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  1. #21
    Elite PokerOwned Member PimpGameNM's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    ppl who have no idea wtf they are talking about should bite their tongues
    Quote Originally Posted by BMaagz77 View Post
    its socialism at its one is aloud to be better or have more then the next guy..its like palying a poker tourney with a $5 dollar buy iy....the 1st half of people who bust out get $4 and the 2nd half gets $6..that way no one gets to far ahead of the rest of the players...I always thought this country was about if you work hard you can make some good $..not if you work hard you have to share with the lazy bums

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Pro eichroll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimebags7 View Post
    not that I don't like it, its a fact. its happening right now.

    Obama has done good IMO, but Congress is who you need to pay attention to more than the presss.

    besides, didn't you see Obama on Late show or whatever, fucking hilarious shit man. he has swag.


    Some people just can't be saved. They will follow their king into the depths of hell

  3. #23
    Elite PokerOwned Member JohnnyDeepStacks's Avatar
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    It is done. By the time you realize it, you will be, being lined up against the wall and shot. O no that wont happen here. lolz. Well I just watch all of Boston allow the military come in and shut everything down for days with no fight, or argument whatsoever, NONE. For a few guys. Gl sheeple gl

    Last edited by JohnnyDeepStacks; 01-29-2014 at 02:41 AM.

    JDS boobytrap spelled backwards is partyboob
    PooffyFooffy omg I need to play there more, were u in da game?
    JDS @PooffyFooffy no Pooffy its just a fun fact

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Demi-God DocHo11idaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyDeepStacks View Post
    It is done. By the time you realize it, you will be, being lined up against the wall and shot. O no that wont happen here. lolz. Well I just watch all of Boston allow the military come in and shut everything down for days with no fight, or argument whatsoever, NONE. For a few guys. Gl sheeple gl

    We need a like button on PO
    Turtleboooy: lol when i come on i think f*** that Doc guy but i dont know why...haha

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimebags7 View Post
    not that I don't like it, its a fact. its happening right now.

    Obama has done good IMO, but Congress is who you need to pay attention to more than the presss.

    besides, didn't you see Obama on Late show or whatever, fucking hilarious shit man. he has swag.



    holy shit this is the dumbest thing I have ever read..and it proves my point that Obama didn't get elected because he was right for the job but because he was cool and hip..and now look what Mr. Cool has done to the country...I personal never want anyone who's cool to be my president..i want some old fart who knows only about budget balancing and international affairs and stuff like that...its real sad that ppl voted for him because of his personality and not on his skills...shows you how smart the youth of our country is

  6. #26
    New Member
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    i love obamma

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Pro
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    I'm glad I didn't waste my time listening to him BS the entire nation with his lies.

  8. #28
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    I agree, Dimebags.

    A lot of you might not know the history of the Americas, the wars that changed America, the people.

    The revolution was an accumulation of the 'French and Indian War' the people that won this war was never the colonist, up until the 1910s the Indians of America had complete control over military affairs.

    The reason the CDN/US border has been unguarded, undefended, is missing characters equals namely Tecumseh and the obliterated (ENG) Iroquois League now and then dissolved after the 1776 war. During 1812 the new confederacy had a choice of allying with Mexico which would have been disastrious for the world.

    The military commanders have always been irrelevant, it was the women that saved the natives both caucasion and "native." The Norse Colonization DID happen, ahweestkanakwakwego!

    The plight of the CDN people have been answered by humiliating our PM Harper. Obama has shown how strong his 1st lady is, and, to appoint a Jewish chairperson to the Federal Reserve ('The 16 Trillion Dollar Woman as TIME has it) coupled with the character of a fresh nations' voice in the black serpent has unequalled potential for rarity. Washington (George) will never be lost.

    You all have much to learn we have infiltrated your people even to the sports degree. Look up Babe Ruth (my ancestor) and you'll see he was Iroquois, they called him "nigger lips." George Herman Ruth was my granddad's brother. Mein Grossvater va hilbe Deutsch mit dem nachnamen "Ruth."

    In 'dressing down' the clergy-based CDN gov., Obama has secured a rare material potential only equal to Bolivia, Siam, etc,. Ashenogegogon geynogididiney queyngey!
    Last edited by eqgh5uea; 02-12-2014 at 07:24 PM.
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

  9. #29
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    Founding Fathers, Secret Societies: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Decoding of the Great Seal: Robert Hieronimus Ph.D., Laura Cortner: 9781594770876: Books

    I am Dan Ruth, "Seneca." My people are Haudenosaunee, the 5-6 Nations. Senetaca = Nundayowanno... Obama is in control whether you guys like it or not. Iroquois (IO have spoken).
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

  10. #30
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    Magical archers ya right, more like rapist doctrines classifying poor Jewish ppl as hatred even though YOU ALL practice circumsition. To Tadodaho, to Priests, to Rabbis, to Muslim and Mayan Lords, they ALL fall. In bones made of Stars we will grow cold, than hot then freeze once again I tell you we are the lowest forms of dust.
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

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