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  1. #51
    PokerOwned God DuckU408's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    i'll stake you and give you a chance fam, terms are dont run off with my money, go on tilt and donk it all at the cash tables.

    This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!
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  2. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hey s810car will you accept PO points as a form of Payment
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  3. #53
    Danghis Khan dk12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ducku408 View Post
    i'll stake you and give you a chance fam, terms are dont run off with my money, go on tilt and donk it all at the cash tables.
    i accept!
    "Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you will get the results" -Oscar Wilde


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  4. #54
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2013
    Alright so famfirst messaged me out of the blue today. I am not sure why since i have nothing to do with this but he wanted to tell me his side of it the convo is below. i dont know what is being said outside of here but i thought this info would help clear up what happend to ya'lls money and how/if ur gonna get it back

    famfirst21: hey i dnt want u to think that this whole is has made me a bad person i am in the process of fixing my wrongs but i dnt want u to be afraid that u cant stake me or i u
    Me: do u wanna explain the situation? i have been accused of scamming and noone would listen to my explaination so i am willing to listen
    famfirst21: ok this is how it went. I played as i was supposed to with Tommys Stake money
    Me: ...
    famfirst21: i sent back the 9.90 as said i would after winning that 3.30 on demand 4 days later i was pretty much broke i had 25$ that was at a 50/50 split or continue to attempt to make more
    famfirst21: so thats wut we did
    Me: so he is lying? like u already paid him?
    Me: i dont understand i dont think
    famfirst21: after bout 4-5 days i was deep into both out profits then broke. i didnt know how to tell tommy bout how it happened so i decided to take s8s money to try to make a lil of our profit back to keep him happy and show him im still playing and i lost S810s money then i really freaked
    famfirst21: i kept playing more like tommy wanted but if i played more i lost more and thats exactlly what happened and when i lost it all i panicked and tried to fix it and instead i messed up on two different accounts and freaked
    Me: ya u shoulda just posted all the hand historys and fessed up that u lost man that happens with a stake
    Me: but now that u just disappeared and wouldnt respond to him i think that u owe him his money back
    Me: so what about s810car what happend with him\
    famfirst21: yea the thing was my hand historys kept getting lost between my desktop and my HUD and then sometimes i couldnt even find them at all
    Me: alright dude i believed you till then
    famfirst21: so i messed up on the forum posts as well with hand historys confusing myself and everyone else on the rail
    Me: all u ahve to do is click hand history in ur skin and u can see find every hand u have ever played
    Me: if i were u i would go thru all of my hand history and find them
    famfirst21: yea i know but i couldnt get it in the form i needed to post it to my forum like how i was told to get it and when i couldnt find it any other way i tired to figure a way to make it look like i was giving them something to keep it satisfied but i was wrong in all aspects
    Me: so what happened with s810car?
    famfirst21: oh he is getting paid
    famfirst21: i have someone that is willing to buy the debt
    famfirst21: someone that truely trusts and understands the situations more so then others round me atm
    Me: well i really hope u get it taken care of u are a good played i hate to see u get banned over petty cash
    famfirst21: i think its gonna be in PO points then i pay my buyer of my debt back in Paypal or 1$ increments up to 12$
    famfirst21: oh there not banning me lol
    famfirst21: they tired lol
    Me: they tried?
    famfirst21: yea they tried to get me banned
    Me: well i mean if u dont pay them u deserve to get banned
    famfirst21: so instead they kept me and stopped my trades between ppl for PO points and stuff till its paid
    famfirst21: its getting paid no worries bout that
    famfirst21: for sure but i dnt want it to have a profound effect on u to the point that u cant trust me at all anymore cause honestly u can im just not gonna get that involved with stakes like that again
    famfirst21: and if i do its only gonna be one at a time
    Me: ya i mean i wont be staking u or anything till i hear that it is paid. i i mean u can explain it however u want but u did a shady thing
    Me: shady isnt the word, what u did was wrong plain and simple and u could clear it up right now by posting the hh but u say it is lost which is impossible
    famfirst21: ok fine dont believe me on that then but im not gonna lie bout it i never lied bout it i just avoided it there is a big difference
    Me: there is a different but not posting ur hand history is a pretty strong indicator that u are lying
    Me: and saying that u cant find them is a lie all u have to do is type in the date
    famfirst21: well i wasnt i really seriously and honestly couldnt find it either on my HUDs hand history or my folders where my hands history is for BCP
    Me: u can pull it up right in the skin dude
    Me: but its pointless to talk about it anymore. like i said i alwasy liked u i hate to see u in this situation so just pay it and move on. and if i were u i would stop playing on bcp untill u pay it off

    i went idle after this and my bubble cleared but he went on to tell me that he was only playing because he won .55 in a freeroll and he got it up to $4 and then lost it. after refreshing here is the rest

    Me: u had money, u owed money and u didnt pay it that is scamming anyway u look at it plain and simple
    Me: i would have backed u up if not for that but that is a scum bag thing to do dude
    famfirst21: believe what u want thats all i have to say im done on it for now all u have to worry bout is knowing s8 will be getting paid back like ive already been sayin with either paypal or po points either way he will get paid back soon
    Me: i dont have to worry about it at all its not my money
    Me: im gonna make a thread of this convo so tommy and s810 can see whats up since u been ignoring them
    famfirst21: no need its already been taken cared of bro
    famfirst21: ive posted in both forums today
    Me: ya well this weill make sure of it
    famfirst21: wtf ever dude go f*** urself then
    famfirst21: it
    famfirst21: i already said i took care of
    famfirst21: now u just pissed me off going off and being a form of a snitch i havent said anything different so it dnt matter
    famfirst21: believe what u want thats all i have to say im done on it for now all u have to worry bout is knowing s8 will be getting paid back like ive already been sayin with either paypal or po points either way he will get paid back soon
    famfirst21: no need its already been taken cared of bro
    famfirst21: ive posted in both forums today
    famfirst21: wtf ever dude go f*** urself then
    famfirst21: it
    famfirst21: i already said i took care of
    famfirst21: now u just pissed me off going off and being a form of a snitch i havent said anything different so it dnt matter

    hope this helps clear up some things if not atleast it will clarify his intentions of how he paying it off
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  5. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by nab76 View Post
    Alright so famfirst messaged me out of the blue today. I am not sure why since i have nothing to do with this but he wanted to tell me his side of it the convo is below. i dont know what is being said outside of here but i thought this info would help clear up what happend to ya'lls money and how/if ur gonna get it back

    famfirst21: hey i dnt want u to think that this whole is has made me a bad person i am in the process of fixing my wrongs but i dnt want u to be afraid that u cant stake me or i u
    Me: do u wanna explain the situation? i have been accused of scamming and noone would listen to my explaination so i am willing to listen
    famfirst21: ok this is how it went. I played as i was supposed to with Tommys Stake money
    Me: ...
    famfirst21: i sent back the 9.90 as said i would after winning that 3.30 on demand 4 days later i was pretty much broke i had 25$ that was at a 50/50 split or continue to attempt to make more
    famfirst21: so thats wut we did
    Me: so he is lying? like u already paid him?
    Me: i dont understand i dont think
    famfirst21: after bout 4-5 days i was deep into both out profits then broke. i didnt know how to tell tommy bout how it happened so i decided to take s8s money to try to make a lil of our profit back to keep him happy and show him im still playing and i lost S810s money then i really freaked
    famfirst21: i kept playing more like tommy wanted but if i played more i lost more and thats exactlly what happened and when i lost it all i panicked and tried to fix it and instead i messed up on two different accounts and freaked
    Me: ya u shoulda just posted all the hand historys and fessed up that u lost man that happens with a stake
    Me: but now that u just disappeared and wouldnt respond to him i think that u owe him his money back
    Me: so what about s810car what happend with him\
    famfirst21: yea the thing was my hand historys kept getting lost between my desktop and my HUD and then sometimes i couldnt even find them at all
    Me: alright dude i believed you till then
    famfirst21: so i messed up on the forum posts as well with hand historys confusing myself and everyone else on the rail
    Me: all u ahve to do is click hand history in ur skin and u can see find every hand u have ever played
    Me: if i were u i would go thru all of my hand history and find them
    famfirst21: yea i know but i couldnt get it in the form i needed to post it to my forum like how i was told to get it and when i couldnt find it any other way i tired to figure a way to make it look like i was giving them something to keep it satisfied but i was wrong in all aspects
    Me: so what happened with s810car?
    famfirst21: oh he is getting paid
    famfirst21: i have someone that is willing to buy the debt
    famfirst21: someone that truely trusts and understands the situations more so then others round me atm
    Me: well i really hope u get it taken care of u are a good played i hate to see u get banned over petty cash
    famfirst21: i think its gonna be in PO points then i pay my buyer of my debt back in Paypal or 1$ increments up to 12$
    famfirst21: oh there not banning me lol
    famfirst21: they tired lol
    Me: they tried?
    famfirst21: yea they tried to get me banned
    Me: well i mean if u dont pay them u deserve to get banned
    famfirst21: so instead they kept me and stopped my trades between ppl for PO points and stuff till its paid
    famfirst21: its getting paid no worries bout that
    famfirst21: for sure but i dnt want it to have a profound effect on u to the point that u cant trust me at all anymore cause honestly u can im just not gonna get that involved with stakes like that again
    famfirst21: and if i do its only gonna be one at a time
    Me: ya i mean i wont be staking u or anything till i hear that it is paid. i i mean u can explain it however u want but u did a shady thing
    Me: shady isnt the word, what u did was wrong plain and simple and u could clear it up right now by posting the hh but u say it is lost which is impossible
    famfirst21: ok fine dont believe me on that then but im not gonna lie bout it i never lied bout it i just avoided it there is a big difference
    Me: there is a different but not posting ur hand history is a pretty strong indicator that u are lying
    Me: and saying that u cant find them is a lie all u have to do is type in the date
    famfirst21: well i wasnt i really seriously and honestly couldnt find it either on my HUDs hand history or my folders where my hands history is for BCP
    Me: u can pull it up right in the skin dude
    Me: but its pointless to talk about it anymore. like i said i alwasy liked u i hate to see u in this situation so just pay it and move on. and if i were u i would stop playing on bcp untill u pay it off

    i went idle after this and my bubble cleared but he went on to tell me that he was only playing because he won .55 in a freeroll and he got it up to $4 and then lost it. after refreshing here is the rest

    Me: u had money, u owed money and u didnt pay it that is scamming anyway u look at it plain and simple
    Me: i would have backed u up if not for that but that is a scum bag thing to do dude
    famfirst21: believe what u want thats all i have to say im done on it for now all u have to worry bout is knowing s8 will be getting paid back like ive already been sayin with either paypal or po points either way he will get paid back soon
    Me: i dont have to worry about it at all its not my money
    Me: im gonna make a thread of this convo so tommy and s810 can see whats up since u been ignoring them
    famfirst21: no need its already been taken cared of bro
    famfirst21: ive posted in both forums today
    Me: ya well this weill make sure of it
    famfirst21: wtf ever dude go f*** urself then
    famfirst21: it
    famfirst21: i already said i took care of
    famfirst21: now u just pissed me off going off and being a form of a snitch i havent said anything different so it dnt matter
    famfirst21: believe what u want thats all i have to say im done on it for now all u have to worry bout is knowing s8 will be getting paid back like ive already been sayin with either paypal or po points either way he will get paid back soon
    famfirst21: no need its already been taken cared of bro
    famfirst21: ive posted in both forums today
    famfirst21: wtf ever dude go f*** urself then
    famfirst21: it
    famfirst21: i already said i took care of
    famfirst21: now u just pissed me off going off and being a form of a snitch i havent said anything different so it dnt matter

    hope this helps clear up some things if not atleast it will clarify his intentions of how he paying it off
    can you not fucking read dude i already told u i took care of the fucking god damn thing now u have to go report every god damn word i have to fucking say bout the fucking issue wtf is ur problem dude trying to create more problems that dnt need to be here
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  6. #56
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    if everything u have said is they same thing u told them why would there be a problem? They deserve to know that u are still donking off money while u owe them, and the deserve to know how/when u plan on paying them off. your anger makes no sense.
    Last edited by nab76; 01-24-2014 at 03:06 AM.
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  7. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by nab76 View Post
    if everything u have said is they same thing u told them why would there be a problem? They deserve to know that u are still donking off money while u owe them, and the deserve to know how/when u plan on paying them off. your anger makes to sense.

    and regardless of any situations if this happened to u i wouldnt post what you entrusted with me regardless if it was different or not and in this case it isnt but for you to go pull this crap u just created ur first enemy now u can have a wonderful day and fuck yourself for it
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  8. #58
    PokerOwned Demi-Goddess Tecate's Avatar
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    This will be the end of this thread.

    Famfirst has made the arrangements with his stakers for payback terms, if he doesn't not follow through with them, he knows what will happen.
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