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Thread: HP Touchpad $99

  1. #1
    PokerOwned Moderator
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    HP Touchpad $99

    Bah... I can't believe I found out about this 2 days late. HP decided to discontinue webOS devices to focus more on the OS rather than hardware. This lead them to drop the price for the 16gb model from $399 all the way down to $99. If anyone hears of a website I can still order this from, I currently have 700 PO points. If I successfully order it from your tip, it's yours. Seems like a great tablet, and the reviews are pretty solid. I can't believe HP didn't mark it down to maybe $200. They still would have sold out fast.

    HP TouchPad Sale: Where to Buy Tablet Computer for $99 - International Business Times

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBeesKnees View Post
    Bah... I can't believe I found out about this 2 days late. HP decided to discontinue webOS devices to focus more on the OS rather than hardware. This lead them to drop the price for the 16gb model from $399 all the way down to $99. If anyone hears of a website I can still order this from, I currently have 700 PO points. If I successfully order it from your tip, it's yours. Seems like a great tablet, and the reviews are pretty solid. I can't believe HP didn't mark it down to maybe $200. They still would have sold out fast.

    HP TouchPad Sale: Where to Buy Tablet Computer for $99 - International Business Times

    Not for any US consumption anymore. Some stores have just decided to send back to HP. So you may just want to drop a line to HP email and see if you can buy one of the ones coming back. But, I'd pass on this offer. The OS is going to be as buggy if not more than all the android platforms out there currently. As there will be no more support and apps built for this os, or platform spec build, I'd say it's an easy pass. Unless you have a specific need for this tablet and can use it as is for the rest of it's life span. As Google's Motorola deal has gone thru, I'd say there are going to be some cooler droid stuff that's going to be a lot more stable coming to market soon. BTW I have a Droid2 so, don't think I'm just bashing Droid cuz, I'm an iphone lover. I'm just stating what I've seen, and experienced. Hope this post helps. GL

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Moderator
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    Ya, but it's 100 bucks. Hard to pass up. Plus, someone is working on porting Android onto it, but I just want it to surf online. I'm willing to buy it just for web browsing. I don't think many have been sent back to HP, and if they have, they'll be redistributed to retail stores anyway. Best Buy started to do that, but reversed it. This news saddens me for two reasons. One, that I didn't get one, lol, and two, I also read HP is pulling away from making personal computing devices. They are the leader in PCs, and are pulling away to do what IBM already did. Don't know if anyone is going to purchase their PC line, but that's good news for Dell and Lenovo. Dunno why Sony still makes VAIOs. If HP is thinking of pulling back, dunno why Sony didn't do it years ago.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God
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    That does sound a ridiculously good deal. I wish you luck in your pursuit.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Moderator
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    Slickdeals stated that they believe Wednesday is the second wave of shipments to retail stores. Also, as far as support, there will be no hardware support, but HP will probably continue work on webOS so that keeps us hopefuly for software updates, but I'm not worried about bugs and lack of support. Plus the porting of Android sounds awesome. Anything Linux based runs pretty solid, so I'm definitely waking up super early on Wednesday and hopefully nabbing one.

  6. #6
    -(^_^)- ProBlackbird's Avatar
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    It's looks something good, probably should buy one
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  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member maxima191's Avatar
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