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  1. #41
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by marlydog1812 View Post
    Yes our Bears suck and both of our candidates suck even more, but we got the Cubs baby!
    Cubs wtf lol

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  2. #42
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    This is a post from another forum im on that sums up my feelings on this election

    Drumpf is definitely the most poisonous candidate in modern American history and while there are reasonable people voting for him begrudgingly the percent of people of people who view him favorably and rate him trustworthy is absolutely frightening

    There is regularly violence and intimidation/suppression at his rallies that he himself eggs on. He rejects facts in lieu of his baseless feelings and assumptions so regularly that he's created a complete distrust of literally any piece of evidence that's brought that isn't in league with their tunnel vision

    'Russia hacked the DNC'
    'That's not true'
    'What do you base this on? This is the conclusion of national intelligence'
    'My gut'

    He accuses the people accusing him of looking for their 15 minutes, vaguely suggests that his supporters should 'look them up' and the accusers are left to fear for their lives or in some cases leave the country because of the backlash from the unhinged. And then they have the audacity to ask 'well why are they coming out NOW? CLEARLY it's for personal gain and attention'. They actually chant 'lock them up' in reference to people coming out and accusing Drumpf of sexual assault and actually question the motives of people who forfeit their ability to have anything resembling a normal life to come out with this

    Journalists who speak negatively of him are inundated with death threats from cowards on a level beyond what can be reasonably expected

    People at his rallies without an ounce of shame attach their names to ideas like 'I'm gonna take my gun to the voting booth and I'm gonna interrogate brown people to make sure these aren't Syrians for Hillary'

    Drumpf makes no effort to denounce or calm even the most extreme positions and in some cases actively encourages them 'maybe the 2nd amendment people should do something about [hillary]'. The worst of Drumpf's rhetoric is in fact when he's at his vaguest so he can deny ever saying what it's inferred he's saying.

    His idea of surrounding himself with 'the best people' includes disgraced media figures who were pieces of **** to begin, alt-right liars like Drudge, campaign managers who model themselves in his bravado, arrogance, disgust and hatred towards people who disagree and idea of confident lying beats facts any day of the week, loud incompetence conspiracy peddlers like Rudolph, disgraced politicians who dream of being mob bosses like Jersey Fats (who even Drumpf admitted was being too sleazy to be his running mate) and an evangelical lunatic like Pence. His policy concepts are either nonexistent or utterly insane. He's promised jobs coming back to people who are unwilling or unable to adapt to the times ignoring the fact the jobs they're pining for will never return (and in a lot of cases outright shouldn't)

    He's denied climate change vehemently then denied having done that. He's tried endlessly to intimidate and suppress people who provide facts of his wrongdoings, he's a 70 year old high school bully who brags about trying to **** cheerleaders, shamed the ones who won't **** him, picking on nerds while high fiving all the people who thinks he's cool and fails all his classes because he never bothers to study. All else being equal if he didn't inherit wealth he actively tried to squander he'd be dead 20 years ago and homeless the preceding 30. The only difference between him and a burnout hermit in a tinfoil hat in a bunker is they're smarter and he's luckier. His crimes against society are so vast everything I've written, while disqualifying of being a democratic leader, don't even begin to scratch the surface

    The people who view Drumpf favorably represent the lowest of the low of this country. They think their worst ideas are now legitimate cuz Drumpf panders to them. They think racism is ok cuz Drumpf does, they think bullying and mocking people is ok cuz Drumpf does. They're supporting a candidate THAT WAS ENDORSED BY THE ****ING KU KLUX KLAN FFS! You're either a simp fool who's been conned, or you love his racism, or you love the idea that women should never be on equal footing or whatever else but either way at best you're a complete idiot, at worst you're a piece of **** human being and you simply don't deserve a say in how this country should be run. Does that run counter to the concept of democracy? Sure it does. But so does rejecting the peaceful transition of power and only accepting the will of the people if it favored your guy

  3. #43
    Experienced Member
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    Before we vote we make sure that we are voting the right person to make sure that our vote is go for nothing. Good luck of your choices guys.


  4. #44
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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  5. #45
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    So Trump has Poof, Greengiant and Turtle. Cast of all stars

  6. #46
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    So Trump has Poof, Greengiant and Turtle. Cast of all stars
    Thankfully only one of them will actually vote.

    Best Poets of All time<br/>

  7. #47
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jan 2014
    Im just stopping in to thank Prawns for not putting me in the group "So Trump has Poof, Greengiant and Turtle. Cast of all stars"

    Vote 3rd,4th,5th party(it wont matter this year but could change the future). The 2 party system is a joke.

  8. #48
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Mostly i wanted to make fun of GG and Turtle and just couldnt resist including Poof lol

  9. #49
    PokerOwned God greengiant's Avatar
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    lol rivdee and prawney, you guys must pull half the crap you make up out of you asses. Hillary is totally corrupted, more lies than Trump, doesn't care about the American People and you vote for her with glee... Ok "cast of Hillary all-stars" hehe Yes you guys are smart.
    Our body is the temple of God. No man shalt mix clay with iron will surely perish.

  10. #50
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jan 2014
    lol i almost felt bad for herewhen i seen her name with those 2

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