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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
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    Jan 2013

    A change in direction for me:

    Hey guys, so I was running really bad on Carbon a few nights ago and just getting really frustrated about it and decided that I was just tired of it. I haven't been a fan of Merge's taking away of all their loyalty and VIP ideas, I haven't been crazy about how tough the fields are, the RNG is way too streaky for my liking, and really I just wanted a break from it.

    I've tried BCP and love it, but I'm a night owl and I've found it impossible to find the games I want to play at night because nothing fills then on BCP. Juicy and Lock are like monopoly money. I was just stuck there for a little bit on the direction I wanted to go in.

    So I decided I'd give Bovada a try. I hadn't played on there other than a stray PO/RTR freeroll randomly once in a while since at least February. I had about $30 from freeroll winnings.

    I grinded sit and goes that night, starting with $1 heads up and ran pretty well but ran it all the way up to about $65, where I made another switch to $2 instead and continued to run it up to about $150. Then I tried stepping up to the $5 (way too soon for BRM, but the games were just so soft) and found that my profits plateaued at that level. So I decided to switch from heads up to Bovada's 9-handed $5.30 hyperturbos with 300 starting chips (notice the amazingly smaller amount of rake than Carbon). I quickly found that these are the softest SNGs I have ever played, ever, for any stake at any site, and while, the format put them susceptible to a ton of variance, I found people shoving QJo utg 9 handed with blinds at 10/20 and so on and just found this amazing niche and understanding to just destroy these games.

    Basically in the course of 2 days, I ran up the $30 into almost $900 and I think I found "my game" to attack for awhile. Bovada has these tournaments in $10 and $20 formats too, but those don't seem to fill.

    I'm just going to attack these and make bank for awhile. I can't even believe how suddenly this just came upon me, but if things continue to go as planned and this isn't just some amazing run (which this doesn't appear to be), I'm going to give up my focus on other sites and really just attempt to hit these games at Bovada until I can establish a big enough bankroll to attempt to play up. I've never been this optimistic about my poker outlook going forward, hopefully this goes as well as I think it will.

    I am highly suggesting that all you guys give Bovada a chance that I never really did, I hadn't realized how much softer and how much better rake-wise it is than all the other US sites.
    Last edited by jasonv12; 09-11-2013 at 12:52 PM.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    best of luck on bovada you will do good im sure
    <StephyMarieC> erik!!!!! yay you've always been one of my favorites hehe <scorcher863> i kinda want to smoke some meth, then play poker for like 3 days straight

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    focus and determination are the key elements for success good luck

  4. #4
    RNG is offline
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Sep 2013
    I kind of feel the same way about Carbon although I haven't really play all too much on there. Bovada has unanimous user so thats one thing thats keeping me away from them. Will play on BCP soon, since I'll have flexible time when I want to play.

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