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Thread: No begging damn

  1. #1
    Survey Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    No begging damn

    ok hate to make a thread like this but it looks like something needs to be said. honestly people how hard is it to do a few surveys???? or to use a credit card? theres so many easy points on this site to get why not take some initiative and go get them?

    ive been seeing a few ppl here and there in the chatbox begging for a stake.i just watched a guy in client asking for points. and just being outright annoying. grow up ppl. if youre a member on this site and playing poker then you should be at least 18. normally ppl are working regular jobs by then and are trying to be grown ups. apparently not.

    i understand that some of you are from other countries and all the options that are available here are not available to you but there are ways to make points for you. we have the lottery ticket. up to 15 free points. 5 posts per day all paying 5 points each. theres also a freeroll tomorrow in client that has a prize pool of 7250 pts. im sure there are other ways to gain points but begging is not 1 of them. please stop.

    sorry guys, dont mean to sound like a dick but the ppl who have the points they have didnt get them by begging. they earned them. nothing in life is free

  2. #2
    Survey Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    i really think zab should put something in place like full tilt n stars had where if you dont have the minimum buyin for table you cannot chat on that table

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