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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    About Boudreaux and Thibedoux...

    Thibedoux had a big ole party at his house and everyone was was all good, everyone was havin' a good time, then Boudreaux had to go wondering around the swimming pool. Now the swimming pool wasn't for swimming and hadn't been in quite some time, instead the pool had gators, snakes, nutria rats, turtles, and all sorts of things of the swamp.
    So Boudreaux went to asking Thibedoux, "Hey man, whats up with your swimming pool, can't no one swim in that?" So Thibedoux decided to have everyone at the party come out to the pool and there he told Boudreaux, "You don't like my pool Boudreaux, dat's fine, but I tell you what, anyone that can swim across that pool and make a lap back without dying, I'll give you my daughter's hand in marriage, ten thousand dollars, or an oil well?" So everyone was looking all around and then suddenly, "Splash!", it was Boudreaux!! Man Boudreaux was swimming as fast as he could and getting around those snakes and seemingly hurdling over them gators and bypassing them big ole' turtles and nearly as fast as Boudreaux was in, he was out of that pool. Boudreaux had made the lap, he was panting and out of breath, couldn't even talk he was so out of breath. Thibedoux was astonished, he said, "Man Boudreaux, I knew you was crazy, but you done gone and done it now!" Boudreaux was still speechless and Thibedoux said, "Well I'm a man of my word, I guess you want them ten thousand dollars." Boudreaux shook his head, No. "Well, I guess you want that oil well." Again Boudreaux shook his head, No. "Well, I hate to give away my daughter to ya', been seeing you eyeing each other, but I'm a man of my word and we gonna have a wedding!" Boudreaux replied, "Man I don't want your daughter either!" Thibedoux was perplexed and said, "Look Boudreaux, that's all I got to offer you, what you want you crazy fool!?"

    Boudreaux replied, "Man I just wanna know who pushed me in!!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Hope everyone enjoyed the joke! Have fun today and win some hands!!

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member Cajunaimee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    cajun spelling of thibOdeaux, just saying......

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunaimee View Post
    cajun spelling of thibOdeaux, just saying......
    oops lol

    yeh it can be spelled that way too

  5. #5
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    yes enjoyed it alot of reading though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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