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Thread: My thursday...

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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God RVCrusher's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    My thursday...

    My thursday... i went to the storage auctions today, was pretty funny LOL my very first storage auctions ever, so apparently there was 5 dif ones i was aware of..two were @ 10 was at 11am and another at noon and another at 1pm. So we drive over to the first one @ 10 am, turns out they didnt have one today they actually dont have one til august so0o0o on to the other one @ am, turns out they cancelled it, i geuss the guy paid his storage?? hahaha i didnt know they could do that, wtf??? LOL :P So then we got something to eat and went to the 11am one, that one was cool, turns out there were 5 units up for auction there, ( they told me 6 on the phone ) so the first one was just like a table n some other shit, nothing really get uber excited over really, and this guy ended up buying it for $15, i say GL with that..he'll prolly sell the table for $10 on his best day, and the other crap is dump material and u gotta pay a $40 cleaning deposit, u get it backa fter u clean it out but still thats cash u gotta hand over so itreally cost him $55 but the $40 is like a rebate so anyways locker #2, was interesting, had a fireproof safe, very similiar to one i own, and i was willing to gamble on this one, i set my cap @ $40 and it ended up going for $55, the rest of the locker was really junk, not alot in it, but ya that was interesting because of the safe, but it could obv easily have nothing in there or nothing worth value..so0o locker #3,#4,#5 started to go alot higher, locker #3 was a bunch of shit not full but just a bunch of shit, it wouldnt fit in a bed of a pick up, ud have to have a u haul type of truck or a trailor or something but ya tht was for $275-$300 i think, the next locker #4, was jam packed full of shit i mean all the way to the roof just crap, and it went for $575 so hiliarious, omfg like really?? u paid $575 for the peice of fckin shit, wow just wow, the last locker of the day was very similiar to the one before it, jam packed full of shit all the way to the top and all of it is just shit but alot of guys were walking around acting anxious like the kinda thing where "i gotta buy a locker today, or i reeeally want to buy something today" there were a couple guys with that written all over there that went for $475, the auctioneer asked me while i was looking at it, he goes " u think we'll get $500 for this?" hahaha know u guys know how i wanted to major in psychology but im switching to business but i still enjoy the psychlogical view of things and i cant understand why he would ask me such a question, kinda funny.. i said i thought it would go for $600 afte seeing the last locker LOL so that was the first place, and the next one at noon got cancelled and the one at 1pm, was actually at the facility where we have our storage unit hahaha (no the unit up for auction wasnt ours :P ) so we actually went there to get some stuff from our locker and saw all the regs we saw from the first auction and it was so hott out seriously it felt like it was 150 degrees lolll especially standing out there during the we skipped that and went home, it was fun though going to my first storage auction was pretty cool, not i know a little more about how they work and stuff..the hype on it is kinda bs, i mean its kinda like a filthy ass thing to do..but i mean if u could get a cheap locker, its still pretty fun imo

    so came home..played a little online poker..yes i said online poker and then just basically chilled until this Omaha high/low tournament at my local casino started. It was at 6pm and its a lil $25 buy in with a $5 add on for extra chip and (1) optional $20 rebuy/addon, so i put the $25 and the $5 and for the $25 u get 3500 in chips and 500 for the $5 so i started with 4000 in chips, there was alot more tables then there usually is, its like wtfff lol there was like 5 tables and theres usually like 3 tables for the omaha tourney, well its my 2nd time playing the omaha tourney but usually they have like 3 tables on average in their im starting out pretty tight, limping alot cuz no one raises really they all just limp its kinda really easy to exploit play at the beginning, so i limped with a really shit hand like 7743 or something, and flop came 4 7 10 rainbow, so UTG bets 200, 1 caller, i make it 1k, caller, caller, so UTG who made it 200 jams all in, i call and another guy calls and i do as well, so were 3 way and i go" rebuyyy,who has the set of tens"? LOL they b oth show me fckin low draws, and i faded the sickness, no one hit a low, and i scopped a 13k+ chip pot at 50/100 blinds during the first hour, so i was stylin, won another big pot, went into first break with like 17k in chips, since then was cruising, cruising down to 2 tables and this is 2.5 hours later blinds are 500/100 and i find myself shortstack with only 12k. Ive been not really blinding off but didnt really find a spot where i wanted to put my stack in cuz i didnt need to, hand strength wasnt there, etc. So down to 2 tables blinds 500/100 and im hovering around 12-14k, and i get dealt AA68 and the AA is off suit and the 68 is hearts. So those of you that know high low know that, that is a shit hand..plain and simple..but yet all of you are poker players and can relate when you get like a faaat stack, and u havent been active forever and u just are looking for the best spot as fast as you can so your stack doesnt drowned..well that was happening with a mixture of maybe my brain had a brain fart and was like idc if your playing high low your playing this hand! so i potted it UTG+2 at a 9 handed table..and i get 2 callers..ughh im hating it already im alraedy thinking"i need to hit something.." or else my hands shit flop comes out J 6 5 weith two now im thinking im fckin dead..thats flat our..a bad flop for my im thinking eh..fat pot..i got around 8k left...and maybe i can isolate and maybe scoop thsi or w/e and so i shove and the lady to my left ( really nice having alot of fun drunking etc.) and she snapp re shoves im like fml... LOL why did i have to get involved here.. LOL so..then this other guy over called after thinking for ltierally like 3 min. thats a long time when ur waiting for someone to act btw :P LOL so im like dead i need alot of help..and she shows her hand..nut low draw with nut flush pair..other guy shows like a weird wrap with no i was actually like leading but ya turn was a club right of the bat and boom im drawing dead, the lady scoops it and knowcks us both out..and i automatically regret getting onvolved there.. now that im writing this..i geuss i coulda got away from it on the flop like check/folding but thats wayy to passive/weak i think, i think it was prolly jsut a bad idea getting invovled there prolly..still kicking myself but ill obv get over it..prolly around 16 ppl left when i went out and top 5 paid min cash i think was like $140 and first was a lil over $700, so thats pretty good for a $30 buy in..but ya was fun i next week but idk its suumer and 1 week feels like a looong time LOL they have a $25 bounty tourney on saturday i might play that..might not..idk we'll see, they have a $140 bounty tourney on july 9th im def. playing thatll be wayy fun, each bounty is $25 and theyre cappign it at 200 players so im geusssing theyll get around 130-140 players and first will be like 3k-4k or something..with like 2 tables being paid or something..

    so ya that was my thursday, LOL regretting pushing there in my omaha tourney but ya know live and learn..just a bummed is tarted out sooo good and didnt cash or anything, sigh lol

    so ya... thats it

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Nice post. I get a kick out of these storage unit auctions. My brother took me to one in Tennessee. It is amazing how competitive people can become when they feel someone else might make a deal and they do not want to be left out.
    I went to a postal auction up here in Minnesota once. To see people stuffing their cars full with the stuff they bought was a wonderful sideshow. $75 for a huge bin that would fill 2 small cars.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Wow, that was an eventful day. I really like hearing the storage auction story and thought process.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    crazy day it wil come togther in your omaha game

  6. #6
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sounds like a very fun Thursday. I would like to check out a storage auction sometime.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    wow..nice day

  8. #8
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    crazy day it wil come togther in your omaha game

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    wow..nice day

  10. #10
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    My thursday...

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