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  1. #81
    New Member
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    Nov 2016
    Originally I think I was voting just to have earned the right to complain for the next four years

  2. #82
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    So now that the election is getting close again because of FUCKIN EMAILS, I feel the need to update people on the legal action currently facing Donald Trump.

    So Donald Trump's next court date for raping a 13 yr old is a couple of weeks away on Dec 16th and here is an Affidavit by verified former Epstein employee who admits to soliciting child victim & witnessing Donald Trump rape her. (Images are too hard to read so ill post links)

    So yes remember when people are getting on their high horse about FUCKIN EMAILS (that she was already cleared off btw) that Donald Trump along with being the least qualified candidate in history is also likely a rapist peado.
    Before I give a statement, I wanna let every1 know that I'm a Canadian and moved from Mass. when I was 5 or 6 y/o.

    This whole election process has had Tribal Council (we're gonna build a wall so the builders can build, why we keep America and those keepers will Keep, etc,) and an expression of unity (2nd Amend. and the power of the 'Bible Belt'). Now before I go into Dualism, let's look on how America as a whole' was shaped by war; from the French-Indian War that left U.S.A. without a European sovereign; to the American Civil War that had soldiers fighting for equal rights who weren't exactly willing.

    Mr. Trump skillfully used tribalism, unity in the form of religious doctrine of, "it's okay to want change or work since you HAVE to get married, or should; you also should have kids and hey, if you can't support yourselves you can blame the gov."

    What he didn't use was Dualism: male/female, intelligence/consciousness, influence/tension, capacity/gridline, pi?/phi?, etc,. And this will probably force America to unite under a different banner or advanced science like Federal Naval Academies that use Math as a 'Law.' This is far off, so I think America will be okay -- eventually!"

    It is true that the American Constitution was based on consumer relations and/or goods and I actually feel sorry for "gun-people" who feel they can only use the 2nd Amend. to unite each other. Let's face it, Religion will probably control planetary affairs and to be honest, some people have nothing else but it's non-threatening atmosphere (inside the chapel of course).

    To dissuade or make a call on which will come first is my choice, not the candidates: ppl who can go for walks and explore the natural world that religious symbolism seems to ''take'' hold of: the same ideals that Religion offers that can dissuade ppl from killing, raping on these trails.

    Only Mathematics can truly unite ppl, however I think it's a long way off. All things aside, Religion has no place in survival on the Earth and to not realize that our planet is 1/10 trillion is something I can never let go. Whether that is more powerful that gun-tooting and chapel singing is up to you guys. Theres lots of land here and I'd be happy to give the surrounding area of the Reserve (that I never use) that is my birth right.


    Last edited by eqgh5uea; 11-13-2016 at 03:51 PM.
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

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