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  1. #51
    PokerOwned Pro eichroll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unkclan View Post
    that isnt true at all. i win $5000 for someone.

    they tell me to send back $4500 and i argue that they dont get that much

    yup i'm greedy
    yes bc without them u never would have had the opportunity. b happy u have a 500$ roll now instead of 0

  2. #52
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    im with eich n tommy on this...and i personally dont think there is a right n wrong just a diff way of doing things...end of the day tommy put down the terms of the stake before hand and unk agreed..thus reguardless of if u think its how m/u works or not uve already agreed for everyone else to see thats how ure going to do it on top of which its not ure money so on top of already agreeing to it u have a moral obligation to pay the staker what he is asking for as without him u wouldnt of played at all

    as a final note tommy has approached me in the past for a couple of small stakes and if he approaches me in the future so long as i think the original split is fair i will do any/all of the demands moneywise that he asks for afterall its his money
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  3. #53
    PokerOwned God DuckU408's Avatar
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    i thought this tread is about how to apply make up to your face.

    This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!

  4. #54
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy62278 View Post
    tell me how this makes sense to any of you? sorry to keep this going im just not understanding at all how this math is correct.

    ok the cookies and unkclan way using 50/50 split

    guy owes you 25$ he makes a 100$ profit on next stake. using their math he pays you 25$ leaving 75$ to split. 37.50 each. you collect 62.50 total and he is even <<<<<<<correct way>>>>>>>>

    now my way same split

    guy owes 25$ makes 100$ profit on next stake. do the 50/50 split each gaining 50$ then he pays you the 25$ he owes. you collect 75$ and he is even. <<<<<<<first stake is no longer stake, but was loan, incorrect way, as stakee has now got his cut from this stake and PAID you back for previous stakes out of his cut, this is not how m/u works, sorry>>>>>>>>>>>>

    which way makes more sense to you as a staker? why would the profits 1st go to his makeup then you split the difference?
    The pt of m/u is so the stakee doesnt profit more than the staker, sorry tommy but you are completely wrong here. Your way is basically saying all previous stakes are a loan, and you have to pay them back out of anything you make from future stakes. Makeup makes all stakes basically one big stake, so stakee is getting his percentage out of profit from all stakes. If you do the research you will see this is how it is done.
    Last edited by madjek; 06-06-2013 at 08:15 AM.

  5. #55
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by DuckU408 View Post
    i thought this tread is about how to apply make up to your face.
    lol so did I and the rest was too complicated i dont get involved with others money

  6. #56
    Survey Master
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    shipping unkclan 13.08 to run a mix of micro sngs on bcp. stake will be 60/40+sb and m/u. current m/u is 25$ any profits if any after our split will go towards m/u. horse must post all post hands. also agrees to update br after each post. can move up once he has 10x BI for next lv. glgl

    this is what he agreed to madjek. read carefully

  7. #57
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy62278 View Post
    shipping unkclan 13.08 to run a mix of micro sngs on bcp. stake will be 60/40+sb and m/u. current m/u is 25$ any profits if any after our split will go towards m/u. horse must post all post hands. also agrees to update br after each post. can move up once he has 10x BI for next lv. glgl

    this is what he agreed to madjek. read carefully
    Like i said in chat, unk should of read fine print, so technically you are correct tommy, but this would be like someone saying terms are 60/40 with sb, then stating that if you lose sb is to be paid within a week. So obv they don't understand sb here and a reg stakee would only look at the beginning "60/40 with sb" and agree, knowing and assuming stakee understands what sb is. Here you are callin something m/u which is a common term in staking and expecting something different, this is not makeup, this is pay me back out of your winnings if i stake you again, which is fine if thats what you want, but its not make up, so i understand unk's pt , but its there in print and he should of read it and brought up issue before agreeing, so i am with you, but you should research what mu is before using the term in future stakes, all i am saying.

  8. #58
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by madjek View Post
    Like i said in chat, unk should of read fine print, so technically you are correct tommy, but this would be like someone saying terms are 60/40 with sb, then stating that if you lose sb is to be paid within a week. So obv they don't understand sb here and a reg stakee would only look at the beginning "60/40 with sb" and agree, knowing and assuming stakee understands what sb is. Here you are callin something m/u which is a common term in staking and expecting something different, this is not makeup, this is pay me back out of your winnings if i stake you again, which is fine if thats what you want, but its not make up, so i understand unk's pt , but its there in print and he should of read it and brought up issue before agreeing, so i am with you, but you should research what mu is before using the term in future stakes, all i am saying.
    yeah i should have read more carefully and your assumption is dead on.

    either way those terms are contradicting and confusing as you don't split until make up is paid in first place so that sentence is invalid

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