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  1. #31
    Elite PokerOwned Member pokerponed's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Yes they make my 92 off suits all look like AA. Also theres lots of bright colors on my cards that signal me to call any and all shoves.

  2. #32
    LLB King
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TomKat1958 View Post
    I've noticed on the tables that several players have weed related icons and occassionally chat and remark about how they're smoking a joint, a blunt or a bowl. Some like to brag about their bongs and the high quality buds they're enjoying. I don't recall seeing any of these potheads on the final table with me. I'm sure sometimes they win though, I just don't see them lasting like some of the other veterans. I get a little anxious stoned on weed, and find myself more likely to take a donkey style risk when I'm high. So I have a few questions to poll with here.
    1. Do you think you play better stoned on weed?
    2. Do you enjoy your tourney more when you're high on marijuana?
    3. Is there a better drug choice to take advatage of when playing a tourney?
    I play high very seldom, makes me fold for days, and that is just not my style.

  3. #33
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    im just not playing very good if im not on drugs tilt litle less

  4. #34
    PokerOwned God
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    [QUOTE=wagon596;301744]While on LSD I won a $50,000 dollar tournament. Oh wait a minute it was just a hallucination.[/QUO

    very funny like this answer the best good sense of humor wagon

  5. #35
    Seasoned Veteran
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    I think it all depends on how your personally react while on these substances!

  6. #36
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I used to think when I was younger that pot made me play better now it don't I play just as good normal as high

  7. #37
    PokerOwned Veteran PursuitofPlay's Avatar
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    Adderall for me. I haven't got adhd but it does wonders for my focus and attention span. The stuff is so expensive though

  8. #38
    PokerOwned Pro
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    I thought it was a well known fact that a lot of players use Benzo's while playing (ie: Xanax). Though I actually read that in a poker book(HoH Cash?)? ..not sure if that was where I read it though

    Every persons physiology is different, a drug can affect one person completely differently than another person, therefore a drug that might benefit one player is not always going to have the same effect on the next player.

    I find when I smoke I actually will lay down hands or fold in spots that I shouldn't because I over think things. I definitely play a much tighter game stoned than I do sober. If I drink just a couple beers it takes the edge off in a live game, but if I get wastey face drunk than I end up playing super loose aggro and win a whole lot or lose it all.. no in between.

    I would think that adderal would be a drug of choice for poker players, but have not heard much about it being used in the poker scene. I know Matasow used to use Meth and play, which is basically the same thing as adderal.

  9. #39
    PokerOwned Pro VVickedKitty's Avatar
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    Pot enhances my eating lots of cookies, chocolate, and ice cream abilities.
    I think a lot of the people who think they perform better on any kind of drug are just deluded by the drug.
    Carbon VVickedKitty37|BCP VVickedKitty |Juicy VV1ckedKitty|Lock VV1ckedK1tty

  10. #40
    New Member
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    Aug 2013
    I've been high as a kite at every FT I've been at. I'm high whenever I'm playing. I'm usually high when I'm not playing too. Helps me focus on the game, and to not go crazy when I get donked on. Nearly impossible to tilt when you're stoned. Yay weed!

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