Personally I don't see myself going shopping with any funds, besides the fact that amazon stopped shipping to us and anything from ebay requires 30+ days and exorbitant custom fees, instead it would probably go towards my bankroll.

Looking at pokerstars for example, I thought they would accept paypal for instance but I don't see the option. Never used a paypal or amazon gift card before so not sure how that would work. All the poker rooms do accept web wallets and in particular Neteller. I went looking to see if they provide any gift cards we may utilize for the same purpose.

*drum roll*... Ta dah!

Now Net+ is their branding for a digital/virtual MasterCard debit card which you get for free with your Neteller account, basically it's a credit card number, ccv number and an expiry date which you can use for online (iow card not present) purchases and works like a charm.

So what I can gather is that you can create a Net+ card as a gift card with a fixed amount allocated and works like a prepaid temporary credit card.

Tell us what you think and @"the powers to be", would this be something you'd consider?

P.S> If you don't have a neteller account yet, PM me your e-mail and I will invite a friend. This way we both get a reward which you won't get otherwise.