gov as im not really that political..guess im just a fed up citizen ..and a little going to

    and just remember..THIS IS JUST MY OPINION....everyone has them..feel free to give yours!..

    PEACE OUT!!!

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    May 2013
    WELL SAID BMAAGZ. I agree with pretty much everything u said. It's pretty sad

    Quote Originally Posted by BMaagz77 View Post
    I didn't watch it but let me guess what he health care plan is a train wreck..i took good plans away from ppl who were already covered and happy with there plan and made them sign up for mine at a higher cost to cover all the lazy bums that now get it for free..even though I am tell you idiots that im for the little guy im really sticking it to the little guy who was just making it by but now has to come out of his pocket over 5k a year in deductibles and is also paying more a month for my plan then the plan they did have..i also said no one can be turned away from coverage for previous problems they might have had but you idiots didn't see the loop hole I put in there that even though an insurance cant turn you away they are aloud to not cover certain medicines one might need to cure that previous problem so really they are able to turn you down...I gave the banks and there rich ceo's enough money to bail out there company from there own company created much money that instead of giving it to the banks I could of gave every adult over the age of 18 in the USA one million dollars to do what ever they pleased with and still wouldn't even of came close to what I gave the banks..ive blown this deficit to out of this world numbers but who cares!..its all the rich republicans fault...ive made it the easiest its every been to not work and not even go and look for a job and still be taken care of by YOUR tax demarcates make it seem like we are for the poor and the minority's but really your just to stupid to see that we purposely keep you on government assistance, that way we can always count of your vote because your so used to us taking care of you, you wouldn't know what to do on your own...

    let me guess..i hit it on the head??...WHAT??..what do you mean??...he said just the opposite??...hmm..i wonder why he would lie like that??...

    yes I vote republican as im sure you can tell but really they are full of shit also...$$ must be taken out of politics if you want a true gov for the ppl by the many politicians doing what ever they biggest donor wants him/her to do and not whats right for the ppl of this country...if it was up to me everyone who was running for some seat in office is not aloud to take any donations...everyone gets free air time..equal amounts for each person running .. only the politicians are aloud to promote commercials or radio time from anyone else...just tired of congress/senate being bought by Hollywood or big oil/big bank or anyone ..this gov is absolutely not what our founding fathers had in mind and im sure they are rolling over in there graves seeing what it has become....its almost time to throw the whole thing away and start the history of man, no gov has lasted..they all at some point come to an end and something new and inproved (besides when a gov is over thrown) is put in its place and im starting to think maybe its time for our gov to start over

    funny how I got into this long rant about the gov as im not really that political..guess im just a fed up citizen ..and a little going to

    and just remember..THIS IS JUST MY OPINION....everyone has them..feel free to give yours!..

    PEACE OUT!!!

  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member astub1975's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    What an address to the nation. Getting progress reports on whats working in Washington makes my head spin!

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God DocHo11idaze's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    income equality was spewed a lot...thats a lot like communism
    Turtleboooy: lol when i come on i think f*** that Doc guy but i dont know why...haha

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2012
    Go bama

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2012
    news to me, so who needs sign up for this coverage? everyone , anyone, or who
    am I suppose to?

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