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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
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    Jun 2012

    Do you want your state to regulate online poker?

    If you want your state to regulate online poker, respond to this thread: and get involved with the Poker Players Alliance at Poker Players Alliance: Poker is not a Crime! Join the PPA and Defend America's Favorite Card Game. and become a member of the community. Don't just sit there and complain, do something about it.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Weekend #Fight4Poker action plan:

    • Let's all reply here with "done", "tweeted," "posted," etc. to encourage others, and please share & favorite this post on your wall.

    • Let's make & like poker posts on on the article at (free sign-up required):
    - Gambling bill would allow PokerStars, Full Tilt to apply for an online gaming license -

    • Let's keep making & liking poker posts on IL Gov. Pat Quinn's Facebook wall:

    • Please retweet & favorite today's action plan:

    • Thanks for participating!

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Join the PPA and get exclusive access to PPA TV – live, members only updates from the PPA. Get to know the PPA staff, ask questions during the live Q&A and find out what you can do to help us reach our goal of licensed and regulated online poker. Check out the initial update here: About Us Video, Recorded on 3/20/13 ppa-admin1 on USTREAM. Breaking News

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    JOIN THE PPA TODAY!!! The Poker Players Alliance is something everyone can join for $15 a year. The more that join, the more we will make a difference! Do it today!

    Thank you!

    Your PPA membership premiums have been recorded and will be sent to you within 4-6 weeks.

    Let your friends on Facebook know about the PPA.

    Let your followers on Twitter know about the PPA.

    As a member of the PPA you are eligible to become part of PokerPAC, the PPA’s political arm.

    Federal law requires that contributions to candidates for political office meet certain criteria. That’s why we created PokerPAC, the political action committee of the PPA. PokerPAC only supports candidates for the U.S. Congress who are outspoken supporters of your right to play the game you love. By pooling our resources to support poker champions, we can have the greatest impact.

    With the 2014 elections less than two years away, our legislative success depends on the PPA electing as many supporters to Congress as possible. Every single dollar contributed to PokerPAC will make a difference in the upcoming election. We ask you to consider making whatever contribution you can to PokerPAC now.

    Contribute to PokerPAC today. Thank you.

    Proud to Play,

    Bryan Spadaro
    Membership Director
    Director, PokerPAC

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    1,078 Check this out, you will see certain states already going through the motions of passing legislation for regulating online poker. It is time to jump on the bandwagon or get left behind.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Poker Players Alliance
    Tuesday Poker action plan:

    • Let's all reply here with "done", "tweeted," "posted," etc. to encourage others, and please share & favorite this post on your wall.

    • Let's send CA Gov. Jerry Brown & CO Gov. John Hickenlooper prefilled, fully editable poker tweets:

    • Let's keep making & liking poker posts on on the article at (free sign-up required):

    • Please retweet & favorite today's action plan:

    • Thanks for participating!

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Take These Actions Today and Stand Up for Poker
    With the historic victories for online poker in New Jersey and Nevada, PPA is urging the poker community to TAKE ACTION in support of poker in all its forms (online, B&M, home, charity, etc.). Below are a number of actions you can take to make your voice heard to keep the momentum growing.

    Please be sure to share this with your family and friends and encourage them to act as well. Let’s seize this moment and let our federal and state lawmakers know we care about the right to play poker!
    1) Email your Elected Representatives
    Simply click on the buttons below and in less than 60 seconds you can send a prewritten, fully editable letter directly to the email inbox of your elected state and federal representatives! Either send as is or, better yet, edit the letter a bit to tell them in your own words to support your poker freedom.

    2) Call your Elected Representatives

    It is as easy as picking up the phone. Call the offices of your governor, your representative, and your two senators, and ask them to support licensing of online poker. This should be a short, friendly call where you simply ask that they support your poker rights.

    Simply tell them that you are a constituent, voter, and poker player, and ask them to support state and federal efforts to license and regulate Internet poker.

    Tell the staffer who answers the phone:
    I am a constituent, voter and a poker enthusiast.
    I want the Governor/Senator/Congressman to support state and federal efforts to license and regulate Internet poker.
    Regulation means strong consumer protections as well as billions of dollars in revenue.
    Please support my freedoms.
    Thank you and I would like a response from the Governor/Representative/Senator.

    Enter your ZIP Code and click "Submit It" to get their phone numbers
    Zip Code: +

    Clicking "Submit It" will take you to information provided by a third party website

    Or click here to use our PPA Facebook app.

    After your call, use the following link to let us know how the call went. This is important for tracking calls to Members of Congress: PPA Caller Feedback | Poker Players Alliance
    3) Participate in the daily "Fight for Poker Rights" action plan
    The Fight for Poker Rights action plan is updated daily with all new actions we can take to stand up for the game:

    Fight for Poker Rights Daily Action Plan on Two Plus Two
    Fight for Poker Rights Daily Action Plan on PocketFives
    Fight for Poker Rights Daily Action Plan on OnTilt Radio
    Fight for Poker Rights Daily Action Plan on CardsChat
    Fight for Poker Rights Daily Action Plan on Deuces Cracked
    Fight for Poker Rights Daily Action Plan on Part Time Poker
    4) Meet directly with your lawmakers

    Nothing is more effective to convey a message than face-to-face interaction. The PPA has made requesting a local meeting with your lawmaker and his/her staff very easy. Use our Poker Meeting application via Facebook to request your local meeting today. We will send you everything you need for your meeting. Just contact the office and set up a meeting. We will provide you with talking points, a letter you can present at the meeting and even a map to your Member's District Office.
    5) Communicate on social networks
    Nearly every governor, senator, and Member of Congress is on Facebook and/or uses Twitter to communicate with his/her constituents. In fact, last year Congressman Joe Barton publicly stated that hearing from poker enthusiasts via Facebook helped motivate him to introduce his online poker bill in 2010. Simply visit your governors', representatives' and senators' Facebook pages and post a message asking that they support.
    6) Reach out to the media

    Getting this issue out in the mainstream press is an important component to building momentum behind the bill. We encourage you to send a “Letter to the Editor” to your local paper to praise state and federal online poker legislation and to encourage your state’s lawmakers to support it. Many PPA members have taken this action and dozens of letters were published! Let’s keep the good work up and send your letter to the editor today.

    It is also important that if you see an online news story about poker legislation that you take a moment to comment on it (if the story allows for public comments online). The more comments/interest a story receives; the more likely that news outlet will commit more time covering the issue. This is a great and easy way for us to get more attention for our poker rights!

    To find local media contact information, please click here.
    7) Join the PPA as a PAID member
    For just $15.00 a year, you can become a member of the PPA and help us win the fight for poker. Ante up and become a 2013 paid member of the PPA and receive an official PPA t-shirt (while supplies last) and exclusive member benefits. Join today!

    8) Join our Social Networks
    The PPA has some of the best social networks in the poker world. These are a great way to communicate with us and other players. Become a fan of the PPA on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. While you are at it, update your status or send a tweet asking people to visit this webpage and take action!

    9) Promote on the Web
    PPA has created a series of animated and non-animated banners to help raise awareness. Click here to go to the full gallery of banners.

    Now is the Time for the Poker Community to Stand Strong for Our Rights!

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I will be continuously updating this page as information is made available. Expected additions will include a guide for players so they can fully understand the "remission of funds" process with the DoJ. Please use the below box to allow the PPA to send you email updates on this process as we release them.
    Latest Updates from the PPA

    Update (03/13/2013): Website (Full Tilt Poker Claims Administration) established to facilitate processing of claims
    Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that the United States has retained the Garden City Group (“GCG”) to serve as Claims Administrator to oversee the process of compensating eligible victims of the fraud committed by Full Tilt Poker against United States players that was set forth in both the civil money laundering and forfeiture action United States v. PokerStars, et al., and the indictment United States v. Bitar, et. al.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    that's a lot of stuff to do. I'm on the tasks and prepared to fight Any government

  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    What poker player doesn't want online poker to be legalized in their state since it is already legal to play live...totally pointless.

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