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  1. #21
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by trogers View Post
    No that was the moment I got tired of reading your political comments in chat on a poker fourm. It just so happened to be something i know a lot about. My problem with you is you never bring me stats(not talking about just guns), you just ramble your veiws like OC talking about one of his shit sports teams
    Heres a stat. 1st world countries where guns are illegal have less gun violence than america.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jan 2014
    I dont care about your views ricki, you killery supports are killing me tonight. I did not even bring up guns.

  3. #23
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    riv, why did you have to post this thread..Cant we all just get along, cheers!

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Fuck libtard lets talk about guns. How you going to take care of the problem? Chicago IL and IL In general has the strictest gun laws in the country with the most killings (Chicago ghettos) How would you get all those guns(there already illegal guns they should not have)? How many amendments you going to sacrifice to get your American dream Prawn? Lets here some answers since you are the smartest political mind PO has to offer.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    The chicago arguement is legit the most hysterical arguement i ever heard. Imagine a huge land mass with little to no gun restrictions and then imagine a small area inside that land mass. HOW WILL THEY EVER GET GUNS THERE???????? I exaggerate alot when im ranting but im on record that im not against single fire rifles and shotguns. Yeah I know you are a gun guy and will find the flaws in that but whatever, we all know on this subject you are just looking out for your own money, literally.

    As far as ammendments, Im not against the 2nd ammendment. Im just against how it is interpretated. You obviously seem like a guy that cares about the consititution and ammendments so I expect you will be voting for Hillary as she is actually the only candidate who isnt campaigning on getting rid of ammendments. As im sure you know Trump is active campaigning on getting rid of the 1st ammendment.

    So do you view the constitution equally or do you just care about the 2nd ammendment coz you profit from it?

  6. #26
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trogers View Post
    I dont care about your views ricki, you killery supports are killing me tonight. I did not even bring up guns.
    I don't even understand this statement but if you don't care about anyone else's views how can you have an open mind I don't like to get into my views I never talk about them in chat, I have only voice my opinion on the candidate not on any other views or issues though . and I'm not going to in this thread because this is all that leads to LOL the only thing I ever see you say really politically as you call Hillary killary which is just a buzzword to get a reaction from people as I said before I am done with this thread LOL I am going back to poker now if you guys are going to talk at each other,,, all nite,, you might as well be chatting in the chat with each other ,,,why bother keep posting one at a time in the thread...

  7. #27
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Prawney doesnt understand that he is comparing a pea to a watermelon in the case of guns in other European countries and America. The 2nd Amendment will never get repealed. America has over 300mil people, not to mention illegals. America has over 1 billion guns, good luck finding them all. The only guns that will be turned in is by law abiding citizens, thugs/criminals will still keep theirs and get more from Mexico. They might set into place stricter gun laws as far as assault rifles and maybe registration to each gun/owner, which i am for.

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    "This is such a lol comment. Mainly for the fact you refer to one candidate as "killary" so clearly you have an open mind. I legit dont get the Killary thing you have bought into. Either you are talking about the crazy conspiracy that clintons have been behind a huge campaign of killing people against them or you buy into the false theory that Hillary is at fault for Benghazi. I mean both make you stupid but which one do you claim?"

    I talk to people that support Trump the way you do Hillary the same way, like the sheep they are. Killery comes from what I think she will do to the country , you always try to bunch me in with Republicans because you cant comprehend just not having a side in a 2 party election . Anyways she will win and we will see what happens

  9. #29
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Ok buddy, have a good one.

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Ricki-"I don't even understand this statement"

    This does not surprise me

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